看板 answer1202
作者 標題 [閒聊] 6/18-6/24 閒聊文
時間 2012年06月26日 Tue. AM 11:30:36
※ 本文轉寄自 desumasu.bbs@ptt.cc
看板 EXO
作者 標題 [閒聊] 6/18-6/24 閒聊文
時間 Mon Jun 18 11:10:06 2012
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
Choreography.by 'S ** t kingz' from japan I worked with them Then I've finished a music video with EXO. I miss my friends ....~ So .. enjoy ~
Choreography.by 'S ** t kingz' from japan I worked with them Then I've finished a music video with EXO. I miss my friends ....~ So .. enjoy ~

→ :HISTORY並不是翻唱曲唷~那只是作曲者錄的DEMO!^^3F 06/18 20:39
[閒聊] 6/11-6/17 閒聊文 - answer1202板 - Disp BBS
這是本週的閒聊文! 抱歉真的是太累了沒能在半夜就開新的 >_< EXO孩子們第一次來台灣的SMTOWN圓滿落幕了, 相信他們一定也有感受到大家對他們的愛 :) 很謝謝大家真的都一起非常努力地應援他們! 接下來EXO的'MAMA'宣傳行程還在繼續~ 一起繼續關注他們 ... ...
[閒聊] 6/11-6/17 閒聊文 (整理版) - answer1202板 - Disp BBS
這是本週的閒聊文! 抱歉真的是太累了沒能在半夜就開新的 >_< EXO孩子們第一次來台灣的SMTOWN圓滿落幕了, 相信他們一定也有感受到大家對他們的愛 :) 很謝謝大家真的都一起非常努力地應援他們! 接下來EXO的'MAMA'宣傳行程還在繼續~ 一起繼續關注他們 ... ...
推 :哈哈 坐等kris民國幾年才要脫掉他的矜持XDDD7F 06/19 01:31
推 :你的世界LIVE tinyurl.com/7yrndat 興鹿包欠TTTTTTTTTTT8F 06/19 11:55
推 :包袱還沒拋開吧XDDDDDDDDD但是崩壞樣也是很不錯(不XD9F 06/19 13:42
Really liked that music and thought it'd go well with Kris's teaser xD Edited by me using Power Director 9. All rights belong to S.M.Entertainment. No copyri...
Really liked that music and thought it'd go well with Kris's teaser xD Edited by me using Power Director 9. All rights belong to S.M.Entertainment. No copyri...

推 :也太帥 還激凸//18F 06/19 23:06
→ :嗎?XD22F 06/20 21:58
推 :感謝各位的支持 本團已收單囉 溺愛飯!覺得舊照也帥XD23F 06/20 22:59
120618 exo-m kris Introduction + tao's fans singing - YouTube Tianjin Music High Guest 音樂high客 Cr thincia

→ :唱MAMA~有唱合音!!孩子們唱得很好啊!怎就不讓唱live!27F 06/21 01:00
[fancam] 120618 Angel - LAY FOCUS - YouTube
Credit : LOVELYIXING I do not OWN this fancam (: If you are the own. Just let me know in inbox and tell me to delete it. and then i will be delete soon ...♥
Credit : LOVELYIXING I do not OWN this fancam (: If you are the own. Just let me know in inbox and tell me to delete it. and then i will be delete soon ...♥

→ :mms://vod1.dgmbc.com/amlive32F 06/21 23:15
推 :當代歌壇合購文已PO再合購版囉!!37F 06/22 22:16
推 :mapple大我加入了!真的很勤XDDD38F 06/23 10:06
→ :好可愛啊小朋友們(笑)41F 06/23 14:00
推 :kris和伯賢XDDDDDDDDDDD42F 06/23 14:03
推 :被樓上那張給秒到................ / 3 \45F 06/23 17:28
推 :哈哈哈 被板友說是系服的朴大師的作品XDDD48F 06/24 02:45
EXO-K Intro & History Fancam (MBC K-POP Festival London 2012) - YouTube 23.06.2012 sorry about the late upload. My brother was hogging the internet to upload his fancams. I don't really like this fancam. It's too shaky so my apol...

EXO-K Mama 120623 [FANCAM] - YouTube
Exo-K performing Mama at the MBC Korean Cultural Festival in London 2012.
Exo-K performing Mama at the MBC Korean Cultural Festival in London 2012.

EXO-K Angel/Into Your World Fancam (MBC K-POP Festival London 2012) - YouTube 23.06.2012 Erm, so yeah. This is my first time taking fancams. I'm sorry that it's abit rubbish but the sounds came out great. The audio's pretty clear for l...

→ :更期待節目濕身照XDDDD (☆_☆)57F 06/24 15:00
推 :有台北人想學history嗎?(舞蹈教室學)站內信給我~~~~~~58F 06/24 19:30
推 :神仙姐姐好漂釀>///< 世勳那張照片感覺很好用XD62F 06/25 12:48
→ :神仙姐姐和鹿女僕好正XD63F 06/25 14:24
推 :孩子們私服都好好看呀,好喜歡><66F 06/25 15:43
推 :Kai真是萬年不變藍上衣XD69F 06/25 15:47
It's Only Love ♥
kirstie, nineteen, canada. snsd, b1a4, and exo stan. harry potter, studio ghibli, disney, food, books, travelling, photography, and cherry blossoms. i ship baekyeol, hunhan, krisyeol, and KRISPY LAY'S... ...
推 :都白T啊,男神穿中褲了!!經紀人的米奇白T好亮XDD71F 06/25 15:49
推 :M現在在玩綜藝趣味賽XDD 照片太讚了!!!!!!!!!!73F 06/25 18:23
推 :經紀人小趙權真的很難忽略他的存在耶.興興哥扁嘴好可愛74F 06/25 19:20
※ 編輯: answer1202 時間: 2012-06-26 11:42:26
※ 看板: answer1202 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 240