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※ 本文為 bake088 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-07-21 17:34:11
看板 stationery
作者 Mjolnyr (Francis Jan)
標題 Re: [新聞] 沒人寫字了… 文創鋼筆拚翻身 (岔題: 蓋曼談鋼筆)
時間 Tue Jul 21 04:56:04 2015

※ 引述《Takau (打狗)》之銘言:
: http://udn.com/news/story/7327/1060892
沒人寫字了… 文創鋼筆拚翻身 | 高屏離島 | 地方 | 聯合新聞網
台灣本土文具品牌近年在少子化及數位化雙重衝擊下,苦撐經營,有業者為了在萎縮的文具市場殺出一條血路,積極與誠品、偶像劇及電影廠商合作,推出文創文具,開拓年輕族群市場。 ...


"沒人寫字" 根本就是爛標題。

以下摘錄自 BBC 在 2012 年一篇雜誌報導之中,Neil Gaiman 的鋼筆經驗談。
(標題就不翻譯了... 而括號中的內容為本人補充,並非原文)
Why are fountain pen sales rising? - BBC News
Is the fountain pen a curious example of an old-fashioned object surviving the winds of change? ...

Neil Gaiman on his nibs

English author Neil Gaiman explains why
 he writes his novels with fountain pens

"It started in 1994 when I wrote the novel Stardust - in my head I wanted
it to be written in the same way as it would have been in the 1920s, so I
bought a big notepad and Waterman pen.

1994 年創作小說 "星塵" 時,我有了個念頭:我想要用 1920 年代的方式來
寫這本書。於是我買了一本大號拍紙簿和一枝 Waterman 鋼筆,寫將起來。

"It was the first time I'd used a fountain pen since I was about 13. I
found myself enjoying writing more slowly and liked the way I had to think
through sentences differently. I discovered I loved the fact that hand-
writing forces you to do a second draft, rather than just tidying up and
deleting bits on a computer. I also discovered I enjoy the tactile buzz of
the ritual involved in filling the pens with ink.

打 13 歲之後我就沒有再用過鋼筆了。慢慢書寫、用不同的方式 (步調) 斟酌字句,
一次,而不是用電腦校改時的細碎手段。bits 在此是雙關語,一方面是指電腦的

位元單位,一方面也表達 "零碎" 之意,信手拈來可見 Gaiman 的文字功力之一斑)


"Now when I write novels I have two fountain pens on the go, with two
different colour inks. One is always my favourite, but I alternate between
the two, so I can see what I have written each day. I also love the way
people react when I sign books with fountain pens. I try to sign them in
different colours such as brown, green or grey as it is really nice to show
that it's obviously been done by a human being.


"I don't have any time for incredibly fancy pens and use a different 'lead'
pen for each novel. Right now I am using a Twsbi, which is an incredibly
robust but smooth writing pen from Taiwan. My current favourite is a
Visconti because it has a magnet in the lid which goes clunk when I put
the top on - I am easily satisfied. I probably have between 40 and 60
fountain pens, which is a bit silly, but once people are aware that you
like them, they like to give them as gifts."

我並不會用一些過度裝飾的筆款,也不會特意挑哪枝筆來替我的一部著作 "領銜"。
現在我用的筆是 TWSBI (三文堂),台灣製造,耐用又順手。而我最喜歡的筆是
一枝 Visconti,闔上筆蓋時裡面的磁鐵固定機構喀一聲響,就可以讓我覺得很樂。
現在我已經有 40 ~ 60 枝筆,有點過頭了。不過這也沒辦法,喜歡鋼筆的名聲

還有比這個更好的 "文創" 嗎?


                                                    - Mjolnyr -

                                  Hamarr, helga ve veita ok hindra alla illska.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LhM1f16 (stationery)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/stationery/M.1437425769.A.046.html
love24h7days: 原來國外的火也燒很大(筆記)1F 07/21 05:47
andylu: 推,文創應該回歸文化的本質。現在卻淪為一種商品的行銷包2F 07/21 07:25
andylu: 裝,覺得可悲...
together122: 就短視+沒有核心思想在那喊文創。4F 07/21 08:27
ta29: 文創就和雲端一樣 是口號而已 不然哪個品牌沒有文化5F 07/21 08:28
ta29: 回歸本質 會賣的產品就是會賣 有沒有文創加身一點意義都沒有
croat: 尼爾蓋曼推薦三文堂耶~真的好棒!!!7F 07/21 09:29
exolay1007: 推8F 07/21 09:29
allforyour2: 台灣從學校就不重視文化啊....出社會怎麼可能就有了9F 07/21 09:37
allforyour2: 所以很多老闆不會為了創意付錢的....覺得那是個屁。
allforyour2: 於是就做個物品,就說是創意、文化。卻沒相對應內涵
allforyour2: 跟教育一下,只要填鴨海塞,不論學習內化..重外輕內
saxontai: 我只納悶,為何要跟聯合的業配文認真?XD13F 07/21 11:07
phaiphai: 磁鐵固定機構喀一聲響,就可以讓我覺得很樂 XDDD14F 07/21 11:11
VERSIFY: 會耶! 我會因為開闔改的手感而決定挑哪枝筆.....XD15F 07/21 14:18
VERSIFY:                   蓋

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