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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-10-31 13:19:05
看板 Tech_Job
作者 Assisi (Francesco d'Assisi)
標題 Re: [情報] 台積電美國來台受訓在glassdoor評論
時間 Sun Oct 31 11:15:24 2021

※ 引述《NTUEE2CS (電機轉資工)》之銘言:
: https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-TSMC-RVW49365407.htm



Was able to train in Taiwan, work for one of the most important companies on
the planet that no one knows about, be exposed to culture outside the US, am
being given skills I can take to lot's of desirable positions in the future.

There are incompatibilities between work culture, learning/teaching style and
other expectations from the US to Taiwan. This is to be expected. My trainer
I think has definitely met me part way, and I believe I can say I have done
the same. There's still a gap, but this can be worked on.



期待上。我的導師 (Trainer) 和我都看到了對方部分的面向。各種差距是存在的,也是需可


The work culture in Taiwan is really different than in the US. I am sure TSMC
will have to change to an 8 hour work day five days a week or do what other
companies do with Fabs and run three days on, four days off, four days on,
three days off rotations. As it is right now in Taiwan The minimum amount of
time at the company is 10 hours a day, but realistically is running up to even
12 hours a day. This is for those of us who are American training to go back to
the new operation in Arizona. The reality for people from Taiwan is that they
are doing even more than 12 hour days often. There's also the night shifts and
weekend shifts on duty and/or on call. That last part is understandable as the
fab lives 24/7.

The training in this experience really depends on one person who is your
"trainer". My experience has lacked any structure, but had no shortage of
expectations. I came up with some process to approach learning new equipment
and daily tasks, but to be honest don't know that I've arrived yet.

TSMC doesn't seem to enshrine a sense of individual freedom. The company
provides housing for those of us training from the states, but has very much
micromanaged everything we do in our living arrangement. There's a curfew with
no guests allowed for example. And the long term housing adds another hand hour


工作文化實在是差異太大了。我想台積應該是可以改成每週 40 工時,或者像其他晶圓廠
等,而且這還是僅僅是我們這些從美國來到台灣,未來要到 Arizona 工作的夥伴。如果是



Advice to Management

The software used by TSMC is dated. Of course TSMC may not be alone in this as
industry doesn't have the same motivation in software decisions as the consumer
driven market has, which results in amazingly optimized applications. The apps
people know and love meet a minimalist and aesthetic criteria for a reason. Big
companies don't have the motivation but minimalist software with an aesthetic
UI makes people more efficient at what they're doing and can save the company
time. TSMC could even justify having its own internal software development
team, and it would save massive amounts of money in people's time. A lot of
software at TSMC also seems to be repetitive. TSMC should reduce the amount of
software it has for different tasks, find functions that are repeated across
applications and reduce to a common application.

I joined TSMC for the same reason I became an engineer. I want to do something
I'm passionate about and improve peoples lives in a lasting way. Semiconductors
are a magic bullet that have changed and are changing our quality of life and
the way we live. Unfortunately it seems TSMC doesn't enable the same outcome
for many of its employees as the technology enables for the planet. The
percentage of the budget going to pay employees at a company like TSMC is small
compared to the cost of a fab, the equipment it houses, defective product and
other issues. There's no reason TSMC can't increase the number of employees it
has to allow people to go home to their families at a reasonable time each day
and give them good benefits. I think TSMC might at least approach this in
Arizona as it has to compete to retain and attract talent against companies
like Intel right across the street.

Too much time is spent in meetings to review the work from the last night/day
in the morning, and to review what was done during the day again in the
afternoon. These meetings add up to three hours in a day easily. That's a lot
of the work day. Some of the solution may be in software. I truly believe most
of these meetings could be automated. The engineer who last worked with the
equipment would record tool status and changes, and makes recommendations.
The manager gives approval to any recommendation or overrides, and the engineer
coming into the next shift only looks at the tools they've been assigned to on
this "hypothetical" application. The only person it makes sense to have three
hours looking at this stuff is the manager who would have to make approval,
hold engineers accountable or interject if need be. The rest of the staff
should be able to cover the material that actually relates to them on their
own in five to ten minutes. TSMC could automate this through software. This
could also solve some of the issue with the long work days. People in TSMC
Taiwan honestly are not being more productive than Americans on an eight hour
work day. But tasks which don't contribute to what actually needs to be done
in an efficient way suck up the employees time.

The "e-learning" system TSMC uses to teach new employees is terrible and needs
to be abandoned. I would seriously recommend TSMC to provide an anonymous
survey to the entire company, but also specifically to the American hires as
there are additional translation issues from Chinese which make the learning
even worse. Chances are high that if the survey is actually anonymous people
will confess they haven't learned anything from the e-learning, and it just
wasted time they needed to learn their process.



讓員工在工作同時也可以兼顧家人。特別是考慮到未來台積要到 Arizona 和同樣在附近
的 Intel 一同競爭。

回顧當天的狀況。我想很多事情應該都可以簡化和自動化的... (略)。我不認為在美國正

最後則是台積的 e-learning 系統。這真是他X的爛透了,應該整個打掉重練。如果台積







   Assisi 雅夕   https://fb.me/AssisiPTT


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Cliffx      : 真的爛1F 10/31 11:22
Cliffx      : 美國人最好能適應這種奴工文化
illreal     : 菜雞的意見很重要嗎真照他講下場就變intel3F 10/31 11:27
kevin620    : 第三世界管理來了4F 10/31 11:29
kevin620    : 結果美國台積都是台灣外派過去
ZXCWS       : 台積歡迎”志同道合“的人 這句話也對老外成立6F 10/31 11:30
beebaa      : 比起菜鳥  有其他半導體大廠經驗的來評論比較有意義7F 10/31 11:30
tpegioe     :8F 10/31 11:31
beebaa      : 菜鳥沒做個一年兩年可能根本還不知道自己要幹嘛9F 10/31 11:31
Nerv        : GG開始接受美帝洗禮囉10F 10/31 11:34
ctct0513    : 賣命工作的地方。非常辛苦 薪水不錯 沒有熱情11F 10/31 11:36
dky93       : 讓世界看見台灣奴性讚12F 10/31 11:38
fengey      : 版上的台積狗快去啊 不是很喜歡舔台積覽趴13F 10/31 11:39
MKIU        : 猛猛14F 10/31 11:39
deltarobot  : 知道台灣人的厲害了吧15F 10/31 11:39
rainylife   : 所以台積跟本不可能到國外設廠,老外不做這種工作16F 10/31 11:39
spencer222  : 連pip install都不能下的公司 是能多期望這間公司17F 10/31 11:40
spencer222  : 的軟體
abyssa1     : 張忠謀在美國幹那麼久 很清楚台積電成功的關鍵19F 10/31 11:41
abyssa1     : 這世界只有台灣跟韓國有足夠的廉價專業勞力
spencer222  : 光搞定環境就要花掉N週 然後考績又是結果導向 最終21F 10/31 11:42
spencer222  : 就是做出一堆能動但不好用的東西啊 過幾年就又有Ref
spencer222  : actor的CIT可以做 大家一起升官發財
moremusic   : 有些話不能講白 這就是成功老闆的秘密24F 10/31 11:42
whoolan     : 有專門的軟體部門阿 但不是幫忙改善你工作25F 10/31 11:43
whoolan     : 而是來嗨賴你 der 顆顆
wulouise    : 給你隨便pip要是抓到malicious package 可以pip誰?27F 10/31 11:44
Okubo7788   : 反正未來美國/日本都會大量從台灣遙控處理事情28F 10/31 11:52
Okubo7788   : 當地僅留必要的員額
jaannddyy   : 有一段意思有點誤解,不是說12hr一天在晶圓廠是合理30F 10/31 11:54
jaannddyy   : 的,是僅指假日輪班的部分
Okubo7788   : GG競爭優勢的核心是台灣人和台灣勞動環境32F 10/31 11:55
devilkool   : 對GGIT來說這篇是不是很嗆33F 10/31 11:55
DoooooD     : e-learning不都是直接開考題然後做答34F 10/31 11:57
mikeisme    : 老張都說了 台積電出不去台灣35F 10/31 11:58
FK6819      : 436F 10/31 11:58
a3300689    : Pros感覺都廢話XD37F 10/31 12:02
jokc7839    : 台灣老闆這幾年都不喊不拆除出走就是發現東南亞勞38F 10/31 12:02
jokc7839    : 工不好管 台灣勞工世界奴的
apttman     : GGIT真爽~做一堆垃圾東西降低員工效率,還領這麼多40F 10/31 12:02
apttman     : 錢
centra      : 系統不是為了優化流程 是為了主管績效42F 10/31 12:03
centra      : 開發一個系統 吹牛增加產量 這就是績效
finaleWL    : 有人可以壓榨 何必提升軟體效率 錢要花在刀口上44F 10/31 12:04
cloud777717 : 開一堆會跟elearning爛到爆真的中肯==45F 10/31 12:05
finaleWL    : 美國晶圓廠會輸台灣 就是把人當人看 沒以利益優先46F 10/31 12:06
finaleWL    : 他還真以為低工時拚得贏台灣加班開會文化 笑死
proletariat : 臺灣人(X)呆灣奴(O) 好可悲唷48F 10/31 12:08
raphin      : 他乾脆寫個報告,評估軟體轉型對企業的效益好了,這49F 10/31 12:08
raphin      : 種建議沒數據就沒說服力
pujos       : 他講的如果是對的,他何必從大老遠從美國跑到台灣來51F 10/31 12:10
VortexSheet : 美GG規定要安排來受訓的好嗎52F 10/31 12:11
Murasaki0110: 完美體現台廠文化53F 10/31 12:13
pujos       : 一直review不斷重複開會是真的很白爛(外加有狗再唉54F 10/31 12:13
revise      : 員工生活品質改善不如對世界的貢獻 真諷刺XD55F 10/31 12:14
pujos       : 唉叫),問題是這樣真的最快,原訂一個禮拜兩個禮拜56F 10/31 12:14
pujos       : 時程,可能三天就出結果惹
k798976869  : 明明就有IT58F 10/31 12:15
gary32217   : 如果你原訂三天 那就變成明天就給給出來 哈59F 10/31 12:23
j90206      : 哈哈哈真可愛A__A60F 10/31 12:25
rickyiu     : 推61F 10/31 12:25
hbket       : 只能派台灣人去啦,先不說員工能不能適應,在那邊62F 10/31 12:29
hbket       : 對員工拍桌子就等著被重度關切了,文化差太多,另外
hbket       : 台積IT在晶圓廠已經算好的了,其他二三線的更慘...
difficult46 : 事實 人力便宜用人力 很多能整合簡化的都沒有做到65F 10/31 12:30
difficult46 : 永遠會發生同樣的錯誤
pegen       : 感到欣慰,繼續allin GG67F 10/31 12:31
jeromeshih  : 這個不是很正常嗎,台積的優勢就是台灣人啊68F 10/31 12:35
xsamurai    : 不然少子化怎麼發生69F 10/31 12:35
E34041189   : 好好笑70F 10/31 12:35
ANava       : 臺基真的很不重視員工心理健康71F 10/31 12:35
ANava       : 台積*
godisgood   : 外國人就是不管多糟一開始一定會先講好的不管是不是73F 10/31 12:36
godisgood   : 客套話 商用英文書信第一段通常是Thank you for…
godisgood   : 台灣職場文化都是以否定別人為主 不管怎樣先否定你
godisgood   : 就對了 美國人比較會先看價值在哪 再討論
kentin      : 想過的舒服可以去加入牙膏啊77F 10/31 12:38
jcgood      : 台積有IT啊,不過你的case schedule 排到明年第四季78F 10/31 12:39
jcgood      : 了喔
heavenwind  : 看著看著。不禁流下男兒淚。80F 10/31 12:40
Coolno9     : Pros很顯然只是場面話 XDDD81F 10/31 12:41
ipist       : 幹你娘的中肯,裡面的軟體跟一堆課程廢到笑死人,光82F 10/31 12:42
ipist       : 搞這些就浪費你半天了
furnaceh    : 說實在的我也不知道這有什麼用處XD84F 10/31 12:43
ipist       : 台積的最大優勢就是廉價的優秀員工,給你年薪180,85F 10/31 12:43
ipist       : 省下來的多更多
w9103       : 我加入台積選擇成為工程師是因為我想要改善人們的87F 10/31 12:45
w9103       : 生活
w9103       : 不不 是改善自己的基本生活
blacktruth  : 就說GG的成功靠的是奴工90F 10/31 12:50
ZXCWS       : 晶圓製造 老外想爽哦 去intel GF IBM ST阿91F 10/31 12:52
ZXCWS       : 這些歐美的fab 看有沒有競爭力
ZXCWS       : 台積三星就是靠這種高壓高工時逼出良率
ZXCWS       : 產能的 韓國也一樣 高壓Review到不行
tpegioe     : pros改成其他公司,像是三星或者聯電,都可套用,95F 10/31 12:54
tpegioe     : 沒什麼新資訊,倒是cons寫出一些公司營運特色
ToastBen    : 成功秘訣:十萬青年十萬肝。97F 10/31 12:55
AISC        : 笑死 被外國人看破 不過錢真的多98F 10/31 12:59
hortl233    : 年薪多是相對於台灣人,對美國就是中間偏上而已99F 10/31 13:01
twinmick    : 讓我想到之前有人的推文,美國車廠高層來要產能時問100F 10/31 13:04
twinmick    : 台GG接待人可不可以24小時運作提高產能,呵呵 XDDD
Blackpepper : 台積的IT部門不是很強嗎? 軟體更版應該小菜吧102F 10/31 13:09
spencer222  : 一堆人仇視IT 殊不知IT離職率很高的 GG環境對CS人薪103F 10/31 13:11
spencer222  : 資成長很不友善 沒家累 有能力的大多都會跳外商 or
spencer222  :  豬屎屋
k19920330   : elearning大陸廠商做的嗎?ㄏㄏ106F 10/31 13:12
spencer222  : 有時候還會被派一個要你用美工刀去抹水泥的任務 待107F 10/31 13:14
spencer222  : 的時間久了 就腳麻跑不掉惹
A10         : 以後天GG最大的問題就是人109F 10/31 13:16

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