※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-13 00:24:57
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 Re: [影片] Inside Trax: Knicks vs. Magic Audio
時間 Fri Apr 6 23:38:24 2012
※ 引述《ddt21 (白)》之銘言:
: 第一次PO文,不知道符不符合版規
: 如果有違反的話不好意思= =
: 這是剛才在Chandler的FB上看到的:
: Tyson Chandler
: VIDEO: A miked up Tyson Chandler encouraging and communicating with his New
: York Knicks teammates during last night's win over the Orlando Magic!
: http://ppt.cc/b5Oj
Inside Trax: Knicks vs. Magic | NBA.com
Inside Trax: Knicks vs. Magic - NBA Videos and Highlights. Go court side and inside the huddle with Dwight Howard and Tyson Chandler ...
分享幾段球季初的Training camp片段
有三段Mic'd up 分別是阿罵 沙發跟香波
阿罵Mic'd up( 也像老大哥,有領袖風範 ):
Amar'e Stoudemire Mic'd Up (12/15) - YouTube
Listen in as Amar'e Stoudemire wears a mic while practicing with the Knicks as they prepare for the season to begin. Catch more when MSG airs a live training...
Listen in as Amar'e Stoudemire wears a mic while practicing with the Knicks as they prepare for the season to begin. Catch more when MSG airs a live training...

沙發Mic'd up( 一樣搞笑風趣 XD ):
香波Mic'd up( 喜歡第三人稱稱呼自己 XD ):
Knicks Training Camp 12/14:
All-Access: Knicks Training Camp - YouTube
Take a behind the scenes look at the Knicks Training Camp with highlights of the practice session and comments from Anthony and Stoudemire.
Take a behind the scenes look at the Knicks Training Camp with highlights of the practice session and comments from Anthony and Stoudemire.

Knicks Training Camp 12/15:
◤ ◥ ↙ 宅偵探科男 ◤◤ ◥◥ ◢◢ ◣◣
◤◤▁▁ // ◣ ψ 我快要夢到 ◥\\//◤
▉6◤◤◤◤◤//// ◣◤◤ ◣◣ 戰犯的數據了.. ◥ ◥◥ _)_ ◤◤
◣◣| ▅●● ◢◢◢/ ◥ 根據鍵盤顯示, ◣◣ ◢◢ ◢ ◣◣︶ι︶◤◤ ◣
◢◥ ▅▅▅●●◤◥◥ 戰犯就是你! ◢ / ◥◥ ︻ ◤◤ \ ◥
◢ ╮ ◣╰◢ ◢ ◤◤ 苗栗小五郎 → ﹨ > ◥ ◤ < ∕
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: dj6601 來自: (04/06 23:41)
推 :阿罵的Oh ya~~~讓我笑噴了1F 04/06 23:40
推 :阿罵講話一定要講兩遍嗎XDD 講話的語調超像念rap2F 04/06 23:44
推 :就黑人調調呀3F 04/06 23:45
→ :i want lin!
→ :i want lin!
→ :這時候尼克還沒有簽Lin 殘念= =5F 04/06 23:46
推 :好像也不是rap~就是他重音都在每句的最後一個單字6F 04/06 23:47
→ :語調真的很怪XDDDD
→ :語調真的很怪XDDDD
推 :Melo的卡稱也...洋芋片少吃點阿8F 04/06 23:48
推 :他最近有變瘦了啦 看起來9F 04/06 23:48
推 :香波!!!XDDD 噢天好好笑10F 04/06 23:48
推 :阿罵一開始走進來好像在拍mv喔(笑翻11F 04/06 23:49
→ :Melo那個身材比例讓他的腳看起來好細喔12F 04/06 23:49
→ :我對阿罵褲管的捲法比較有意見 他一定要穿得那麼老土嗎13F 04/06 23:49
→ :連在場邊休息把毛巾塞進去也是XDD
→ :連在場邊休息把毛巾塞進去也是XDD
推 :香波的超好笑!碎碎念!他在影片裡沒現在壯耶!現在好壯15F 04/06 23:52
推 :我想聽場邊JJ到底在講什麼16F 04/06 23:52
推 :他比賽時常把上衣直接塞入褲子,沒拉出來那種XDD 不過私17F 04/06 23:53
→ :底下就很時尚.
→ :底下就很時尚.
→ :小JJ跟阿罵誰比較高阿???...我一直以為是阿罵...19F 04/06 23:54
推 :小JJ超高的...可惜身板比較單薄...20F 04/06 23:55
推 :JJ 211 阿罵20821F 04/06 23:55
推 :44JJ腿好像是全隊最長的22F 04/06 23:56
推 :Landry超白爛...一開始就笑噴了XD23F 04/07 00:00
推 :看wiki 隊長其實是 Melo 跟 Amar'e 兩個並列阿24F 04/07 00:02
推 :看完以後發現 人事變動真大25F 04/07 00:05
推 :Shump也好好笑唷 1:43 vs. Douglas:Shump didn't touch!26F 04/07 00:10
→ :"it must be Jared. I looked Shump's arm."
→ :"Shump didn't touch." <-以上全為 Shump 自己講的 XD
→ :"it must be Jared. I looked Shump's arm."
→ :"Shump didn't touch." <-以上全為 Shump 自己講的 XD
推 :Shump真搞笑,幹嘛一直用第三人稱稱呼自己XDDDD29F 04/07 00:12
推 :通常好像小朋友才會用地三人稱說自己吧!香波是小朋友30F 04/07 00:15
→ :尼克裡有一大堆孩子阿~~~31F 04/07 00:16
推 :請問尼克現在年紀最小的是香波嗎@@ 有點搞不清大家的年紀XD32F 04/07 00:24
推 :對 香波1990的33F 04/07 00:25
推 :呃只有我聽香坡的台詞聽到想歪嗎....34F 04/07 00:38
推 :香波真的很寶~唱poison的影片肢體也超好笑!35F 04/07 00:39
推 :就只有香坡的影片喘氣聲大到很奇妙啊XD36F 04/07 00:41
推 :阿罵:oh ya~37F 04/07 00:46
推 :oh ya\(^0^)/ XDDDDD38F 04/07 01:20
推 :裝麥後都好多話XDDDDD39F 04/07 01:43
推 :發現大家都滿碎念的XD40F 04/07 01:52
推 :我也覺得阿罵穿球衣或是練習衣板凳衣都超級公園阿北的41F 04/07 01:55
→ :可是一換回便服戴頂紳士帽又變身型男 好違和XDDD
→ :香波也一直 oh ya
→ :可是一換回便服戴頂紳士帽又變身型男 好違和XDDD
→ :香波也一直 oh ya
推 :excuse me! 香波1990...omg44F 04/07 01:58
推 :香波煩死了啦 XDDDD 超好笑45F 04/07 01:58
→ :我幾乎完全聽不懂阿罵在講什麼Orz 其他人就還好....46F 04/07 02:14
推 :香波用第三人稱說自己真的超好笑!!!XDDDDDDD47F 04/07 05:04
推 :阿嬤應該只有i got it 這句聽得懂XDDDDD48F 04/08 00:01
推 :o~~ya xD49F 04/08 00:23
→ :阿罵最後的good job very good job 他的腔調好難懂Orz50F 04/08 09:07
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