※ 本文為 dinos 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-30 16:22:38
看板 MLB
作者 標題 [外電] some info about MO's BS and other
時間 Thu May 30 15:54:00 2013
When 29 other closers blow a save, we file it under Stuff Happens.
When Mariano Rivera blows a save, it's An Event. Still. All these years and
all these saves later.
So what happened at Citi Field on Tuesday, when the Greatest Closer Who Ever
Lived blew a save in which he faced three hitters and retired none of them?
Let's get to the bottom of this:
MO星期二在Citi Field的那次BS,他可是一個打者都沒有解決。
那這底下有甚麼有趣的東西嗎? 讓我們來瞧瞧。
‧ The Elias Sports Bureau tells us this was the first time in Rivera's
career he'd ever blown a save without retiring a hitter. Think about that. It
took him only 700 save opportunities! You can make that 747 if you count the
postseason, because it never happened there, either.
Elias Sports Bureau告訴我們,這是MO生涯第一次在沒解決任何打者的狀況下BS。
‧ Just to put that in perspective, another Yankees closer from a different
era, Sparky Lyle, rolled up 12 blown saves in which he forgot to get an out.
Twelve. (And I didn't even count the two years he pitched before the
invention of the modern save rule.) And Jesse Orosco had 11 blown saves in
his career in which he didn't retire a hitter. But Mariano Rivera? He had
zero -- until Tuesday night.
拿幾個不同世代的洋基終結者來比較一下,Sparky Lyle,這個不同年代的人
而Jesse Orosco的生涯則是有11次忘了拿出局數,但MO? 0 -- 直到星期二晚上。
‧ So who's your current leader in the clubhouse now that Mariano is off that
list? Jonathan Papelbon is up to 300 career save opportunities without a
zero-out blown save -- 309 if you count October.
寶貝碰 -- 他的300次Save機會,也沒有一次是一個打者都沒解決就BS。
‧ But what made this night especially bizarre was that Rivera threw out the
ceremonial first pitch, then gave it up on his last pitch. The guy who caught
that first pitch was one-time Mets closer John Franco. For the record, he had
four blown saves in which he didn't get anyone out.
John Franco。喔順便提一下,這個Franco生涯有四次BS是一個打者都沒解決的。
‧ The Great Mariano had saved 18 games in a row before that blown save.
Amazingly, that's the ninth streak in his career in which he converted at
least 18 saves in a row. (And he had two other streaks of 17.) That'll work.
‧ Of Rivera's last 30 save opportunities against NL teams, he has blown only
two -- both against the Mets, at Citi Field, with those two coming in his
last two appearances there. And here's a factoid that will blow your mind:
Citi Field,也剛好就是Mo面對Mets的最近這兩次,詭異的事又出現了!
As loyal reader Eric Orns reports, the Mets have now had seven consecutive
hitters reach base when Rivera was on the mound over those two games --
although one of them (on July 3, 2011) wouldn't have been there without a
Ramiro Pena error. Don't believe it? Here they come, the last seven Mets to
face Rivera in those two appearances:
身為一個Eric Orns reports的忠實讀者,你會發現Mets面對Rivera已經連續七個打者
上了壘包(也就是讓MO BS的這兩場比賽),雖然有一個是因為Ramiro Pena的失誤所以
才上壘的啦。不相信嗎? Here we come,最近七個大都會打者面對MO的打擊狀況。
上了壘包(也就是讓MO BS的這兩場比賽),雖然有一個是因為Ramiro Pena的失誤所以
才上壘的啦。不相信嗎? Here we come,最近七個大都會打者面對MO的打擊狀況。
July 3, 2011:
Jason Bay -- walk
Lucas Duda -- single
Ronny Paulino -- RBI single
Ruben Tejada -- reached on Pena error
Daniel Murphy -- double
David Wright -- RBI single
Lucas Duda -- RBI single
Now remember, a guy reaching on an error doesn't count under the category of
Mariano Rivera "allowing a runner to reach base." Only hits, walks and
hit-by-pitches fall under that heading. Nevertheless, the most consecutive
hitters who wound up on base against him, under any circumstances, when he's
faced any other team? That would be just four. So seven in a row? Insanity!
連續四人上壘的紀錄,但現在是連續七個? 酷斃了!
Useless Information Dept.
In other news …
‧ The most top-secret great shortstop in baseball, the Brewers' Jean Segura,
got six hits in a game Tuesday -- and his team still lost. He was the fourth
player ever to get six hits in an interleague game, joining Chone Figgins,
Nomar Garciaparra and Cal Ripken Jr. But how 'bout this:
雖然Jean Segura在星期六的比賽擊出了六支安打,但他的隊伍還是輸了。
他是史上第四位球員在跨聯盟的比賽中擊出六支安打,加入了Chone Figgins,
Nomar Garciaparra和Cal Ripken JR. 但來看看下面這個。
Two of those four men (Segura and Garciaparra) did it in a game their team
lost. But in non-interleague action, no National League hitter has gotten six
hits in a game his team lost since Sept. 13, 1982, when San Diego's Joe
Lefebvre did it in a loss to the Dodgers.
這四位中的兩位(Segura and Garciaparra)的球隊還是很可惜的輸球了。但在不是
跨聯盟比賽的賽事中,自從1982年9月13號,教士隊的Joe Lefebrve在對道奇的那場
跨聯盟比賽的賽事中,自從1982年9月13號,教士隊的Joe Lefebrve在對道奇的那場
‧ Another Jean Segura oddity: Every one of those six hits was a single. Only
15 other players in the past 98 seasons have had a six-hit game in which all
half-dozen of the hits were singles. And maybe those six-single games are
overrated. Of the 10 men who have had a game like Segura's in the past 60
years, only four of them did it in a game their team won.
有關Jean Segura補充:他的6支安打通通都是Single,在過去的98個球季只有15個球員
‧ You probably know that Segura was traded last July for Zack Greinke. You
might not know that Segura could have a tough time claiming he's the best
hitter in that trade. That's because Greinke is hitting .500 this year -- 10
at-bats, five hits. Top that!
不是這個交易案中"最好"的打者。因為Greinke 今年的打擊率 .500 5-10,這可比
不是這個交易案中"最好"的打者。因為Greinke 今年的打擊率 .500 5-10,這可比
‧ How many three-ball counts did Cliff Lee run in his eight innings against
the Red Sox on Tuesday? That would be none. There have been a total of 1,536
games started by all the pitchers in the big leagues so far this season.
There have been only two other games in which any starter worked eight
innings or more and ran zero three-ball counts, according to Elias: Brandon
McCarthy (against the Phillies) on May 12, and Hisashi Iwakuma (against the
Rangers) -- just two days before Lee. Last pitcher to do it against those
count-grinding Red Sox: David Price last Sept. 25.
Cliff Lee在對紅襪投了八局的內容中。有沒有投到三壞球的情況?
大聯盟這季到目前為止一共比了1,536場比賽,除了Cliff Lee,只有另外兩個投手
投了八局(或八局以上)但卻沒有投到三壞球過,根據Elias: 5/12的Brandon McCarthy
對費城和在Cliff Lee對紅襪的前兩天,水手的Hisashi Iwakuma對遊騎兵。
‧ Rick Porcello became the fourth Tigers starter to roll up a double-figure
strikeout game this season -- and it isn't even June yet. So when was the
last time the Tigers have had that happen? Never, of course. But in case you
hadn't noticed, they're not even the first staff to do that this year --
because the Cardinals beat them to it.
Rick Porcello是老虎本季第四位單場投出10K以上的投手,現在甚至還沒到六月呢。
‧ A fun tidbit from the Boston Globe's Pete Abraham: David Ortiz went 1,859
games over parts of 17 years without stealing third base. Then, naturally, he
stole third twice in five games last week. Heck, of course he did.
來自Boston一個有趣的統計,David Ortiz 17年來有1,859場比賽沒有盜三壘,但過去
‧ The Royals have now lost seven games in a row. As the great Rany Jazayerli
reports, they've now had a losing streak that lasted at least six games in 10
seasons in a row -- before they flipped the calendar to June. They probably
don't want to know that both the Giants and Rangers have now gone more than
400 games without having any six-game losing streaks.
皇家目前七連敗,根據Rany jazayerli的報導,他們目前已經連續十季每季至少都有
‧ And one last nugget I've been meaning to pass along: In their May 20 loss
to the Indians, the Mariners did something incredible: They hit game-tying or
go-ahead homers in the eighth, ninth and 10th innings -- and still lost.
Only one other team in history has ever done that, according to the Sultan of
Swat Stats, SABR home run historian David Vincent. The Tigers did it at Tampa
Bay, on Aug. 3, 2008:
歷史上只有另一支球隊有幹過類似的事,根據Sultan of Swat Stats,那就是
Gary Sheffield game-tier in the eighth, Curtis Granderson game-tier in the
ninth, Miguel Cabrera go-ahead homer in the 10th -- all of which was undone
by a Fernando Rodney blown save in the bottom of the 10th. Oops!
Gary Sheffield在第八局打回來追平分,Curtis Granderson在第九局打回追平分,
Miguel Cabrera則在第十局打出超前分 -- 但在Rodney的BS下,這一切都顯得空歡喜
一場!! Oops!
Miguel Cabrera則在第十局打出超前分 -- 但在Rodney的BS下,這一切都顯得空歡喜
一場!! Oops!
這作者專門搞這些有的沒的紀錄,還有我最愛看的September Watch。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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→ :好文不M嗎
→ :好文不M嗎
推 :每個都好有趣XD9F 05/30 16:21
※ 看板: dinos 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 100
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