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看板 Android
作者 標題 Re: [請益] 有沒有兩隻手機聲音同步的app #已幫大大做出來了
時間 Wed Aug 9 13:28:46 2017
※ 引述《ray951357 (Ray)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《y85208520 (芭樂)》之銘言:
: : 挖個墳,希望一年多了能有新進展…
: : 最主要是想讓家中的舊音響變成藍芽音響,
: : 我知道有藍芽接收器,
: : 但如果能用家中的舊手機充當藍芽接收器的話就不用花錢了QQ
: : 想請教有人開發出類似的軟體可以將不同手機的聲音同步嗎,
: : 謝謝!
: 感覺大大很想要這個功能,都過了一年還想到要上來回文,
: 為了不讓大大明年再來波一次...
: 我試試把這樣的需求做進去我的APP-OneTalk裡好了
昨天總算上線了:一個讓舊手機變成智慧音響(如Amazon Echo)的功能。
1. 將安裝了OneTalk的手機接上喇叭,並開啟遠端點播功能
2. 選擇可以對這台手機點播的朋友(群組也可以選)
* 可以指定其他通訊軟體或OneTalk的朋友,
但若要指定其他通訊軟的朋友,那麼 在安裝OneTalk後,
3. 透過"發送訊息"給接著喇叭的手機,就可以點歌囉~~~
朋友發現用賴竟然可以控制喇叭播歌,都超驚訝的 XDDD
希望大家使用順利 :)
Android https://goo.gl/AEdmgp
OneTalk - Messaging with the power of your voice. - Apps on Google Play Best Apps of Jun. 2017 from the Top Tech YouTuber. https://goo.gl/dUfGN4Main Features of OneTalk: ★ Keep conversation going while gaming or watching video (Binge-watching) Using OneTalk Floating Bubbles (like Chat-Head), no need to type, just tap and talk to reply. No need to leave the game or video. Focus on the current app.★ Voice typing is the most natural input methodOneTalk uses voice recognition technique, automatically transcribe your voice into text. It’s the best messaging input method!★ Great chat gadget for couplesOneTalk is the best messenger between couples. Using Floating Bubbles is the most convenient way for conversation between couples. You will never miss a message from the one you love.★ Smart Walkie Talkie ( PTT, Push to talk )Enable “Auto Speak”, turn mobile phone into smart Walkie-Talkie.Compare to traditional Walkie-Talkie, we use voice recognition, transcribe voice into text. It’s easier to browse the previous messages from chat history.★ Auto speak new messagesWhile you are at gym, jogging, driving or in the condition you are not able to read the message, turn on “Auto Speak” function, OneTalk uses TTS technology ( text to speech ) to auto speak out the new message. You can focus on what you are doing and do not need to check your mobile phone instantly. Never miss the important message.★ Support multiple instant messengersCurrently OneTalk supports 12 main messengers for quick reply messages.OneTalk is the most supportive app among all other same type apps.Supported Instant Messengers• Facebook Messenger• WhatsApp• Line• Kik• Skype under v8.0• KakaoTalk• Viber• Slack• Telegram• Allo• Hangouts• Between★ SAY to ask DJ Bot to play music video from YouTube OneTalk A.I. technology could understand what your command is, and play the requested and recommended music video for you. With OneTalk, your phone will be upgraded like a “Smart Speaker”![Copyright Information]1. All OneTalk music videos are provided by the public third-party media service YouTube.2. To meet YouTube’s Terms of Service, you can’t download YouTube videos by OneTalk and can’t play videos while player is invisible or screen is off. OneTalk provides Lock Screen Mode for YouTube video playing, it both meets the YouTube’s policies and power saving. 3. YouTube uses Content ID to protect the copyright for the author. If there are any content that may infringe upon anyone’s copyrights, the following link can be used to report the content: http://www.youtube.com/t/dmca_policy
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PYfsG0y (Android)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Android/M.1502256528.A.03C.html
推 : 推1F 08/09 13:38
推 : 好酷的功能2F 08/09 13:54
推 : 點播的來源是什麼?可以指定kkbox或是youtube嗎3F 08/09 14:05
是YouTube※ 編輯: ray951357 (, 08/09/2017 14:39:14
推 : 推4F 08/09 16:24
推 : 讚 真是好用5F 08/09 16:32
推 : 好厲害喔 可惜沒有spotify6F 08/09 16:38
推 : 太猛啦~7F 08/09 17:33
→ : 太強啦~~~~~~推8F 08/09 18:49
推 : 推9F 08/09 20:43
推 : 原PO有點屌10F 08/09 21:38
→ : 好厲害11F 08/09 22:46
推 : 太強了12F 08/10 01:13
推 : 太強了13F 08/10 03:01
→ : 有點屌www14F 08/10 03:35
推 : 推推推15F 08/10 03:39
推 : 推16F 08/10 07:51
推 : 不推不行17F 08/10 08:41
推 : 太屌啦 高手在民間18F 08/10 16:51
推 : 太強 推一個19F 08/10 18:42
推 : 超棒的!!不過問個問題。20F 08/10 19:02
→ : 能不能只用點歌功能,不用line聊天泡泡功能呢?謝謝。
可以的,到聊天泡泡設定內,把支援的通訊軟體取消掉,就不會有泡泡了→ : 能不能只用點歌功能,不用line聊天泡泡功能呢?謝謝。
※ 編輯: ray951357 (, 08/10/2017 19:39:33
推 : 感謝!超好用喔!!22F 08/10 19:59
→ : 點擊頭像或泡泡都不會出現語音錄音耶23F 08/10 20:26
→ : 看了一下評論4月份就有這個問題了
→ : 看了一下評論4月份就有這個問題了
推 : app直接叫"行動KTV點歌器",愛唱K的都必成客戶25F 08/11 16:24
→ : 會有KTV業者直接跟你洽談商合吧....
→ : 會有KTV業者直接跟你洽談商合吧....
→ : 如果太明目張膽有可能被yt抄掉…27F 08/13 11:48
推 : 直接當成KTV真方便還不用搶監視器 如果有chromecast就好28F 05/09 13:15
※ 看板: bake 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 117
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