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看板 NBA
作者 標題 Fw: [外電] Mavericks’ Chandler Parsons will be i
時間 Wed Feb 11 09:20:53 2015
※ [本文轉錄自 Mavericks 看板 #1Ksgvj6q ]
看板 Mavericks
作者 標題 [外電] Mavericks’ Chandler Parsons will be i
時間 Wed Feb 11 09:20:42 2015
Mavericks’ Chandler Parsons will be in first-ever NBA fashion show, taking competition very seriously | Dallas Morning News
Chandler Parsons wasn't planning on being in New York for NBA All-Star weekend, but a call for competition changed his plans. Parsons won't be in the All-Star game or the… ...
Chandler Parsons wasn’t planning on being in New York for NBA All-Star
weekend, but a call for competition changed his plans.
Parsons won’t be in the All-Star game or the 3-point competition. Instead, he
’ll be clashing with other NBA players in the first NBA fashion show.
The show is being produced by LeBron James’ production company and will air
on Feburary 14 at 5:30 p.m. on TNT.
“Basically, they just knew I was into that so they just reached out and
asked if I would be interested in doing that,” Parsons said. “I initially
didn’t plan on going to New York, but I’m going to go for a couple days
before I get out of there. It’ll be fun.”
The contestants will be Parsons, Minnesota’s Zach LaVine, Golden State’s
Klay Thompson, Houston’s James Harden, Washington’s John Wall and Sacramento
’s DeMarcus Cousins.
The competition will be judged by TNT analysts Charles Barkley and Kenny
Smith, designer John Elliott, GQ style editor Will Welch and WNBA player
Elena Delle Donne.
“That’ll be another great opportunity to do something that I’m very
interested in with a lot of cool people there,” Parsons said. “It’s the
first ever one the NBA is holding so this will be a fun time to spend with
those guys and kind of learn more about that industry.”
Parsons should have an advantage. Besides just being interested fashion, he
is a model and was recently named the most handsome man in the NBA by the
Japanese fans.
All that could come in handy in a contest Parsons is taking seriously.
“You don’t enter a competition and not try to win,” Parsons said.
小牛隊 Chandler Parsons
灰狼隊 Zach LaVine
勇士隊 Klay Thompson
火箭隊 James Harden
巫師隊 John Wall
國王隊 DeMarcus Cousins
Kenny Smith
設計師John Elliot
GQ Style編輯 Will Welch
WNBA球員 Elena Delle Donne
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Ksgvj6q (Mavericks)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Mavericks/M.1423617645.A.1B4.html
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: popstarkirby (, 02/11/2015 09:20:53
※ 編輯: popstarkirby (, 02/11/2015 09:22:14
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推 : cp25贏定了 除非帥哥kk來攪局14F 02/11 09:37
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推 : 不知道看不看得到哈登剃鬍子打NBA16F 02/11 09:38
推 : 評審有老巴 這....17F 02/11 09:41
推 : 我想要看西河18F 02/11 09:41
推 : 竟然沒西河19F 02/11 09:41
推 : 哈登是來陪襯的,聰明的做法。20F 02/11 09:42
推 : 哈登...21F 02/11 09:42
推 : 還我西河22F 02/11 09:44
推 : 請老巴當評審,表示比賽是認真的XD23F 02/11 09:45
推 : 想看西河24F 02/11 09:46
推 : lol!25F 02/11 09:49
噓 : 沒有WADE這樣對嗎26F 02/11 09:52
→ : 怎麼沒西河27F 02/11 09:53
推 : 怎麼沒有TD…咦?!28F 02/11 09:55
推 : 沒KK 沒Redick CP25贏定了吧29F 02/11 09:59
推 : 這...30F 02/11 10:00
推 : 哈登 是娛樂組的吧31F 02/11 10:09
推 : 我想看西河32F 02/11 10:10
→ : 果然表弟算帥的33F 02/11 10:14
推 : GARCIA不錯34F 02/11 10:20
推 : 大鬍子直接登錄最後一名35F 02/11 10:21
推 : 西河勒????????????36F 02/11 10:22
推 : 推薦gordon hayward 最近又強又帥又宅37F 02/11 10:23
推 : 這名單,高富珍躺著比都贏……38F 02/11 10:24
推 : 鬍子從高中一直都穿得很潮呀....39F 02/11 10:26
推 : Hayward:啥時要辦電玩大賽啦幹40F 02/11 10:27
推 : 這是比時尚又不是比長相41F 02/11 10:32
推 : 沒wade?? sgg去當映襯用的42F 02/11 10:35
推 : 比時尚怎麼沒拳王跟韋德咧?43F 02/11 10:45
推 : 趴森司應該躺著贏44F 02/11 10:57
推 : 西河震怒45F 02/11 11:10
推 : 熊貓之友有參賽資格嗎?46F 02/11 11:18
→ : 這啥?47F 02/11 11:31
推 : 我拉很帥48F 02/11 11:43
推 : 這啥鬼哈哈哈49F 02/11 11:44
推 : 西河:沒找我參加的比賽就不是比賽50F 02/11 12:12
推 : 很像男女糾察隊那個時尚大吐槽的單元51F 02/11 12:12
推 : 沒Wade???NBA公認的潮男欸52F 02/11 12:18
→ : Parsons好奸詐,看一堆醜的就參加53F 02/11 12:20
→ : 除了他沒一個能看
→ : 除了他沒一個能看
推 : 辦電玩大賽啊55F 02/11 12:23
推 : 沒小河流?56F 02/11 13:01
→ : 西河是另一派的領頭羊啊57F 02/11 13:03
推 : Ribio才是全聯盟最帥的吧58F 02/11 13:06
→ : u
→ : u
推 : 不考慮年紀的話 CP3也很時尚60F 02/11 14:43
→ : 怎麼沒西河61F 02/11 14:48
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