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作者 yiyi7443 (不捨)
標題 [外絮] 哈登《時代週刊》專訪 Q&A
時間 Wed Feb 22 23:38:08 2017


Q&A: James Harden Tells TIME He's The World's Best NBA Player
by Sean Gregory 2017-2-17



How do you rewire your thinking, moving from shooting guard to point guard?


I’m still trying to figure it out. Most point guards, their job is to
facilitate and get guys involved. Me, scoring is the first nature. I’ve got
to figure out when it’s time to pass, when it’s time to be more aggressive.
It’s like a second guy in your head, talking to you every possession. ‘Here
you go, make the right pass, here you go. O.K., he’s open, hit him. O.K.,
now you’re open, shoot the ball now.’ But it makes the game fun, when you
have someone on your shoulders talking to you.


Does the second guy have a beard as well?


No, he’s shaved. Clean cut.


What’s the most fun aspect of distributing the basketball?


Seeing Montrezl Harrell get 30 points. [Harrell has scored 29 and 28 points
this season]. Just him scoring, him getting an opportunity, him happy after
the game. He’s just excited, he’s talking, smiling. It’s like a life
changing experience for him. He’s in the NBA but he never knew what it felt
like to get 30 points in a game. I can usually take that for granted. But for
him, to get that experience, I just sat back and watched him. That right
there was like, 'OK, the more I can do that for my other teammate, the
better.' One game I want Ryan [Anderson] to hit 12 threes in one game, or
Eric [Gordon] to hit 12 threes, or Trevor [Ariza]. Patrick [Beverley] was two
rebounds from having his first triple double. I want them to experience that.
Because that right there is something they haven’t consistently experienced
in their life.

答:看到Montrezl Harrel拿下30分。[Harrel本季最高得分是29和28。]



You’ve been called a counterintuitive player. Why do you think that fits?


I’m not the fastest guy, from end to end on the floor, or the most athletic.
I don’t touch the top of the backboard. But I can get to my spots, get to
where I need to be. That’s all that matters.

I’m at my own pace. You’re not going to make me play faster than I want to
play. Most guys speed up. I need to get to point A, I’m going to get to
point A when I want to get point A. When I need to change direction to get to
point B, it’s when I need to go to point B. So it’s a different mentality
you have to have. It’s thinking a step or two steps ahead of the defender.




Growing up in Los Angeles, did you think honestly you'd be an NBA player?


You have a dream, you have a goal that you want to do something, you’re
going to find a way to do it. At that time, I didn’t know how it was going
to happen. But I knew it was going to happen.

I was chubby. Had asthma. Wasn’t that tall. Scott Pera [Harden’s coach at
Artesia High School in the LA area] had me on the track, had me just working.
It was probably the worst time of my life. I was lazy. He had me running
miles. I needed my inhaler, I’m about to pass out. It wasn’t good. But I
got better at it. He saw it in me.

I never had anything given to me. Even as a McDonald’s All-American, you had
the Blake Giffins, you had the Derek Roses, the Michel Beasleys, the O.J.
Mayos, all those guys were in my class. I was a McDonald’s All-American. But
I was at the bottom still.



    跟我同屆的麥當勞全美高中生,有像Blake Giffin, Derek Rose,
    Michel Beasley,  O.J. Mayo這類的亮眼新星。

You lead the NBA in most free-throws attempted -- and made -- per game. Was

there a moment you realized you had a knack for drawing fouls?


It was Oklahoma, maybe the end of my second year. They taught you to chin the
rim: going to the rim, but the ball up, chin it, so you can finish. I did the
opposite. I kept the ball down. Because you have to really good hands to
strip the ball. And I have really strong hands. If you reach and you get my
arm, that’s a foul 90 percent of the time. So I just used to it my
advantage. Now I see everybody is doing it. I see Demar DeRozan doing it,
Kawhi Leonard. I’m not saying I started it. But I think I definitely brought
it back to everyone’s attention.



    像是Demar DeRozan啦,Kawhi Leonard啦!

Do you think this hurts your perception in some sense, because people think
the refs give you too many calls?


Yeah, for sure they think the referees are helping me out. But that’s not
being helped out. That’s the same contact as when you’re going to the
basket and you get bumped in the air. A foul is a foul no matter how it’s
committed. I’m just using my brain and my IQ and finding different ways to
be crafty and get to the basket and score the basketball.

It’s not like I’m going to the basket looking for arms, and looking for
foul calls. I’m just going to the basket, looking to finish, and if you
reach, it’s a foul. That’s the perception most people have -- he goes to
the basket looking for fouls. No. I go to the basket with my arms out, and if
you foul me, then you foul me. It’s your fault. [Laughs]



You were raised by a single mother in Los Angeles. In his book, former NBA
coach George Karl suggested that players without fathers in their lives were
prone to negative behaviors. Back in December Kenyon Martin, one of the
players singled out, had a strong response. What did you think of all that?

問:你由單親媽媽撫養長大。前NBA教練George Karl曾在書裡說過,
    Kenyon Martin對此表達強烈不滿。你有什麼看法?

George Karl can’t come at people’s family like that. Because each
individual feels different about their situation and they react differently.
My dad was in and out of my life, in and out of jail. I was fortunate enough
to have a strong mom. Then I got to high school, coach Pera helped me with
that. So I didn’t go off the deep end. But some guys do.

That’s not your place. You can criticize and have an opinion about coaching
them. But personal lives, father figures and all that stuff, it’s best that
you just stay out of it.



You dated Khloé Kardashian, and that relationship introduced you to tabloid
fame. What was that like?


I didn’t like it. Everything I did was overthought. It was blown out of
proportion. For example, I signed my Adidas deal in August [of 2015], and wasn
’t able wear Adidas because I was with Nike until like October 1. So I still
had to wear Nike. But every time I went out and I had Nikes on: ‘Oh my God,
James Harden is wearing Nike, he just signed a deal with Adidas.’ I can’t
wear Adidas until October 1. Leave me alone. It was just too much. There was
just a lot of nonsense, just saying my name for no reason. It was a learning
experience, for sure. We all go through those.



You’ve had to deal with a fair amount of change in your career – going from
Oklahoma City to Houston, the partnership with Dwight, this move to point
guard. Do you have any advice for people dealing with new challenges and
responsibilities in a work environment, or anywhere else?


Something bad things happen. Do you bounce back now? Or do you just stay down
there and allow it to take you down? You make a mistake, ok, don’t compound
one mistake with two mistakes. Having a bad day? OK, tomorrow is going to be
a better day. Like, we all have bad days in life, no matter what job you’re
in. Don’t let it compound. The next day is going to be better. Always have a
positive mindset. Just keep going, just keep going, just keep going.


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tf310244    : 走轟大師1F 02/22 23:41
arcss       : http://imgur.com/WQvUQ2h  他有空檔了,快傳給他~2F 02/22 23:42
SS159       : 鬍子真的很棒3F 02/22 23:42
LoMing1021  : 感謝翻譯 推白鬍子4F 02/22 23:43
tmac0003    : 推5F 02/22 23:43
jackal44748 : 推鬍子  今年年度MVP無誤6F 02/22 23:44
ckshchen:轉錄至看板 Rockets                                     02/22 23:44
danieljaw   : 講得真好~7F 02/22 23:45
ckshchen    : 成熟好多!8F 02/22 23:45
gaowolf     : MVP只要火箭有56+就沒問題9F 02/22 23:45
gaowolf     : 我看好火箭最後58勝收尾
Larry0806   : 白鬍子阿11F 02/22 23:47
john0927tw  : 推2樓!XD12F 02/22 23:47
emptie      : 去年的買法真的很難看,但是要檢討的應該也是裁判就13F 02/22 23:49
emptie      : 是,球員就是認真打球求勝而已
PKming      : 今年真是又強又白 QQ15F 02/22 23:49
wuming2     : 神鬍16F 02/22 23:51
Marytin     : 就是你搶了Lin的位置17F 02/22 23:51
kenlin0105  : 白到發光了18F 02/22 23:52
GinoBelieve : 推一個19F 02/22 23:52
no321       : 鬍子親自點名DDR和KL20F 02/22 23:53
WeGoYuSheng : 內心一直在進步的球員21F 02/22 23:53
phoenix286  : 去年的買法很難看...? 今年的買法很不難看?22F 02/22 23:54
sengoddard  : 哈登態度明明很好  以前卻一直被嘴態度不佳23F 02/22 23:54
kunda       : 他只是顯示他沒看而已24F 02/22 23:54
Aceyalone   : 鞋約的事記得超清楚的   XD25F 02/22 23:55
guardian128 : 推推推26F 02/22 23:55
rbking21    : 進步神速的除了球技還有媒體應對能力 真的成長好多27F 02/22 23:56
jones17188  : 聖光鬍28F 02/22 23:56
ccf0423     : 以前被黑到爆,今年反而白到亮..XD29F 02/22 23:56
tmac0003    : 不管是哪個球員整場買都很難看,偶爾買的話還行XD30F 02/22 23:56
davidWG5566 : 成熟得體鬍31F 02/22 23:56
davidWG5566 : 以前看他媒體訪問都在耍ㄎㄧㄤ
blueocean292: 黑鬍子變白鬍子了33F 02/22 23:57
zteboom46   : 改變後的鬍子 推一個34F 02/22 23:58
ibroele     : 哈哈 跟卡交往那段扯的真遠35F 02/22 23:58
gp03dan     : 白鬍子36F 02/22 23:58
e920528     : 推樂趣那段 有點小感動37F 02/23 00:00


skygray2    : 得體38F 02/23 00:01
FAYeeeeeeee : 哈登體能不好是和年輕Wade比嗎?39F 02/23 00:02
frank355571 : 登登=未來最強PG40F 02/23 00:02
Timba       : 哈登也有另一個我XDD ??41F 02/23 00:02
rabbit529   : 推好文42F 02/23 00:02
frank355571 : 變白鬍子有一大部分是因為某人黑到爆炸43F 02/23 00:03
bn5566      : 他到底在一年之內吃了什麼 整個人都變了=_=44F 02/23 00:04
HolaDiego   : 鬍子剛進聯盟真的超怪的XD45F 02/23 00:05
※ 編輯: yiyi7443 (, 02/23/2017 00:08:36
jones17188  : 人家那叫築夢踏實,都是別人黑他的46F 02/23 00:06
ntusimmon   : 推!!    雷納德也很會買犯47F 02/23 00:07
CHELun      : 鬍子:以前跟KD 龜龜一隊 我一直以為我體能很不好48F 02/23 00:07
sylviehsiang: 能不能來個誰給我看看沒有鬍子的他長啥樣49F 02/23 00:08
davidWG5566 : 樓上 就在二樓啊50F 02/23 00:08
ji394tb     : MVP鬍51F 02/23 00:09
yiyi7443:轉錄至看板 Rockets                                     02/23 00:09
qwerty789   : 這篇訪問不錯 問到癢處52F 02/23 00:09
davidWG5566 : 殺奎要是曾經跟他同隊過...現在可能還能留在NBA QQ53F 02/23 00:10
Latizhate   : 他吃了啥,感覺怪怪的54F 02/23 00:10
sylviehsiang: 他還是留鬍子好了....55F 02/23 00:10
danny87173  : 今年成為鬍子迷的人一定很多56F 02/23 00:12
TheoEpstein : 可惜沙葵的隊友是no pass look57F 02/23 00:13
Keatonzeus  : 超白58F 02/23 00:13
dusted      : 卡爾真的是很哭59F 02/23 00:15
arcss       : 我能理解鬍子為啥要留鬍子,不留的話真的很....可愛60F 02/23 00:15
tp943308    : 整篇充滿正能量  鬍子真的很棒61F 02/23 00:15
arcss       : 會讓人想一直挑戰的那種臉 Orz62F 02/23 00:16
tp943308    : 以前林迷整天嘴鬍子 現在真的是笑死63F 02/23 00:16
kano2525    : 「夥伴,現在該怎麼做?」64F 02/23 00:16
MotleyCrue  : MDA 到底餵了鬍子什麼...65F 02/23 00:17
kano2525    : 「另外一個我,先看隊友有沒有空檔,再切入買飯。」66F 02/23 00:17
phoenix927  : 白鬍子~~~ 老爹  歐壓繼67F 02/23 00:19
GreenTea9527: 黑鬍子變白鬍子?68F 02/23 00:20
jjyyy       : 林迷整天嘴鬍子格局真的小69F 02/23 00:21
sgt6836     : 記者問卡戴珊那裡感覺有點挖坑 但鬍子硬是轉成鞋子70F 02/23 00:22
sgt6836     : 的事應對的還不錯
uini        : 小心被追殺72F 02/23 00:23
zxcv458162  : 傳球那段真感人QQ73F 02/23 00:24
frank355571 : 林迷根本被鬍子甩臉腫得要命74F 02/23 00:25
frank355571 : 事實證明送走Lin跟草莓根本就是最佳選擇
tp943308    : 最經典的林迷嘴臉就是 叫鬍子打第六人 林打先發76F 02/23 00:28
BoatLord    : HARDEN從氣喘到灌籃...QQ77F 02/23 00:30
zero549893  : 超喜歡看他運球晃人後撤步78F 02/23 00:32
Kapersky    : 這篇把罰球說得很清楚 鬍子從頭到尾就是故意把球放79F 02/23 00:33
Kapersky    : 防守者看到的地方 讓你手癢來出手
Kapersky    : 防守者自己都手癢要出手拍球了 那怪裁判響哨也太怪
blueocean292: 這篇應該是鬍子第一次針對自己要飯名聲做解釋82F 02/23 00:36
loserloser  : 一直覺得鬍子要犯這種進攻手段真的很猛83F 02/23 00:36
roy0651     : 走轟大師84F 02/23 00:36
blueocean292: 猛歸猛 可是不好看啊…85F 02/23 00:37
william12tw : 推 幫助隊友那段真的很棒86F 02/23 00:37
hojoe       : 今年MVP無誤87F 02/23 00:37
loserloser  : 進攻有效率我覺得就好了88F 02/23 00:37
blueocean292: 我覺得可愛說他看哈登影片學要飯 而且真的有增加許89F 02/23 00:38
blueocean292: 多罰球後 我有稍微改觀
loserloser  : 哈登那種要犯我覺得不影響我看球的興致91F 02/23 00:39
Kapersky    : 這就是為什我說鬍子在國際賽一樣有哨音92F 02/23 00:39
loserloser  : KD那種圓比較誇張93F 02/23 00:39
Kapersky    : 敲到持球者手臂 到哪都是會響哨94F 02/23 00:40
swallowp1   : 推Harden!95F 02/23 00:43
idlewolf    : 雖然不好看 但防守的人只敲的到手當然犯規96F 02/23 00:47
idlewolf    : 但球就拿在眼前 通常忍住不敲或是敲得準的人又少
smtp        : 這真的都是鬍子自己講的嗎?還是有公關幫忙操刀?98F 02/23 00:53
GoalBased   : 你的推文是你自己推的嗎?99F 02/23 00:55
feeling00480: 之前會難看是因為他都是終結者,盤球盤半天自己打100F 02/23 00:56
feeling00480: 掉,加上買飯又很拖時間
luvstarrysky: 這種方式就是球要拿得很穩 不然就是失誤102F 02/23 00:57
luvstarrysky: 不過以哈登的技巧應該失敗的機會鰻低的
K951753     : 鬍子好棒棒104F 02/23 00:58
feeling00480: 今年打控衛球就會流動,可以看到團隊的合作,跑空105F 02/23 00:59
feeling00480: 檔
g29050      : 從超討厭他現在變很欣賞他 天哪才一年而哪107F 02/23 00:59
nastycurry  : 白到發亮108F 02/23 01:05
percyiverson: 推白鬍子109F 02/23 01:15
Timba       : 這種才是帶風向的好隊友110F 02/23 01:20
Timba       : "我希望他們也能享受這些,因為這樣的機會不是場"
jasonlinvpp : 神登112F 02/23 01:20
mekiael     : 這季的鬍子表現很好,頂多就失誤多了一點而已113F 02/23 01:21
ricky6516   : harrel那段看了很感動114F 02/23 01:22
cfs         : 原來鞋子事件是這樣   媒體真的很可怕115F 02/23 01:22
kobe124     : 好白116F 02/23 01:25
lurs1225    : 鬍子推117F 02/23 01:28
vltw5v      : 登登真的要留鬍子,不然一點殺氣都沒有...118F 02/23 01:30
pr98293     : 白鬍子!119F 02/23 01:32
gibe        : 鬍子本來就很不錯啊XD120F 02/23 01:43
lai162      : 神鬍今年值得一座MVP121F 02/23 01:46
westdoor5566: 硬要扯lin幹嘛 火箭來來去去這麼多人122F 02/23 01:50
aquacomfort : 鬍子認證可愛愛買飯123F 02/23 01:51
dirk1409    : 支持鬍子MVP124F 02/23 01:55
ChildX      : 推125F 02/23 01:56
tsaiyu      : 推126F 02/23 02:02
YamagiN     : 2F把鬍子的分靈體形象PO出來幹嘛XD127F 02/23 02:04
pon0975     : 得體128F 02/23 02:22
canhong     : 這一季真的白到發亮129F 02/23 02:24
BeBeGun     : 推一個130F 02/23 02:48
Solidsanke  : 這發言得體到跟聖人一樣......131F 02/23 02:52
ahinetn123  : \MVP/132F 02/23 02:56
lcs1024vvvvv: 太白了啊鬍子133F 02/23 02:56
rothschild99: 喔134F 02/23 02:59
alex53001   : 推鬍子135F 02/23 03:07
KeySabre    : 應該說把mcfail換成mda讓鬍子開展更多天賦136F 02/23 03:14
doig        : 推137F 02/23 03:37
OPPAISuki   : 越來越喜歡鬍子了!也轉變太多!138F 02/23 03:46
kaojet      : 哈登還是留鬍子吧, 沒鬍子看起來超怪@@139F 02/23 04:25
liafree     : 推鬍子140F 02/23 04:27
pp787753    : 哈登有千年積木給推141F 02/23 04:44
noodlecool  : 鬍子: 我想到G點, 就能到G點 (變速)142F 02/23 05:53
joveryant   : 真的不太喜歡她的風格 不過推這篇文章keep going143F 02/23 06:56
Xhocer      : 大推鬍子!144F 02/23 07:24
chenlansue  : 看完這篇就知道以前幾個鬍黑的發言有多蠢145F 02/23 07:28
CKNTUErnie  : 超白的146F 02/23 07:31
james11song : 愛德華紐蓋特147F 02/23 07:43
kusami      : Nike那段可以翻翻當時這板舊文 黑的人臉腫得跟什麼148F 02/23 07:57
Acrono      : 看完改觀了  現在滿喜歡鬍子的149F 02/23 07:58
a26893997   : 哈哈  成熟了很多  希望繼續進步150F 02/23 08:08
taluku      : 白了= =我也開始喜歡他了151F 02/23 08:09
rich5566    : 推152F 02/23 08:12
jzbobby     : 變聖誕老人了 完全洗白 知道大屁屁要挑著幹153F 02/23 08:15
nba5566     : ˊ推推154F 02/23 08:19
teramars    : 最後一段話 說得好棒~155F 02/23 08:20
Transfat    : 故意要飯就承認,說什麼只是手伸出去..156F 02/23 08:26
gn00607201  : 要飯那段大家都知道 就是難看157F 02/23 08:28
rocklin8    : 看好MVP158F 02/23 08:30
JD56        : 我159F 02/23 08:31
tofly       : 大推!!160F 02/23 08:36
rich780501  : 不能因為白了就扭曲事實呀!明明就是你把手往別人161F 02/23 08:42
rich780501  : 手上靠 除了這個其他沒意見
MorikonHase : 白鬍子163F 02/23 08:47
xo1100      : 這季白到底了 給他個MVP吧164F 02/23 08:49
xcgt2003    : 千年鬍子4ni?165F 02/23 08:51
archi       : 鬍子不刺滿身刺青青就是NBA裡清流中的清流166F 02/23 08:53
amop        : 得體鬍167F 02/23 08:59
color1355   : 得體到覺得公關公司做的很好168F 02/23 09:05
kk9517      : 推最後一段 心態很成熟169F 02/23 09:05
bilibo      : 回答的很OK阿170F 02/23 09:05
iamyamigami : Harrel跟狗鼻同隊 就是搶到籃板出手第一球之後被罵171F 02/23 09:10
iamyamigami : 被冰 合約到期不續約
fransiceyho : 推 今年真的猛173F 02/23 09:12
RonaldPan   : 今年洗超白了174F 02/23 09:16
daruq       : 白鬍子175F 02/23 09:18
KobeYaMeTe  : 鬍子今年MVP176F 02/23 09:18
angels      : 靠著手臂強壯伸出去引誘人封阻或抄球其實有點賭博177F 02/23 09:27
angels      : 味道,只能說歐洲步加成很大
handsomecat : 鬍子真的不斷進步179F 02/23 09:28
micbrimac   : 鬍子真是好人~180F 02/23 09:36
amarni333   : 有禮貌的鬍子人人愛181F 02/23 09:41
allenthai   : 被黑很久了,現在超白,MVP182F 02/23 09:45
daniel50508 : 白鬍子!!183F 02/23 09:45
s891234     : 推白鬍184F 02/23 09:59
frank355571 : 當時的要犯成員KD成了現今要犯達人白鬍子底下最大185F 02/23 10:00
frank355571 : 的黑暗 ! 襯托變白 ! 感恩KD做的一切貢獻都是為了登
frank355571 : 登龜龜好啊 ! 犧牲一切只為了總冠軍真的逐夢踏實,
frank355571 : 令人鼻酸
sony0955    : 好會說...189F 02/23 10:03
kyo06       : 鬍子以前買飯嚴重到根本沒有要投籃得分的企圖190F 02/23 10:12
kyo06       : 一些防守highlight看久了很無言,對方是手舉高讓開
kyo06       : 然後鬍子就自己放槍了,當時真的有點本末倒置
JCrawford   : 你只是看低光當然會覺得他好爛193F 02/23 10:19
JCrawford   : 真的這麼爛就不會年年帶火箭進季後賽了
JCrawford   : 這道理要理解並不難
rbking21    : 他從雷霆第二年開始每年一直穩定進步突破 不是一夕196F 02/23 10:31
rbking21    : 之間的事情 真正產生巨大改變的是風向和輿論
utsunomiya  : 鬍子體能明明很不錯198F 02/23 10:41
JHarden     : 鬍子自己都覺得體能不如人了 何必一定要把自己想法199F 02/23 10:44
JHarden     : 強加在別人身上..
JHarden     : NBA多少怪物 鬍子自己難道不知道嗎
JHarden     : 他是有自知之明 不是裝弱 裝弱也不是美國人的作風
micbrimac   : 樓上本尊出來說話了203F 02/23 10:47
summersuns  : 率拉~~~~204F 02/23 10:52
aslovegoc06 : 推鬍子205F 02/23 11:01
nwojessy    : 今年鬍子真的威206F 02/23 11:04
steven5l5l  : 推鬍鬍207F 02/23 11:05
anoymouse   : 千年鬍子208F 02/23 11:17
storyofwind : 之前的分析也是說鬍子雖然速度不快爆發不強209F 02/23 11:29
storyofwind : 但是減速很厲害,這跟他訪談的應答內容差不多。可見
storyofwind : 鬍子是真的很知道自己身體上的優勢和劣勢。
frank355571 : 鬍子就是把變速發揮到極致的男人,變速跟拿飯的高212F 02/23 11:38
frank355571 : 手中的高高手
gnid        : 猛214F 02/23 11:59

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