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作者 標題 Re: [問歌] 我想找類似詠嘆調或聖歌的歌曲
時間 Wed Jan 2 00:21:09 2013
U need this.
Ultramarines Chant
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlRfPQP4uhA 0:59開始
Ultramarines Chant - YouTube
P.S - If you want to learn more about movies connected with Warhammer, see - Battle anthem of the Ultramarines legion ...
P.S - If you want to learn more about movies connected with Warhammer, see - Battle anthem of the Ultramarines legion ...
Agitatis Ultramarini!
Dominitis Ultramarini!
Non praestatis Ultramarini!
Nobilitis Ultramarini!
Dawn of War II - Space Marine Theme [Full] - YouTube
This is also known as the "Dark Future of War", but it was under the Space Marines category.
This is also known as the "Dark Future of War", but it was under the Space Marines category.
NonoSu 這是一個蒙面的神祕哥哥和一位美女妹妹的故事吧
NonoSu 這是一個戰亂時代中爭奪領土和妹妹的故事吧
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :Agitatis Ultramarini!Dominitis Ultramarini!1F 01/02 00:27
→ :以上其實我都看不懂(逃)2F 01/02 00:31
→ :Rise to action Ultramarines!3F 01/02 00:32
→ :Dominate them Ultramarines!
→ :Dominate them Ultramarines!
→ :It's all greeks to me.5F 01/02 00:33
推 :我也看不懂@ @"6F 01/02 00:34
→ :大拉芙 我好想睡覺喔 可是房間好冷 快來陪我(抱)7F 01/02 00:34
→ :是說這首有種軍歌的fu8F 01/02 00:35
※ 編輯: biglafu 來自: (01/02 00:40)推 :沒有電熱器QAQ 我媽叫我明天自己去愛買買11F 01/02 00:40
→ :......棉被蓋厚一點 或是再多穿衣服睡覺12F 01/02 00:41
→ :肢體末端要保暖 可以穿襪子跟戴帽子看看..
→ :肢體末端要保暖 可以穿襪子跟戴帽子看看..
→ :know how a spacemarine spends his day---->dance14F 01/02 00:43
→ :雨女晚安 大拉芙晚安 我有電熱器我最強(被打)
→ :雨女晚安 大拉芙晚安 我有電熱器我最強(被打)
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→ :秀秀(摸頭)17F 01/02 00:49
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