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作者 標題 [外絮] 國王教練:Bagley跟Fox會像是KD-Westbrook
時間 Tue Dec 18 16:12:44 2018
來源: Bleacher Report
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ydf4cb46
Dave Joerger Compares Marvin Bagley, De'Aaron Fox Duo to Durant, Westbrook | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
Sacramento Kings head coach Dave Joerger denied he was subtweeting his team's front office when he praised Dallas Mavericks rookie Luka Doncic... ...
Dave Joerger Compares Marvin Bagley, De'Aaron Fox Duo to Durant, Westbrook
國王教練Dave Joerger把Marvin Bagley跟De'Aaron Fox配比成KD跟Westbrook
Sacramento Kings head coach Dave Joerger denied he was subtweeting his team's
front office when he praised Dallas Mavericks rookie Luka Doncic.
沙加緬度國王總教練Dave Joerger否認當他稱讚獨行俠菜鳥Luka Doncic時,他有在暗指國
In fact, Joerger believes rookie forward Marvin Bagley III can be the Kevin
Durant to De'Aaron Fox's Russell Westbrook in Sacramento.
事實上,Joerger相信菜鳥前鋒Marvin Bagley III可以成為國王隊的KD,而De'Aaron Fox
就是國王的Russel Westbrook。
"There's no veiled shots at anybody," Joerger said Monday, per The Athletic's
Jon Krawczynski. "When we drafted Bagley at 2, we were high-fiving like
crazy. We got the right guy for us. This isn't going to be a story in three
days, and it'll be definitely buried five years from now when we have the
next Durant-Westbrook. That's how good they're gonna be."
The Kings defeated the Mavs 120-113 on Sunday, with Doncic scoring 28 points
and dishing out nine assists. After the game, Joerger spoke glowingly of the
19-year-old Slovenian, telling reporters he seemingly doesn't have an NBA
ceiling, per ESPN.com's Tim MacMahon.
據ESPN記者Tim MacMahon報導,Joerger盛讚這位19歲的斯洛維尼亞球員,認為他是沒有天
Since Sacramento passed on Doncic to take Bagley with the second overall pick
of the 2018 draft, some read Joerger's comments as a critique of management.
Joerger indicated Monday that clearly wasn't the case, but he may have gone
slightly over the top when hyping up his young players.
Fox is enjoying a breakout second season, averaging 18.5 points and 7.5
assists while shooting 39.6 percent from three-point range. Bagley, on the
other hand, is averaging a more modest 12.7 points and 6.1 rebounds.
According to NBA.com, the Kings are 10 points better per 100 possessions when
Bagley is on the bench.
Even with Fox's improvement, putting him and Bagley in the same conversation
as Westbrook and Durant is setting the bar high.
Then again, Kings general manager Vlade Divac drew some puzzled reactions
when he called Sacramento "a superteam, just young" in July. Following the
team's 16-13 start, Divac's assessment doesn't seem so ridiculous.
然而,國王總管Vlade Divac在今年七月稱國王隊是"年輕的超級球隊",引來了一些疑惑。
標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透!
4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽→ : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
推 : 開4我直接自殺10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十→ : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18
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→ : 要吵架了1F 12/18 16:13
推 : wow2F 12/18 16:13
推 : 可是KD會離隊3F 12/18 16:13
→ : 差蠻多的吧 還是他在預告一個合約到了就會走人4F 12/18 16:13
推 : Bagley要轉隊了5F 12/18 16:14
推 : Bagley轉隊預告?6F 12/18 16:14
→ : 可是國王舒適嗎??7F 12/18 16:15
→ : 完了 要出走了8F 12/18 16:15
推 : 要脫離舒適圈了9F 12/18 16:15
推 : 這是暗示..10F 12/18 16:16
推 : Bagley: Bagley像KD11F 12/18 16:17
推 : 這個教練有事嗎?12F 12/18 16:17
推 : 那不是遲早會分開嗎? 國王才要起飛而已耶13F 12/18 16:17
推 : 臂展差好多公分14F 12/18 16:18
推 : Hield:我是KT15F 12/18 16:21
推 : 就是對球員期待而已,雖然這上限有點高,不過沒必16F 12/18 16:21
→ : 要過度解讀,還是你要記者問,二哥回答是,我就是
→ : 不滿嗎?那會更蠢
→ : 要過度解讀,還是你要記者問,二哥回答是,我就是
→ : 不滿嗎?那會更蠢
推 : 那就再坦一年再拿個哈登啊19F 12/18 16:23
推 : 我也覺得單純期許球員沒啥問題啊,而且國王這些年輕20F 12/18 16:24
→ : 人也開始打出不錯的內容了,又不像某隊自稱是超級組
→ : 人也開始打出不錯的內容了,又不像某隊自稱是超級組
推 : 要出走了22F 12/18 16:24
→ : 合2.0打出那個鳥成績23F 12/18 16:24
推 : 今年沒籤,再坦就爽到賽爾提克而已24F 12/18 16:25
推 : Bagley要轉隊了?25F 12/18 16:33
推 : 別吧...像龜會刷到隊友走光26F 12/18 16:33
推 : 像KD? 那過幾年差不多要跑了27F 12/18 16:33
推 : 走光?28F 12/18 16:35
推 : 要拆夥了?29F 12/18 16:36
推 : Bagley完全沒有投射能力30F 12/18 16:36
→ : 比喻失敗 國王就是要Bibby+Webber啊~31F 12/18 16:37
推 : MB3還是有一點投射的,只是還不到穩定,偶爾放冷箭32F 12/18 16:38
→ : 可以
→ : 可以
推 : Bagley的偶像好像就是KD,背號也選一樣34F 12/18 16:40
推 : 這也太不吉利了35F 12/18 16:40
推 : 是不是有人不是在做自己36F 12/18 16:40
推 : 破產版37F 12/18 16:41
推 : 背骨力38F 12/18 16:45
推 : 什麼斯洛伐克球員啦,Slovenia啦!39F 12/18 16:46
謝謝指正 已修※ 編輯: pneumo (, 12/18/2018 16:50:40
推 : MB3要被當成SF培養了嗎40F 12/18 17:00
推 : 之前是說Hield=Curry41F 12/18 17:04
→ : 並沒有42F 12/18 17:05
推 : 這個教練真愛亂比喻 不如你王炒了來我狼荼毒吧43F 12/18 17:07
推 : Hield是Klay Thompson44F 12/18 17:08
噓 : Bagley是運球破產版的字母哥吧45F 12/18 17:14
推 : Bagley:Bagley想要脫離舒適圈46F 12/18 17:18
推 : 分身帳號申請起來47F 12/18 17:33
推 : The 舒適48F 12/18 17:38
→ : 笑死 字母哥練多久 你要一個19歲跟他一樣?49F 12/18 17:40
→ : 過兩年才知道這福袋開出來會變什麼
→ : 過兩年才知道這福袋開出來會變什麼
推 : 這樣形容偏慘欸51F 12/18 17:50
推 : 黑人問號52F 12/18 17:56
推 : 所以誰要當背骨仔53F 12/18 17:59
推 : 這是灌迷湯54F 12/18 18:02
推 : Bagley:Bagley像KD55F 12/18 18:07
推 : 乞丐版KD 西河吧56F 12/18 18:19
推 : 我覺得MB3比較像KG吧57F 12/18 18:28
推 : bagley:國王一群小貓58F 12/18 18:39
推 : kd第一年也是10分而已啊59F 12/18 18:50
推 : Bagley不像KD60F 12/18 18:54
噓 : 哈哈哈61F 12/18 18:58
推 : 別亂吹啊 今天馬上國王炸掉62F 12/18 18:59
推 : KD第一年平均就20分了好嗎 而且之後就沒低於25分過63F 12/18 19:03
推 : 吹64F 12/18 19:03
推 : 騎士版主說的超級組合2.0是哪隊?65F 12/18 20:03
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 31
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