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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-03-10 21:31:59
看板 WomenTalk
作者 BZ2533664 (呆灣郎)
標題 [討論] 大家從小到大最記得的英文單字是什麼?
時間 Wed Mar  9 22:57:14 2016

這單字感覺已經烙印在我腦海裡了 大家有忘不掉的單字嗎?

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1457535436.A.8C7.html
abc12812: abandon1F 03/09 22:57
jay520: 這....2F 03/09 22:57
jay520: 噁便當要拋棄XD
si183009: archeologist4F 03/09 22:58
akiyamatt: abandon真的超常看到   不然就是aback5F 03/09 22:58
mirian: breakfast6F 03/09 22:58
Firstshadow: (づ′・ω・)づ Flower7F 03/09 22:59
gnitaeyo: Welcome 國小這個字背超久8F 03/09 22:59
DDhow: ocean9F 03/09 23:00
jajumbo: dog banana10F 03/09 23:00
with20234: Schizophrenia 精神分裂 看蝙蝠俠學的11F 03/09 23:01
haXD: Abandon...12F 03/09 23:02
Xceberus: nike13F 03/09 23:02
greenseason: season,因為以前以為是海兒子14F 03/09 23:03
lpbrother: apple15F 03/09 23:03
uri123: 當然是apple啊16F 03/09 23:04
Sioli: ...怎麼辨,我第一個想到的居然是髒話17F 03/09 23:04
lollipop9243: vegetables18F 03/09 23:04
jioes28: 字典  dictionary19F 03/09 23:05
PTT1120: apple20F 03/09 23:05
yoshen1230: book21F 03/09 23:05
maye: This is a book. 只記得這句...22F 03/09 23:06
menqyeu: apple!!!23F 03/09 23:06
maye: 對我意義不同的單字是 coordinate 對方講一次就記住24F 03/09 23:07
fmel: 絕對是apple25F 03/09 23:07
dharma720: Museum,國一英文課本第一課,m-e-s-e-u-m26F 03/09 23:07
yuruchen8444: 真的是apple27F 03/09 23:08
beisolate: 點進來之前就在想Apple了XDD28F 03/09 23:08
holaa: sentimental 三東饅頭29F 03/09 23:08
appleha: AAA 欸欸欸 A欸apple30F 03/09 23:09
Hanedas: fuck…31F 03/09 23:09
f204137: apple啊32F 03/09 23:09
bigwolf0120: Banana33F 03/09 23:09
smoda4215: dog34F 03/09 23:09
reinakai: business  bus-in-ess35F 03/09 23:10
dabbyding: this is a book +1XDDD36F 03/09 23:10
minsoo: 看標題就想到Apple37F 03/09 23:10
tzu0427: love38F 03/09 23:10
duola: 第一個想到apple39F 03/09 23:11
KBvm3: Apple40F 03/09 23:11
Celinealone: pizza41F 03/09 23:11
jojia: Advertisement 第一次背很順就記得了42F 03/09 23:11
Gratulor: food…43F 03/09 23:11
kelly096k: apple44F 03/09 23:11
Znzn: apple45F 03/09 23:12
leewanwan: Attitude46F 03/09 23:12
centuryboy: fuck47F 03/09 23:12
hero0211: hello world48F 03/09 23:13
cafelilith: Sigma…49F 03/09 23:13
hyderica: synchronize 喜歡這個字50F 03/09 23:13
EulerEuler: Rabbit 以前因為背不起來邊被打邊唸..51F 03/09 23:13
dony: 絕對是apple和pig阿52F 03/09 23:13
superman0837: jizz53F 03/09 23:13
fortis8250: Style 國小被代課老師取這綽號54F 03/09 23:13
gugu0908: International55F 03/09 23:14
ww1215: adventure 那時候覺得這個單字好長喔56F 03/09 23:14
ww1215: 跟樓上的比根本小case=_=
windseygo: Actually59F 03/09 23:14
peggypppp90: photosynthesis 光合作用60F 03/09 23:15
j035p: Kangaroo61F 03/09 23:15
annie588670: library 感覺特別好記阿哈哈62F 03/09 23:15
sweeet: Apple63F 03/09 23:15
qazxc312: abandon  高中7000單字的第一個,永遠忘不了64F 03/09 23:16
sweeet: Aa apple Bb bird65F 03/09 23:17

ufae0009: Hi, 字母少又常用66F 03/09 23:17
kukuloo: apple67F 03/09 23:17
lions0922: Christmas68F 03/09 23:18
christina31: unfortunately 第一個背的長單字 小學的時候覺得自己69F 03/09 23:18
christina31: 會這種單字很強哈哈
airplaneworm: apple71F 03/09 23:18
※ 編輯: BZ2533664 (, 03/09/2016 23:19:51
miyako126: Apple 跟 dog72F 03/09 23:19
hhenry666: apple阿  第一個字母 第一個單字 而且又超紅73F 03/09 23:19
momoko5116: Cockroach 因為他太噁心了哈哈74F 03/09 23:19
slouming: bye75F 03/09 23:19
artiller: hello world76F 03/09 23:19
apple10026: HELLO HI GOOD77F 03/09 23:21
syoo: 看到標題還沒點進來時第一個想到的也是apple耶!!78F 03/09 23:21
hsuanyenj: Aaaa-阿阿阿-Apple!!79F 03/09 23:22
accid11: Hi Apple bird good80F 03/09 23:22
underheart: computer補習班老師帶了我們連續唸二十次81F 03/09 23:22
menspocky: Remember82F 03/09 23:23
ecila: apple83F 03/09 23:24
chichi84: restaurant,每次寫都還要在心裡默拼一次才寫的下來84F 03/09 23:25
cuteeQiao: 考生表示:85F 03/09 23:26
quan0120: Apple86F 03/09 23:26
chunsi96: hippocampus87F 03/09 23:27
kenjordan: government employee88F 03/09 23:27
sakusakurai: shit89F 03/09 23:27
andy02: a90F 03/09 23:28
bungeejump: apple91F 03/09 23:29
arice: 跟原po一樣 看標題直覺apple92F 03/09 23:29
FATCANDY: 我上英文班上了十年 我爸說:講句英文來聽聽吧!我說:h93F 03/09 23:29
FATCANDY: i what is your name?
ChoiYoungJae: 還沒看就想到apple +195F 03/09 23:29
a89667767: refrigerator96F 03/09 23:29
doramagic: congratulations97F 03/09 23:30
w31ming: womentalk98F 03/09 23:30
doramagic: con-gra-tu-la-tion-s99F 03/09 23:30
winds30235: Handkerchief100F 03/09 23:31
Uballchien: phallic...以前一個英文老師(外國人)很愛講@@101F 03/09 23:31
GunLinLiang: English102F 03/09 23:32
dr735: hi ....103F 03/09 23:34
smile222: hello104F 03/09 23:36
j147589: Anthropomorphism105F 03/09 23:37
vincentrufus: hippopotamus…小時候覺得背起來很厲害106F 03/09 23:37
keyas0403: apple107F 03/09 23:37
mimisugar: government employees 那時候拼錯被打108F 03/09 23:37
claymath: abalone109F 03/09 23:37
shizukiyu: 第一個背的長單字是umbrella110F 03/09 23:38
Kscking: b-i-c-y-c-l-e 掰洗口~~掰洗口!111F 03/09 23:38
pecko: concentrate 用rap的方式把它背下來的 哈哈112F 03/09 23:38
Noreendong: chairman我以前以為是坐輪椅的人 = =113F 03/09 23:38
jevousaime: believe114F 03/09 23:38
ohcarrie: refrigerator+1 XD115F 03/09 23:39
Noreendong: businessman以前也背超久116F 03/09 23:39
sunny790615: terrible 哈哈哈哈117F 03/09 23:39
atoplus: Two-faced 每次都會想到班上某人118F 03/09 23:39
ppccfvy: f__K119F 03/09 23:40
johnblueh: schedule我到高中都還放棄背它120F 03/09 23:40
smita: Attitude121F 03/09 23:40
ssosoworktw: 還蠻多的吧,不過國中之前還分不清老虎跟獅子哈122F 03/09 23:40
dumbo426: obov123F 03/09 23:40
Kokoro: assassin124F 03/09 23:41
jessica87270: Accident125F 03/09 23:42
evaaafang: sentimental 念的時候都浮現sent a 饅頭XD126F 03/09 23:42
JetBee: astonishiment 不知道為何記得這個字127F 03/09 23:42
iPad101: appendicitis 不知道為什麼一眼就記住,可能小時後腸胃128F 03/09 23:43
iPad101: 不好對這單字有親切感(誤
poopaapoo: Phoenix以前拼了命要記住的單字阿XD130F 03/09 23:43
rudy0115: Daughter 老師教打五個喝特131F 03/09 23:44
prestigejoM: businessman132F 03/09 23:44
hyun0607: apple a波133F 03/09 23:45
amberyayaya: Abandon134F 03/09 23:45
olivegreen: Abandon135F 03/09 23:45
bigbabybaby: Apple136F 03/09 23:47
tabbyvivi: restaurant 我記得小時候被老爸罰唸一百次才能吃早餐XD137F 03/09 23:47
chanmily: Refrigerator 冰箱怎麼樣都忘不掉 還可以超迅速背出來138F 03/09 23:47
xm3779: Computer因為真的很喜歡玩電腦...139F 03/09 23:48
kidjennifer: 絕對是apple140F 03/09 23:48
kevin6122: refrigerator141F 03/09 23:48
jumpdodo: 小時候上網看到 Download 、無料,就算不懂意思,先點下142F 03/09 23:48
jumpdodo: 去就對了
bgyiyi1996nn: 絕對是 apple144F 03/09 23:48
nix410: abandon145F 03/09 23:49
uncannyayu: n world146F 03/09 23:49
randallwoo: Hi147F 03/09 23:50
rika07: abandon148F 03/09 23:50
diesenn: 看了標題就馬上想到apple, 握手。149F 03/09 23:51
a18242320a: apple150F 03/09 23:51
brainya: together(to get her)喜歡這個字151F 03/09 23:51
maouqq: refrigerator152F 03/09 23:52
shih0213: congratulation153F 03/09 23:52
sm218: apple154F 03/09 23:54
s94631: 推文居然沒有火山矽肺症155F 03/09 23:54
LULU5566: are156F 03/09 23:55
asd29359: apple157F 03/09 23:56
yeeting: Apple158F 03/09 23:57
szzjooy: A Apple159F 03/09 23:58
RLSF: I160F 03/09 23:58
loyoju: apple161F 03/09 23:59
pttnowash: Fuck162F 03/09 23:59
safeya: together+1 (to get her)163F 03/09 23:59
z0728z: engineer164F 03/10 00:00
shaoso: fantastic165F 03/10 00:00
jooy1031: Fuck166F 03/10 00:01
zzk2671: elephant167F 03/10 00:01
hidep: Elephant168F 03/10 00:02
bbbruce: hello169F 03/10 00:02
sln4427: apple+1170F 03/10 00:04
cannalily: Reincarnation 轉世…這麽難背的單字因為大學指考出現171F 03/10 00:04
NCTUEE800808: MeShuKuMo172F 03/10 00:04
cannalily: 英文老師說"回到車的國度",就記住了173F 03/10 00:05
horseorange: delicious174F 03/10 00:06
ninajs12: refrigerator 國中因為這個沒背好午休不能睡175F 03/10 00:08
sparklekyu: apple176F 03/10 00:09
sss54646: international177F 03/10 00:09
ZechengWang: businessman 和 restaurant 以前到要死背 不然記不起178F 03/10 00:09
ZechengWang: 來
rokuchan17: 還以為點進來會看到奇怪的單字XD180F 03/10 00:10
vi000246: stackoverflow181F 03/10 00:10
anan2: acquired immune deficiency syndrome補習班老師說要背有關182F 03/10 00:10
anan2: AIDS的文章
titichen: Apple abandon184F 03/10 00:11
euiah: tomorrow185F 03/10 00:12
antpig: onion186F 03/10 00:12
WoNanGuo: Entrepreneur187F 03/10 00:13
aibajan: Encyclopedia188F 03/10 00:14
p274y: intelligent 國小補習老師說重要189F 03/10 00:15
wasijohn: 我大概記得幾千字,你問哪種?190F 03/10 00:15
jojo140140: computer191F 03/10 00:15
hanerch: seesaw啊~~192F 03/10 00:15
kramoon1859: 看到標題就想到Apple193F 03/10 00:18
yangyiyo: negotiate 忘記是你got shit還是什麼 反194F 03/10 00:18
yangyiyo: 正很可愛啊跟人談判就叫對方吃屎
ewew790227: I am fine thank you and you. 在國外覺得很丟臉根本196F 03/10 00:18
ewew790227: 不敢說這句
techniclaire: environmental protection  administration198F 03/10 00:18
jamie200219: elephant XD199F 03/10 00:19
amy8352: apple200F 03/10 00:19
MarineKingWE: businessman201F 03/10 00:19
yuehshi: businessman XD202F 03/10 00:20
majorland: fuck203F 03/10 00:20
qwe851119: 點進來之前就想到apple了XD204F 03/10 00:21
fry73: Tropical205F 03/10 00:21
Djent127: 第一個想到apple206F 03/10 00:22
DrMasSam: orange207F 03/10 00:23
kbcmc: 老師說:老闆的secret是secretary208F 03/10 00:24
Kyriotetes: 你應該問最記不住的吧209F 03/10 00:24
pptsin: 就apple阿  XD210F 03/10 00:24
sgi9: Technology211F 03/10 00:25
cleanwater54: I212F 03/10 00:25
pilione: Fuck213F 03/10 00:26
pilione: 這小學就會了
patrickgod: Ridiculous215F 03/10 00:27
k960608: panasonic216F 03/10 00:28
wwwpietw: appreciate217F 03/10 00:28
OwO1103: 我也是apple哈哈哈218F 03/10 00:28
ilikegch: fundamental219F 03/10 00:29
novterm: Masturbation 馬子脫背心220F 03/10 00:29
aglely0919: Apple No.1 超棒der221F 03/10 00:29
arbun: ok222F 03/10 00:30
ace16525: abandon223F 03/10 00:30
Diaodiao114: refrigerator224F 03/10 00:31
k960608: STR DEX AGI INT MND VIT225F 03/10 00:31
k960608: Critical!
evelyn055: apple 人生學的第一個英文單字啊227F 03/10 00:32
kaltu: Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung228F 03/10 00:32
tangmystyle: cat229F 03/10 00:33
ouopp: 色貪伯…阿土伯…囧230F 03/10 00:33
isorange: tomorrow 有一陣子廣告一直在拼這單字231F 03/10 00:34
goldfishhh: I232F 03/10 00:34
ueyfn: popular 為了不記成er背好久233F 03/10 00:34
Yawen1111: phenomenon,國中英文老師教了一個很髒的記法,第一個234F 03/10 00:35
Yawen1111: 字母變成s,之後再也沒忘過,she no men on
uki1749: Fantasy236F 03/10 00:35
ouopp: 忘記在哪裡看到的,月份英文翻成中文唸237F 03/10 00:35
bikigaya: Asian easy so  hot238F 03/10 00:36
her7913: Fat239F 03/10 00:37
balbigloon: reproductive organ 小六時好奇去查的240F 03/10 00:37
sarah7681tw: refrigerator 當初複頌了一整晚241F 03/10 00:37
iiippoo: life242F 03/10 00:38
ggreeaart: Apple243F 03/10 00:39
lovegugu: 大推一樓XD. 四千單第一個單字。哈244F 03/10 00:39
queenrabbits: 看完了竟然沒有flower...班上男生當時一直說扶老二.245F 03/10 00:40
queenrabbits: ..
volts1549: antidisestablishmentarism 反政教分離主義247F 03/10 00:40
volts1549: 國小外國老師用來介紹字首字根順便背起來的
yang326: abandon249F 03/10 00:41
BIBI017: expensive250F 03/10 00:41
volts1549: 更正 應該是 antidisestablishmentarianism251F 03/10 00:42
nihu62: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 國中時外師跟我們說252F 03/10 00:42
nihu62: 這個字就再也忘不了 XD 意思就跟 wonderful差不多哈哈
manabi: Revolution254F 03/10 00:43
pfeva: apple255F 03/10 00:43
ada831113: police officer256F 03/10 00:43
ada831113: 媽媽逼著我背 背不出來就哭著繼續背 背到我永遠忘不了
Summer0120: apple258F 03/10 00:43
papabearche: abandon阿 四千跟七千第一個都是259F 03/10 00:43
lan002: refrigerator260F 03/10 00:47
carol801223: phenomenon 沒男人要上261F 03/10 00:47
kitvxq: 就是apple ……262F 03/10 00:47
maktubdog: 成人之後看了某篇文章,就忘不掉的單字:abalone263F 03/10 00:47
tw00454109: yes264F 03/10 00:48
nana750675: juice 因為小時候一直記不住和唸法只能死命一個一個字265F 03/10 00:49
nana750675: 背
aabalone: hippopotamus。小學時候覺得被得出hippo全名很屌267F 03/10 00:49
julia199029: sentimental山東饅頭268F 03/10 00:50
a1233104: stock269F 03/10 00:52
yaya07217: dangerous  單腳拉屎  很危險270F 03/10 00:52
dinayogi11: Dog…271F 03/10 00:52
s0011121: ommm272F 03/10 00:54
t916204: phenomenon273F 03/10 00:55
matt52058: This is my friend,JACKY.274F 03/10 00:55
star61: exercise275F 03/10 00:56
star61: 我單字專記得長的,長的永遠忘不了,短的馬上就忘了=__=
mickey123: 就是Apple了277F 03/10 00:57
Demimiu: Pig278F 03/10 00:58
anitamei: apple279F 03/10 01:00
che1005: Enthusiastic280F 03/10 01:00
weimin1015: Eraser281F 03/10 01:01
ananbig: 也是想到apple!應該是第一個記住的吧282F 03/10 01:01
shaddocklin: disgusting283F 03/10 01:02
lalilawhite: enthusiasm284F 03/10 01:03
tracyo: zoo285F 03/10 01:04
MAY0718: businessman 國中第一次遇到很長的單字 背的很快XD286F 03/10 01:04
jyekid: 小班時第一個有印象的單字是ink 因為當時在玩著色繪圖287F 03/10 01:05
angelyuili: 標題直覺apple +1288F 03/10 01:05
jyekid: 永遠都記得那幅畫上面的字母 但那時候完全沒碰過英文289F 03/10 01:05
jyekid: 後來學英文時在知道那圖上的字母是甚麼
kidstyle17: brother291F 03/10 01:06
allen1224: Extraterrestrial292F 03/10 01:06
robert94270: 看到標題秒想到delicious293F 03/10 01:14
yaryaf: 一樓正解294F 03/10 01:14
hyouun: refrigerator295F 03/10 01:15
priest1221: assassin296F 03/10 01:16
yajacky: 地雷馬297F 03/10 01:17
tintin987: 以前爸爸說百科全書是最難的英文單字後就背起來了298F 03/10 01:18
wingo: guava! XD299F 03/10 01:19
ronray7799: f__k300F 03/10 01:21
kagurachan: Wednesday301F 03/10 01:23
Molly: apple302F 03/10 01:23
pachi: intersection國中有次考試忘記的單字303F 03/10 01:25
bleach1991: Struggle304F 03/10 01:26
amy0sham: air conditioner,幼稚園被逼著背的圖像式字典…305F 03/10 01:27
mikki: 是birthday 唯一國小開始就使用的單字XD306F 03/10 01:29
adrienJPFR: abandon307F 03/10 01:29
ajin71023: sentimental308F 03/10 01:29
iinstan: Apple阿XDDD309F 03/10 01:29
CalciumPlus: apple310F 03/10 01:31
zmeszax: Enough311F 03/10 01:32
Cynthya: rose312F 03/10 01:33
fishooxx: father and mother i love u =family313F 03/10 01:33
bonny0512: aople314F 03/10 01:34
fishooxx: 啊,是you, u 就不對了XD315F 03/10 01:35
mocimocy100: orange 第一個背起來的單字316F 03/10 01:35
bulegreen: Flower 媽媽叫我第一個拼的單字317F 03/10 01:35
mocimocy100: abandon 是七千的第一個單字嗎 永遠都只熟前面幾個XD318F 03/10 01:36
svcc: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis319F 03/10 01:38
stockings: opportunity 因為很難320F 03/10 01:38
zxcveded: Eraser321F 03/10 01:45
lomolovo: Abandon322F 03/10 01:46
suifong: 欸婆323F 03/10 01:51
maryegg: apple324F 03/10 01:56
DanielChris: Melancholy325F 03/10 01:57
cocolybi6222: This is a book326F 03/10 02:01
zxc132004: ptt 的 ID327F 03/10 02:01
siuu271: hieroglyphics象形文字,國小補習班教這個背到快吐XDD328F 03/10 02:02
jjpl: apple329F 03/10 02:02
heidic608: embrace330F 03/10 02:04
tuan115677: Kaohsiung331F 03/10 02:06
duck28: 人名吧zzzz mary這類的 或how r u...332F 03/10 02:12
soda5677963: available 老師為了讓我們背起來唸了16遍...333F 03/10 02:12
mocimocy100: congratulation334F 03/10 02:15
jerry124816: ahri335F 03/10 02:15
cucuc: restaurant,國中的英文老師發音很怪唸ㄌㄩㄝ死特ㄌㄨㄤˋ336F 03/10 02:18
gj4vm6vu4: apple啊 哈哈哈337F 03/10 02:19
Marabuda: 背單字第一個abottion 大驚恐338F 03/10 02:20
Marabuda: abortion*
ablazer: joy340F 03/10 02:24
minianki: picture341F 03/10 02:29
sweat0426: sophisticated342F 03/10 02:46
OAOc: computer343F 03/10 02:47
mavissu150: book344F 03/10 03:02
audzzz: actually345F 03/10 03:04
Zhang97226: apple book rose346F 03/10 03:06
Justloveu23: play347F 03/10 03:10
rafifish: congratulation348F 03/10 03:18
featherbbma: Apple happy349F 03/10 03:20
JayGatsby: 是說 26樓是在耍笨嗎XDDDDD350F 03/10 03:25
a7700800: Apple351F 03/10 03:42
boostman: hysteria...352F 03/10 03:45
SagittariusB: sagittarius 因為是自己的星座353F 03/10 04:12
betty55066: computer 國小考試的時候自己拼出來就一直記得了~354F 03/10 04:17
jazzyfufu: Dilemma355F 03/10 04:23
zoca: book356F 03/10 04:26
kbjayi: abalone 鮑魚 鴂b:阿爸 alone:孤單鵄赤357F 03/10 04:44
kbjayi: 半夜覺得孤單就去吃鮑魚了
qsc115: vocabulary359F 03/10 04:44
jacky4323: paper360F 03/10 04:53
ogerea: christmas361F 03/10 04:58
hn689900: 單字4000的第一個字 abandon362F 03/10 05:08
ee430: Book363F 03/10 05:10
s7634672: Smorgastarta364F 03/10 05:13
yuinghoooo: Business man365F 03/10 05:37
debris: business366F 03/10 05:44
linda45171: apple367F 03/10 05:47
eric4309: BOOK368F 03/10 06:11
greenteaking: beach369F 03/10 06:16
hatecircle: stupid370F 03/10 06:21
sr57664: pronunciation371F 03/10 06:41
hineslag1230: abandon372F 03/10 07:03
niniyam: 看到標題馬上想到apple373F 03/10 07:04
sh3425346: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis374F 03/10 07:12
sh3425346: 那時候國中一節課背完加了總分3分一輩子記得XD
howshaw: abandon376F 03/10 07:31
MuteSun: 之前被字典被到abandon就....377F 03/10 07:32
alsbun: apple378F 03/10 07:38
mildred19: Friend379F 03/10 07:41
tinaliu195: apple380F 03/10 07:43
teng918: apple381F 03/10 07:47
kipi91718: abandon382F 03/10 07:47
sheepsheep: Apple383F 03/10 08:04
a25018250: dhvctduhxtc384F 03/10 08:10
mibo168: fu"k385F 03/10 08:10
galaxystyle: Taiwan386F 03/10 08:11
awakeblank: Apple387F 03/10 08:21
aEDIoWei: Phoenix sun 小時候很喜歡就一直記到現在388F 03/10 08:24
bevan0114: f**k389F 03/10 08:29
guangxinyy: Apple390F 03/10 08:48
juney3329: organize391F 03/10 08:55
peipeiko: apple392F 03/10 09:16
kimjejung: apple393F 03/10 09:16
st890124: Beautiful 這是我第一個自己認真背起來的單字 國中時覺394F 03/10 09:23
st890124: 得自己很厲害
shizusumi: apple 我閨蜜還能把它拼成appel哈哈哈哈哈哈396F 03/10 09:24
chantaljkjm: 我也覺得是Apple哈哈哈397F 03/10 09:43
funnysummer: This is a book+1,哈哈398F 03/10 09:55
sakamotoha: Ganlinlaosi399F 03/10 09:56
gloriedenia: 方的饅頭 重要的400F 03/10 09:57
siriusr382: Rhabdomyolysis401F 03/10 09:59
VICGecko: Michael402F 03/10 10:04
VICGecko: 我的英文名字
Jin63916: I don't know404F 03/10 10:10
forWinds: friend405F 03/10 10:17
apongpong: a for apple406F 03/10 10:18
apongpong: b for banana
apongpong: c for cat
apongpong: d for dog
patricklarry: Tuberculosis410F 03/10 10:20
tvxq940523: 絕對是Apple411F 03/10 10:24
abcggg: Refrigerator! 以前覺得能背起來超厲害 到處炫耀 印象超深412F 03/10 10:25
abcggg: 刻
caca199020: 我跟樓上一樣欸哈哈哈哈414F 03/10 10:27
isabelmomo: Family, Father And Mother I Love You415F 03/10 10:30
isabelmomo: 老師教的我覺得好可愛
pomyopnion: APPLE秒答  好妙喔417F 03/10 10:36
s00924s00924: coincidence418F 03/10 11:05
catnip25: kaohsiung419F 03/10 11:15
inuhanhan: apple420F 03/10 11:18
lgc8642000: congratulations恭喜!421F 03/10 11:29
Zoeyyyy: Hello422F 03/10 11:52
Jingd: abandon423F 03/10 11:58
cityofsky: apple +1424F 03/10 12:18
prayer513: 點進來之前也是想apple 印象最深的是冰箱425F 03/10 12:23
prayer513: ref-rig-era-tor 小時候都三個三個分開背
aissue: Department store 哈哈哈哈背很久427F 03/10 12:28
otc554: Apple...428F 03/10 12:30
yeahco: Google429F 03/10 12:32
chumiii: convenience430F 03/10 12:33
t983003019: sitdown please431F 03/10 12:34
moonlavender: Angel Angle432F 03/10 12:45
straykitten: Vacation433F 03/10 12:45
makiloveu: archaeology 因為覺得很難背434F 03/10 12:49
peiningyu: ridiculous435F 03/10 12:50
Reena0920: happy436F 03/10 12:59
a222317168: Abandon 買過單字書都知道哈哈哈437F 03/10 13:02
yohobasa: love438F 03/10 13:05
flowerlucy77: Apple 無誤,Apple 不都是教字母時的第一個例詞?439F 03/10 13:19
Deesu: 我和Peter跟Susan要多熟有多熟440F 03/10 13:22
jialinhl526: IKEA441F 03/10 13:31
px1245: hello world442F 03/10 13:47
hru3p: International443F 03/10 14:27
whitehow: Discovery444F 03/10 14:41
Hscandal: abandon445F 03/10 14:53
leov72: 第一個字就abandon446F 03/10 15:04
AbHmL: happy~~447F 03/10 15:07
bagane: 興奮Excited,很有語感X D448F 03/10 16:01
silentguy: refrigerator國中反覆背誦449F 03/10 16:48
courage1127: restaurant450F 03/10 18:03
rosy: I can can a can with a can451F 03/10 18:03
mayprimewhit: refrigerator452F 03/10 18:49
not1218: usually...莫名的一個單字453F 03/10 18:51
aprilee: 火山矽肺症XDDDD454F 03/10 19:01
hanaha: book455F 03/10 20:44

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