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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-06-08 10:01:19
看板 NBA
作者 derricklight (derricklight)
標題 Fw: [情報] Pop, Mills, 與澳洲原住民
時間 Sun Jun  8 02:02:11 2014

※ [本文轉錄自 Spurs 看板 #1JaqK3fQ ]

看板 Spurs
作者 alex40214 (alex)
標題 [情報] Pop, Mills, 與澳洲原住民
時間 Sun Jun  8 00:59:45 2014

Pop pays homage to Patty Mills' culture, family
By Mike Monroe, June 6, 2014
Pop pays homage to Patty Mills' culture, family - San Antonio Express-News
Before diagramming any Xs or Os, the coach asked his players to help one of their teammates, point guard Patty Mills, celebrate a special day. Popovich explained to his players the significance of June 3 to Indigenous Australians, who celebrate it as Eddie Mabo Day, the anniversary of a high court d ...



Pop接著解釋,6/3是對澳洲原住民具有重要意義的一天:Eddie Mabo Day

On Tuesday, two days removed from their Game 6 win over the

Oklahoma City Thunder that put them in the 2014 NBA Finals, Gregg Popovich
brought the Spurs together to begin planning for the Miami Heat.
Before diagramming any Xs or Os, the coach asked his players to help one of
their teammates, point guard Patty Mills, celebrate a special day.

Popovich explained to his players the significance of June 3 to Indigenous
Australians, who celebrate it as Eddie Mabo Day, the anniversary of a high
court decision recognizing the land rights of Indigenous Australians and,
specifically, Torres Strait Islanders.




The Torres Strait Islands are within the boundaries of Australia but in the
straits between the far Northern tip of Australia and Papua New Guinea.
Welling with emotion as Popovich spoke, Mills, the son of an Indigenous
Torres Strait Islander father and an Indigenous South Australian mother,
found himself at a loss for words.
“It was unbelievable,” said Mills, who earned a role as Tony Parker's
backup this season, his fifth in the NBA. “I had no idea Pop was going to do
it. I had no idea he even knew about (Mabo Day), but for him to bring that up
in a meeting before the NBA Finals, just to give everyone a heads-up, was
very special.”

Mills的雙親,Benny 與 Yvonne Mills,在上周一的時候從澳洲飛抵聖城,

  Mabo Day有如此特別的意義,他會永記這天。」

Mills解釋了Eddie Mabo Day對他意義:

「這天是以一位托雷斯海峽島民Eddie Mabo命名的,1982年他向澳大利亞政府提出挑戰,


 更多Mabo的資訊可以看這篇: http://titv.ipcf.org.tw/news-6242
畢生爭土地權 澳洲6/3Mabo紀念日-原住民族電視台
在經過幾十年的努力後,在1992年的6月3日,澳洲原住民族的命運有了重大轉變,就在這一天,澳洲的最高法院做出判決,認定穆雷島上的原住民族,對托雷斯海峽的土地擁有土地所有權,確認澳洲原來並非無主之地,開啟原住民恢復原始土地權的序幕,隨後通過「原住民權利法案」之後(NativeTitleAct),澳洲原住民族傳統領域權便進入 ...


Mills' parents, Benny and Yvonne Mills, arrived in San Antonio from Australia
on Monday to attend the games at AT&T Center.
Mills shared with them Popovich's recognition of their culture and heritage.
“He came home and told us he was taken aback,” Yvonne Mills said. “It's
such a special day for him and a lot of Australians. Wherever he is, he
always remembers Mabo Day.”
Patty Mills explained why the day means so much to him.
“It is named after a person, Eddie Mabo, who was a Torres Strait Islander
who challenged the Australian government and the Australian system and took a
land rights case to the high court of Australia in 1982.
“It took 10 years before it finally passed down in their favor, which saw
the legal doctrine of the Australian government overturned and proving that,
yes, this is their land and they were, indeed, the first Australians before
the white settlements.
“It was a very big deal, June 3 of 1992, and Tuesday was the anniversary.”





The first Indigenous Australian to play in the NBA Finals, Mills scored seven
points in Game 1, making three of five shots and grabbing three rebounds in
111/2 minutes in the sweltering AT&T Center.
Aware his exploits are being followed closely in Australia, he is gratified
to be making a significant contribution to the Spurs playoff run this season,
calling it a point of pride to represent Indigenous Australians on such a
“First, it's a matter of pride just being an Indigenous Australian,” he
said. “As far as I'm concerned, nothing that I do or nothing that gets in my
way will even come close to my culture and my heritage.”
“There's not a lot of cultures and heritages around the world that's like
the Indigenous native Australian and to be the only one to make it this far
in the NBA Finals, no question it's a point of pride.”



Though he has had a few tough times in his career — he was out of the NBA
most of the 2011-12 season before the Spurs signed him to a free agent
contract on March 27, 2012 — Mills said the experiences of his mother always
have inspired him and reminded him to remain strong.
Yvonne Mills was among the Indigenous Australians whose families were
separated forcibly by past Australian federal, state and territorial
government agencies and church missions, from the late 19th century to the
Children removed from their families were sent to institutions or adopted by
nonindigenous families. Those thus affected came to be known as the stolen

On Feb. 13, 2008, Australia's then-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd officially
issued an apology to Indigenous Australians, with specific reference to the
stolen generations.






週四晚上,Patty Mills的正面能量也幫助馬刺拿到了重要的一勝。


“It's hard to describe,” Patty Mills said of his mother's life experience.
“It's a touchy subject and being the son of a great person who has been
through it all I can't even describe it for her.”
Patty Mills' acknowledgment of her role in building his character brought a
smile to Yvonne Mills' face.
“It's good to know that he said that, because as children grow up you don't
realize a lot of things,” Yvonne Mills said. “They don't realize a lot of
things and you don't realize a lot of things until they have grown up and
they say, 'You were my inspiration,' or 'I was really glad about certain
“He has done that and there's a lot of things he learned growing up and he's
put into his own life now, some really good positive things.”
On Thursday night at AT&T Center, Patty Mills' positive energy helped the
Spurs get an important victory.
“It means a lot to us because it's what he's always strived for, right from
a very young age,” Yvonne Mills said. “This is what he wanted and we're all
so glad to have him in this position now.
“I'm sure all of Australia is behind him.”



balapat ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Spurs/M.1402160387.A.A5A.html
ssaw5166:推1F 06/08 01:02
circircle:感動推2F 06/08 01:03
EricGinobili:X波波真的很有內涵欸 不愧是當今最棒的教練 也幫球迷3F 06/08 01:04
sodawang:感動!5F 06/08 01:11
TimDuncan21:G2發光發熱吧!6F 06/08 01:16
abow0807:見鬼了,pop真的是安西教練附身了7F 06/08 01:26
jeff007:我還以為他只是一般的黑白混血 想不到是澳洲原住民8F 06/08 01:27
windrain0317:Popo你.....10F 06/08 01:42
jiuan1027:毛巾哥也出頭天了,希望在NBA腳步能越來越穩11F 06/08 01:47
derricklight:雞皮疙瘩整個起來 超感動13F 06/08 01:56

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: derricklight (, 06/08/2014 02:02:11
canonring151:推感動1F 06/08 02:03
frostmourne :蛙賽 真的超有內涵 我完全不知道這件事2F 06/08 02:04
Ironjoba    :這樣帶兵 誰不替他拋頭顱撒熱血3F 06/08 02:08
beerfish    :推推 感動4F 06/08 02:08
coiico      :帶人先帶心吧~  禪師也是帶心派的5F 06/08 02:08
bluebrandon :長知識6F 06/08 02:08
philxiao    :這位有可能成長到站穩NBA先發PG,今年進步很多…7F 06/08 02:11
SULICon     :原來他母親是阿寶阿~8F 06/08 02:11
SULICon     :      *父母
ImMACACO    :長知識推  更推pop10F 06/08 02:12
windrain0317:RC: 所以明年2M/y OK?11F 06/08 02:13
s4511981    :……領導者的正確作為12F 06/08 02:22
mmpercussion:POP QQ13F 06/08 02:40
iandog123   :推popo14F 06/08 02:41
critical2002:推 他今年很強..近年馬刺出身的控衛都養得很好15F 06/08 02:43
devin0329   :太偉大了popo16F 06/08 02:44
bwnzer      :波波 Q_Q17F 06/08 02:46
ohyeahhh    :波波 史上最好教練 沒有之一18F 06/08 02:46
hmt17       :Mills:我最多有2000萬名澳洲鄉親支持!19F 06/08 02:54
otakuwill   :波波太棒了20F 06/08 02:57
kanouhiko   :Google了一下這支原住民也是非裔21F 06/08 02:58
Raskolnikov :據說澳洲原住民超有特權的22F 06/08 02:58
whj0530     :這好波怎能不推23F 06/08 03:01
juniorpenny :請問,澳洲的體育台是不是播很多馬刺球賽啊?就像台灣24F 06/08 03:04
juniorpenny :播粉多火箭比賽一樣
smallahaha  :澳洲原住民我們稱為阿寶,基本上在澳洲境內可以橫著26F 06/08 03:16
a34567      :27F 06/08 03:20
semicoma    :什麼時候輪到我們志傑呢?28F 06/08 03:24
tnpaul      :這老頭只能推了29F 06/08 03:26
jojoSpirit  :推一個30F 06/08 03:32
stevefran   :推31F 06/08 03:48
Arctica     :Pop真的很有心...32F 06/08 03:55
hihi29      :很可惜 台灣原住民被KMT安撫的服服貼貼的33F 06/08 04:25
umyiwen     :是目前看過最棒的新聞了!34F 06/08 04:50
tn          :反觀志傑35F 06/08 04:51
b2209187    :反觀台灣以前一堆人叫原住民"番仔"36F 06/08 04:57
gotohikaru  :以前是要反觀啥?內文就寫到以前是直接拆散家庭37F 06/08 05:45
Hsu1025     :刺酸:老波愛耍賤招,這只是他的兩面手法38F 06/08 05:53
Knightly    :妮可基曼表示: ....39F 06/08 06:04
tiros       :哇靠...太賊了...Mills這薪水不敢喊太高了40F 06/08 06:27
brian980466 :WOW41F 06/08 06:35
brian980466 :刺黑:噁心
K0RVER      :波波讚43F 06/08 06:51
w35413541   :popo:全美算什麼,我只想顧海外市場。44F 06/08 06:56
jiuan1027   :澳洲賭王代表:佩蒂‧麥爾斯45F 06/08 07:16
ZGMFX09A    :popo:溫馨 新水好談46F 06/08 07:17
worshipA    :完全沒人要酸結果都是刺迷在腦補推文 這就是我為什麼47F 06/08 07:21
worshipA    :沒辦法支持馬刺 我很喜歡TD TP 鬼切 但刺迷讓人倒彈
octantis    :樓上講一堆屁話,愛牽托49F 06/08 07:28
brothers5566:開始學真男人一樣做一堆"小事“了嗎50F 06/08 07:39
ooxx0203    :溫馨51F 06/08 07:42
silence569  :popo太有心了,太感動了52F 06/08 07:49
worshipA    :又來秀水準了XD53F 06/08 07:49
dcoog7880   :POPO:先將你一軍54F 06/08 07:51
bobmarly    :popo好教練!但我還是挺熱火55F 06/08 08:06
kaikai1112  :無限期支持銅門部落封山~~~~~~~~56F 06/08 08:08
kaikai1112  :借轉
kaikai1112:轉錄至看板 PublicIssue                               06/08 08:08
Shinpachi   :推58F 06/08 08:13
shena30335  :59F 06/08 08:36
killer1103  :有洋蔥60F 06/08 08:41
maybecry    :推61F 06/08 08:48
billliu14   :推銅門封山62F 06/08 08:53
Mitch       :好文63F 06/08 08:55
kiwisoda    :波波超有心QQ Patty加油~~64F 06/08 09:04
kiwisoda    :可是這樣要人家怎樣開口提加薪QQ
Bogeenash   :推阿66F 06/08 09:07
avrilrock   :popo真的是個好教練67F 06/08 09:20
Tarooo      :溫馨68F 06/08 09:22
neos042     :鼓勵69F 06/08 09:26
nostar      :之前馬刺有跟Manu續約真是太棒了70F 06/08 09:34
shinshong   :溫馨71F 06/08 09:39
krara       :馬刺真的是聯合國隊72F 06/08 09:50

※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 64 
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