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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2020年 1月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2020-01-04 Sat. 17:14:59

Aries Horoscope for January 2020

Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

I have so much to tell you! I will be traveling a lot in the coming weeks and months, and I hope to see you personally! My big news concerns Bloomingdale’s! As part of their Carousel program, I am being given my own Astrology Zone boutique, opening January 9 to February 29.

You will find it on the main floor of Bloomingdale’s flagship store at 59th St and Lexington Ave. My shop, called Astrology Zone, will also be replicated in the Bloomingdale’s in Hackensack, New Jersey, San Francisco, and Los Angeles at the Westfield Mall in Century City. I will give you the details below, and I will also list my main appearances at Bloomingdale’s on my site and app. I will be making appearances in all four stores, on the East Coast in January, and the West Coast in February.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You have an extraordinary month—and year—ahead. Every once in a while, the universe becomes obsessed with one part of life, and for you, this coming year, and especially this month, dear Aries, the emphasis will be on your career. As you enter January, you have five planets twinkling brightly in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, so it appears your performance during the past 12 months has impressed higher-ups, and you will soon be in line for a promotion or job offer from a competitive company. It will feel delicious to be so valued.

You may have received an inkling of how well your career is going last month, for we had a solar eclipse in Capricorn at four degrees on December 25 that was as sweet as sugar. That was a new moon solar eclipse that likely opened a new career path with the offer of a great opportunity. This new moon arrived surrounded by the Sun, Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter—five heavenly bodies in all, counting the new moon. That is a lot of planetary power in one place in your chart and is considered quite rare. This is great for you, as you are the only sign being given this level of professional clout in January. It seems when it comes to your performance, if you had judges like the ones at the Olympics, you’d be getting all perfect 10s!

What I loved most about that December 25 eclipse is that Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, now based in your second house of income, suggests an advancement will come along with a corresponding increase in salary. If you didn’t hear anything that last week of December, you may receive fantastic career news in January’s first week—or later, near January 26, plus or minus five days.

While on the topic of Uranus, there is news on that score, too. Uranus has been in retrograde since August 11 and will go direct on the date of the lunar eclipse January 10. This turn to direct orbit will give Uranus high-octane energy and power. If you have been awaiting funds that a client owes you (or payment due from anyone else for that matter), it is likely to come through on or within two days of January 10. Also, Uranus may be visiting your financial solar second house, but Uranus rules your solar eleventh house of friendship, charities, and other clubs, including political ones. (In the latter case, if you volunteer to help a candidate become elected, this is covered by the eleventh house, too.)

If you’ve been working in a group, plans and approvals will suddenly move forward within days of January 10—watch the phone calls you receive and what you are hearing. When an outer planet like Uranus moves forward from sleepy retrograde to direct, that’s news, and it often gives you clues to the direction events will take regarding friendship and groups in the days to come.

    Having Jupiter, the planet of miracles, good fortune, and happiness conjunct the Sun and new moon on that solar eclipse last month on December 25 made all the difference to your impending professional happiness. Exceptional career news is on the way, and all Aries will enjoy this trend, regardless of what level you are currently. At long last, your talents will be acknowledged, appreciated, and applauded.

Having Jupiter, the planet of miracles, good fortune, and happiness conjunct the Sun and new moon on that solar eclipse last month on December 25 made all the difference to your impending professional happiness. Exceptional career news is on the way, and all Aries will enjoy this trend, regardless of what level you are currently. At long last, your talents will be acknowledged, appreciated, and applauded.

Additionally, the Sun rules your solar fifth house of truelove, so if you are single, be sure to circulate socially during January, especially in the first week, for eclipses represent some of the most powerful initiators of change that the universe has as its disposal, so you could meet someone special. If you have been trying to have a baby and are about to consider IVF, do so, if at all possible, in the first week of January to catch the power of that solar eclipse.

The new moon of December 25 was close to Jupiter too, so you may also be able to give your home décor an upgrade. Perhaps you will use some of the holiday cash gifted from family to buy some beautiful things, like new linens or tabletop items. As you see, this eclipse might trigger not only good news about your career but also for your romantic life as well as your home life. Hold that thought, for your home and family life is likely to become a big focus in a few days as you move through January, and I will discuss that point in a moment.

Your ruler Mars will move into fellow fire sign Sagittarius on January 3, providing you with a consistent chance to head to the airport for a change of scene, and you will see evidence of this throughout January and up to February 16.

January 2 will be a stellar day when Mercury will conjoin Jupiter, an annual event, and this time these two superb planets will meet in Capricorn, your lofty and prestigious career advancement house. This is a day to devote to signing a contract, negotiating a deal, traveling, or giving a speech. Consider handing in a manuscript on this day or use it to debut your app—use this day for anything that could be considered one of the communication arts.

The big moment of the month will be the full moon lunar eclipse of January 10 in Cancer at 20 degrees, which will center your thinking on your mother or, alternatively, your living quarters. You might be moving, renovating or decorating your home, or having new furniture delivered, as a few examples of many possibilities. You may see a long-term renovation finish up, or you may sell property on this day. Alternatively, you might decide to host family or guests for several nights. The actions you take over an eclipse are vital for your future—this is no ordinary full moon, and you seem to have news to share.

An eclipse like the one January 10 will sometimes “eclipse out” a person from your life—so, for example, you might hear that your roommate is suddenly about to move out, or your nanny who cares for your children and lives with your family may announce she is returning home overseas. Your landlord could announce she sold your apartment building, and you will need to move. Things like that happen at eclipse time for eclipses bring surprise changes. Often things going on in the outside world that you are not part of—or don’t even know about—come to your doorstep and wind up affecting you directly. Eclipses bring landmark events that you long will remember. They are also nonnegotiable, so don’t try to change the news—the news at eclipse time is final. That’s because the mission of an eclipse is to push you forward.

This January 10 eclipse is mixed in outlook. On one hand, Saturn and Pluto will oppose the moon, a testament to the force that a VIP may be applying toward you that seems unfair. A lot depends on how things have been going all along and if you have been working hard—planets in Capricorn will want you to show ambition—then you will likely move through this eclipse easier than most. However, having both Saturn and Pluto gazing at 180 degrees across the sky at the time of the full moon brings another layer of credence to the axiom that you are receiving a nonnegotiable message—one that is final and true—and you’ll need to adapt to changing circumstances.

This eclipse might be tied to a message you received six months ago on July 16, 2019, which is the date of another eclipse in the Capricorn-Cancer family of signs. That July eclipse was in Capricorn, and this one will be in Cancer, the sign on the same axis 180 degrees away. This month, Neptune, the planet of unconditional love, will assist you through whatever comes up and beautifully align with the full moon and all the planets in Capricorn at the top of your chart, still moving through your tenth house of fame and honors.

The Aries who will feel this full moon lunar eclipse the most will be those who have a birthday that falls on April 9, plus or minus five days, have Aries rising at 20 degrees, or who have a natal planet or natal moon at 20 degrees Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius.

Another big event of January will arrive when Saturn aligns with Pluto in conjunction on January 12, something that happens every 33 to 38 years, depending on these planets’ orbits. Rare aspects like this one create news and usually garner notice. This conjunction has been a long time coming, and it has been what astrologers call “within orb” (within a significant closeness to exert a noticeable influence) since March 2019. Said a different way, this means this partnership of drill sergeant Saturn and powerhouse Pluto has been affecting you and every person of every sign over the past nine or ten months. This month will mark the peak of this difficult aspect, and in many ways, the end of the severity of this aspect as these two planets slowly begin to separate, deflate, and decline in power.

This is a major alignment that affects governments of the world (due to Pluto’s involvement), as well as each of us individually. Pluto also rules secrets, and in this testing aspect, if anything untoward has been going on below the surface, the news will rise up to be revealed and judged. Indeed, regarding the alignment of Saturn and Pluto on January 12, if anyone has abused their position of authority, whether in your own life or politically, as a leader in the world, things will peak on January 12 but start to decline after this summit has been reached.

This suggests tactics of an authority figure who has not exercised power and influence fairly will find that the usual formulas and domineering behavior won’t work as well in the future, perhaps to the puzzlement of this highly placed individual. Ancient astrologers called this an aspect of dictators,  but happily, January 12 marks a turning point. The bubble has burst—see what happens regarding someone who has dominated you in your life or a particular company or nation. You should notice something on and close to January 12.

A friend or acquaintance will be the subject of the new moon in Aquarius at four degrees on January 24 that will set off a social period in weeks to come. From this moment on, your friends will begin to play a much bigger role in your life. This new moon is mixed, and you may have an unexpected incident involving a friend that may upset you, for Uranus will conflict with the Sun and new moon. If a friend owes you money, that could be the core of the problem, as it won’t likely come—hopefully, you won’t mix money with friendship. Alternatively, you may be upset with comments by this person about your sweetheart, spouse, or even your child. That won’t sit well with you, but with Neptune so supportive, you might simply forgive and forget. Everything depends on the circumstances—you’ll know what to do.

You might want to join a professional or personal social club, or a charity/humanitarian or community effort this month, always a good idea. If you already belong, be sure to attend a program this month to get out a little—you have so much career news going on, and being out will give you a chance to breathe and relax.

If you do try to join a private club with Saturn and Pluto active, be prepared for the club to ask probing questions on the application. If you want to run for office in your club, you might come up against a club official or outspoken member who might be threatened by your strength and vision. Sometimes when people are joined together in a group, they are susceptible to groupthink and begin to follow like little robots rather than think for themselves. This may be a problem now, with the groupthink going against you, so you have to see what comes up. There is some indication that a love relationship or pregnancy may be on your mind, but that seems less likely. (Near this new moon is not the time for an IVF treatment.)

It seems that someone’s true colors will come out at this time. Don’t let this ruffle your feathers—it is better to know someone’s character than to be kept in the dark.

Mars, your guardian planet, will be very friendly to Mercury in Aquarius at the time of the new moon on January 24, so you may hear good news. Travel at this time would also be a good idea, so you may want to leave town to get a little distance from any commotion going on with a friend.

If your birthday falls on March 23, plus or minus five days, you will feel this new moon the most of any Aries. The same is true if you have Aries rising at four degrees, or a natal moon or other planets in Aries at that degree, plus or minus five degrees.

Romantically, a blind date might work out magically on January 15 or 27 when Venus will be close enought to sprinkle glamorous confetti in your path.


The eclipses are back, and we have two this month. This means you will need to make adjustments to rapidly changing circumstances, but after they are over, in hindsight, it seems you will like the changes that are due. You have a remarkable buildup of planets in your tenth house of professional honors, awards, and achievement, so a promotion, offer from a competitive firm, or enviable publicity about your work is likely on the way. If you didn’t already hear good news about your career at the end of December, you may receive word near January 25 or 26, plus or minus four days. That solar eclipse of late December was a vital one for you—exciting, life-changing, and a wonderful way to start the New Year.

Uranus has been retrograding since August 11, 2019, but will move direct on January 10. This will have an excellent effect on your salary. If you’ve been frustrated by not being able to secure a raise or better offer elsewhere, that will all change now and in the weeks and months ahead.

Eclipses come in pairs, two weeks apart, so the next one will arrive on January 10—as a full moon lunar eclipse—and bring a culmination to a matter involving your home or family. Saturn and Pluto will oppose this full moon eclipse, so it appears you will be willing to accept more responsibility at home. For example, you may have a baby or choose to take a larger role in the care of a parent. Alternatively, you may opt to invest in a house or condo, rent a vacation home, or take on a major renovation of your present space.

You will need to create changes in your life based on what you learn (if anything) from news on or near January 12 when Pluto and Saturn align in a rare aspect that happens no less often  than every three decades. You will see dramatic current events too, as this alignment will affect scandals in governments. At work, if you have been working under a tough boss, that person may now either quit or will downplay the domineering tactics. Pluto and Saturn move exceedingly slow, so as they part (having peaked in energy January 12, but after that, on the decline), you will see changes in weeks and months ahead.

Your attention will turn to friends at the new moon on January 24. Keep an eye on a friend that owes you money, for it looks like the payment won’t arrive. For instance, your friend might be your roommate and not be able to pay this month’s rent. If money is not the matter involved, you may be distressed when a friend comments frankly on your choice of steady date or spouse. Neptune will be supportive, so you will likely forgive your friend, but for a few days, you might feel jarred by his or her comments.

Finally, Mars, your ruling planet, will remain in the highly compatible sign of Sagittarius from January 3 until February 16, indicating you might be heading to the airport on a fun trip. The best weekend to go will be January 25-26, when Mars and travel planet Mercury will be in ideal sync. You seem to want to travel with a friend or visit one, and if so, all will go well!

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2020-01-04 17:14:59 (台灣)
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 142 
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