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時間 Thu May 25 08:43:29 2017
Article Archives - Bleacher Report
The latest NBA news, trade rumors, scores, live coverage, free agent updates, power rankings, mock drafts and more from Bleacher Report ...
The latest NBA news, trade rumors, scores, live coverage, free agent updates, power rankings, mock drafts and more from Bleacher Report ...
Scottie Pippen Says LeBron James Hasn't Passed Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan | Bleacher Report
Scottie Pippen isn't ready to compare LeBron James to Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant , and it's not just because he has fewer rings... ...
Scottie Pippen isn't ready to compare LeBron James to Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant , and it's not just because he has fewer rings... ...
Scottie Pippen 不認為 LeBron James 超越 Kobe Bryant 和 Michael Jordan,
但他表示 LeBron 的實力高強,身體素質在Pippen自己以及 Magic Johnson 之上
Los Angeles Lakers Hire Kim Kardashian Trainer Gunnar Peterson | Bleacher Report
The Los Angeles Lakers announced Wednesday the hiring of Gunnar Peterson as the team's director of strength and endurance training... ...
The Los Angeles Lakers announced Wednesday the hiring of Gunnar Peterson as the team's director of strength and endurance training... ...
湖人雇用 Gunnar Peterson 擔任訓練員,他是卡戴珊家族的訓練員,
負責現年36歲的Kim Kardashian自19歲以來的訓練
Jimmy Butler Jokes with DeAndre Jordan After Hair Jab: 'I Never Liked You' | Bleacher Report
Jimmy Butler and DeAndre Jordan developed something of a bromance with the United States Olympic team last summer, and the teasing has continued throu ...
Jimmy Butler and DeAndre Jordan developed something of a bromance with the United States Olympic team last summer, and the teasing has continued throu ...
Jimmy Butler 和 DeAndre Jordan 在Instagram上面鬥嘴開玩笑
JB 放了一張剛剪頭髮的照片,DeAndre 嘴說 JB 新剪的髮型不好看
JB 回說反正我其實一直都不喜歡你,只是在裝而已
Tyronn Lue Says Celtics Offense Harder Than Warriors' to Defend for Cavaliers | Bleacher Report
Cleveland Cavaliers head coach Tyronn Lue may have inadvertently given the Golden State Warriors bulletin board material if the two teams meet in the ...
Cleveland Cavaliers head coach Tyronn Lue may have inadvertently given the Golden State Warriors bulletin board material if the two teams meet in the ...
騎士教練 Tyronn Lue 表示,賽爾蒂克的進攻比勇士更令騎士困擾
Chris Bosh, Heat, NBPA Reportedly Have 'Tentatively Agreed' on Exit from Team | Bleacher Report
The Miami Heat and Chris Bosh have reportedly agreed to a deal that will allow them to mutually part ways, per Brian Windhorst of ESPN.com... ...
The Miami Heat and Chris Bosh have reportedly agreed to a deal that will allow them to mutually part ways, per Brian Windhorst of ESPN.com... ...
Chris Bosh 和熱火正在談合約中止的議題,主要爭議在於Bosh佔的薪資空間以及傷病
Derrick Rose Rumored as Potential Timberwolves Target, Spurs Also Linked | Bleacher Report
With Derrick Rose set to hit free agency this summer, the Minnesota Timberwolves could potentially reunite him with head coach Tom Thibodeau. Per ESPN ...
With Derrick Rose set to hit free agency this summer, the Minnesota Timberwolves could potentially reunite him with head coach Tom Thibodeau. Per ESPN ...
據稱,Derrick Rose 有可能和灰狼、馬刺商談加盟事宜
D'Angelo Russell Likes Tweet: 'No Way in Hell' the Lakers Should Take Lonzo Ball | Bleacher Report
It seems Los Angeles Lakers point guard D’Angelo Russell is not in favor of Lonzo Ball joining the team... ...
It seems Los Angeles Lakers point guard D’Angelo Russell is not in favor of Lonzo Ball joining the team... ...
D'Angelo Russell 點了一則推特讚
該則推特說看了 Russell 的本季高光後,湖人無論如何都不應該選 Lonzo Ball
(there is no way in hell they should draft Lonzo.)
Allen Iverson 表示,雖然LeBron很偉大,但是沒有人能超越Michael Jordan
他還稱若沒有Michael Jordan,就沒有Allen Iverson的出現
Russell 這麼怕被Lonzo搶位子嗎
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推 : Rose!1F 05/25 08:44
→ : Gasol來馬刺三分都能長出來 Rose沒道理不行2F 05/25 08:45
推 : 胯下之Lue也懂講幹話?3F 05/25 08:46
推 : 拜託不要 玫瑰太痛痛了4F 05/25 08:46
推 : JB說的應該是實話,不是幹話5F 05/25 08:48
推 : 魯在講笑話?6F 05/25 08:49
推 : 推AI7F 05/25 08:50
推 : 去馬刺吧8F 05/25 08:50
推 : 球爸準備開嘴9F 05/25 08:54
推 : 拜託不要馬刺 可愛防守夠累了 XD10F 05/25 08:55
推 : 東冠=總冠 騎士過這關就穩了 大家可以回家啦11F 05/25 08:55
推 : 魯在講贛話12F 05/25 08:55
推 : Gasol 在湖人後期就會投三分了 只是量還不多 跟rose13F 05/25 08:56
→ : 差很多
→ : 差很多
推 : 一開始對bosh明知道有生命危險還想打覺得感動 久了15F 05/25 08:57
→ : 久就覺得明明知道打了真的出事對熱火會有很嚴重的
→ : 問題還在那執著 也不退休卡薪資
→ : 久就覺得明明知道打了真的出事對熱火會有很嚴重的
→ : 問題還在那執著 也不退休卡薪資
推 : 我羅去馬刺學習養生打球延長職業生涯18F 05/25 08:59
→ : 戰神!!!!19F 05/25 09:00
推 : 卡戴珊家族的訓練員要訓練什麼?20F 05/25 09:01
推 : 除非ROSE願意領很低的薪資......21F 05/25 09:02
推 : 訓練大屁股吧22F 05/25 09:03
推 : JB理光頭啦 看看到底有多像喬神23F 05/25 09:04
推 : AI:MJ當過我的背景!24F 05/25 09:05
推 : Dlo準備要被丟了 慘25F 05/25 09:08
→ : Rose根本痛痛人...誰接誰當冤大頭26F 05/25 09:11
推 : 過不了賽隊就不用想打勇士的事情 我覺得很合理啊27F 05/25 09:12
推 : Lue的意思應該就只是說現在的青賽不知道要守誰所以28F 05/25 09:13
→ : 方針難訂吧
→ : 方針難訂吧
推 : 去馬刺打養生籃球爭冠吧30F 05/25 09:14
推 : 蠻好守的吧 外線互傳炸彈只能球給AB31F 05/25 09:14
推 : dlo:怕32F 05/25 09:15
推 : 去馬刺就一輩子活在勇士陰影囉33F 05/25 09:15
推 : 這隻別來我刺34F 05/25 09:15
推 : 活在勇士陰影是..?這幾年也才贏一次而已35F 05/25 09:19
推 : 沒有MJ就沒有AI 是因為那個晃過之後的跳投吧XDD36F 05/25 09:21
推 : 因為湖人拿到2號籤那天就一堆球隊打電話問交易了啊37F 05/25 09:21
→ : Dlo當然緊張了...
→ : Dlo當然緊張了...
→ : Lue 已經開始心戰勇士了, 看勇士有誰會忍不住回應39F 05/25 09:23
推 : 就現在閃電夾擊夾不下去,只能用電光一閃40F 05/25 09:24
推 : JB討厭的是另一個揪蛋41F 05/25 09:26
→ : 只想待在洛杉機大城市又沒有球星在 新秀練功好地方42F 05/25 09:29
推 : Lue在騎士隊的功用就是講幹話,還有人不知道?43F 05/25 09:32
推 : Rose加入錫箔狼,合情合理、皆大歡喜!44F 05/25 09:32
→ : 說個笑話,青賽進攻比勇士恐怖45F 05/25 09:36
推 : 希望像超級選秀日一樣 球哥掉到五六順位46F 05/25 09:38
→ : 看來我魯已經破了勇士的進攻了 4:0囉47F 05/25 09:42
→ : 我看湖人要是真選Lonzo 那休息室會很熱鬧 嘻嘻
→ : 我看湖人要是真選Lonzo 那休息室會很熱鬧 嘻嘻
推 : Lue在幹話49F 05/25 09:46
推 : Rose加入灰狼 要當Rubio的替補??50F 05/25 09:47
→ : 球爸衝進休息室對球員喊訓51F 05/25 09:54
推 : 湖人要內戰惹52F 05/25 09:57
推 : 說個笑話:賽爾蒂克進攻>勇士53F 05/25 09:58
推 : Rose去灰狼Rubio就被賣了啦,灰狼還有Dunn跟Jones54F 05/25 10:01
→ : PG一堆
→ : PG一堆
推 : 看到按讚就各種藍色窗簾56F 05/25 10:01
→ : 之前Dlo發稱讚ball的怎不拿出來講?
→ : 之前Dlo發稱讚ball的怎不拿出來講?
推 : AI得體58F 05/25 10:06
推 : Dlo稱讚:球哥真的很棒 青賽快選59F 05/25 10:08
推 : BOSH不要爐小了好嗎... 也是為他好在那邊卡 真難看60F 05/25 10:14
推 : 痛風玫瑰已經凋零了QQ下季還有機會嗎?61F 05/25 10:17
推 : DLO今年也是時好時壞62F 05/25 10:21
推 : Dlo不要吵 我Ball只能去湖人63F 05/25 10:35
推 : Dlo:敢賣我 我就公布球隊的小秘密64F 05/25 10:47
推 : 希望球哥到國王!(摔到*5)65F 05/25 10:56
推 : 都是滿有趣的情報 給推66F 05/25 11:02
推 : Dio:拿出秘藏的側錄影片67F 05/25 11:06
推 : Rose要去灰狼幹嘛...68F 05/25 11:16
推 : 來 都來 馬刺也組個大團的69F 05/25 11:21
推 : rose去馬刺吧 波波應該能用得不錯70F 05/25 11:28
推 : 我刺不要去收痛痛人啊71F 05/25 12:07
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作者 jimmy5680 的最新發文:
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- 未證實消息 敘利亞叛軍聲稱自己擊落了小阿薩德 叛軍還懸賞一千萬美元拿小阿薩德的人頭 看來可能是打下來的? 是低飛的時候被用MANPADS打到? 要不然叛軍哪來的辦法打下運輸機? Sent from …76F 40推
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