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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-26 13:34:49
看板 Knicks
作者 skymay (隨遇而安)
標題 Re: [外電] 尼克四人一起在比佛利山莊的牛排館吃飯
時間 Tue Jun 26 09:00:46 2012


Here's a nice little report from Marc Berman that explains this photo shared
by eomede07 and this silly-ass TMZ video (not that either really needed

Berman reports that "Hollywood" Mike Woodson (this is his nickname?) spent
a long weekend in Los Angeles visiting several of his players. Woodson,
along with Jim Todd and Darrell Walker, flew to L.A. to catch up with
Carmelo Anthony and Tyson Chandler, who are training together in preparation
for the Olympics.

尼克的製服組Jim Todd和Darrel Walker一起和幾位尼克的隊員見了面。他們先飛到

At some point, Jeremy Lin flew down from Palo Alto to join them and the
whole group went out to dinner at what appears to be Mastro's Steakhouse
in Beverly Hills. My sources can neither confirm nor deny that Jim Todd
ordered the Scottish Salmon Fillet but sent it back because it was "too

林書豪也從北加palo alto飛過來加入大部隊。他們一起去比佛利山的Mastro's牛排
店(好萊塢最頂級的牛排店哦)吃了晚餐。居然還有人看到 Jim Todd說蘇格蘭三文魚

Meanwhile, Woodson can be seen in that video favoring fist bumps over
handshakes. Smart man.

Later, Woodson headed out to a gym in Anaheim to hang out with Landry Fields
(hence that photo).



So, basically, Woodson took a trip to keep up with his troops, and perhaps
to put in an extra good word with a couple free agents-to-be. Cool.


Lin bonding with Melo, Chandler

林書豪(Jeremy Lin)近期一直在加利福尼亞州訓練,並同隊友卡梅隆-安東尼
( Carmelo Anthony )、泰森-錢德勒( Tyson Chandler )以及教練邁克-伍德
森( Mike Woodson )一起吃過晚飯。

林書豪會在 7月1日成為受限自由球員,伍德森此行飛往加州,就是為了看看
林書豪、安東尼、錢德勒和蘭德里 -菲爾茲( Landry Fields )。伍德森教練

林書豪被美國預備隊挑中, 7月6日在拉斯維加斯,預備隊將和出征奧運的夢
之隊進行訓練和熱身賽。 他的隊友安東尼和錢德勒,很有可能會出現在最終

"They had some workouts," Woodson said. "We had dinner together.
It was kind of nice to go out there and touch them a little bit."
Woodson said Lin is "doing great, fantastic," showing no effects
from left knee surgery that sidelined him the last month of the
season and the playoffs."He's full go," Woodson said. "He's going
to have to be at a full go when he starts to compete against the
Olympic team. He's ready to go and I'm looking forward to going
out to Vegas and seeing how he competes and plays."

伍德森說: “他們在一起做過訓練,我們一起吃過晚飯,到那裡和他們聯繫
一下的感覺很好。”對於林書豪的狀況,伍德森補充: “他現在做的非常好
,等到和奧運隊比賽的時候,他會達到最佳狀態的。 他已經做好了準備,我

Lin working out with Melo, Chandler
Jeremy Lin has been working out in California and recently had dinner with Carmelo Anthony, Tyson Chandler and Mike Woodson on the West Coast. It's a good sign for the Knicks, Lin's health and his fut ...
林书豪场上积极训练,场下团结队友教练,林书豪场上积极训练,场下团结队友教练的相关报道. ...
這三隻一起開始訓練了,瓜瓜和拳王 奧運加油喔! 也期待LIN的陪練XD
看到記者跟這麼緊,看來到拉斯維加斯後的訓練會更熱鬧... XD


June 25: Jeremy Lin was spotted at the Village Cheese House today in his
hometown of Palo Alto, CA.

June 25: Tyson Chandler was spotted at Firestone Fieldhouse in Malibu,
California today.

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◆ From:
esther81828:武僧真的人很好,還去看看LFwwww1F 06/26 11:01
skymay:感覺他應該也會去看阿罵XD3F 06/26 11:07
esther81828:真的XD 他真的很像爸爸4F 06/26 11:08
skymay:其實他很早就說過他這個暑假會四處看他的這些球員XD 只是瓜5F 06/26 11:09
esther81828:有啊我知道XD還有說會去倫敦幫瓜和拳王加油XD7F 06/26 11:10
※ 編輯: skymay          來自:       (06/26 12:05)

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