※ 本文為 viashino.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-17 00:28:28
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] 尼克商品官網撤下林商品
時間 Tue Jul 17 00:16:55 2012
Knicks store spelling out Jeremy Lin's future?
The Knicks official team store isn't waiting around for Jeremy Lin. ...
Knicks store spelling out Jeremy Lin's future?
The Knicks have until 11:59 p.m. Tuesday to decide whether or not to match
the Houston Rockets offer for Jeremy Lin.
CAPTIONBy Chris Trotman, Getty Images
But the Knicks' official team store isn't waiting that long to remove Jeremy
Lin apparel from its digital storefront.
There is no Jeremy Lin apparel available anywhere on the site, though if
you're a Steve Novak fan, there's plenty of options for you.
TheKnicksBlog.com was out in front of the news earlier this morning, and our
own search of "Jeremy Lin" yielded no results.
Darren Rovell tweeted an interaction with Mitch Modell, founder of the
popular sporting goods store Modells:
Mitch Modell tells me that his stores have 40,000 Lin Knicks items left.
Modell says it will be biggest firesale in company history.
Modell's Mitch Modell: "If Jeremy Lin leaves the Knicks, the discounted
prices we will have will be Linsane."
Luis Scola and Kevin Martin are the only jersey options at the Houston
Rockets online store ... for now.
我剛跑去看好像真的沒了 ><"
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◆ From:
→ :快逃啊 ~~1F 07/17 00:18
推 :廠商y可以趕製紅白配色的17號T2F 07/17 00:20
推 :good. 不要再放上來囉XD3F 07/17 00:20
→ :又不一定是17號XD 話說我缺一件客場AU呀~~~4F 07/17 00:21
推 :太好了~~~讓他走吧.....人紅遭忌....一哥眼紅..Lin不會有空間5F 07/17 00:21
推 :剛剛在總版友看到了!!!!!!yun大在哀嚎他影片沒備份到XDDDD6F 07/17 00:21
→ :可是我看knicks now影片和照片都還在啊7F 07/17 00:23
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