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看板 WomenTalk
作者 標題 [討論] 能推薦一下抒情搖滾樂嗎~
時間 Sun Oct 4 07:02:41 2015
「coldplay—fix you」
Coldplay - Fix You - YouTube
Coldplay's new album Ghost Stories, is out now! Download it at or get the CD at ~ Follow Co...
Coldplay's new album Ghost Stories, is out now! Download it at or get the CD at ~ Follow Co...

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※ 編輯: sunrise1206 (, 10/04/2015 07:04:20
Bad Night season finale song from LOUIE on FX Season premiere is June 23rd at 10:30pm - YouTube Hi. This is the song from the end of the last episode of LOUIE season 1. I got a lot of requests for this so here it is.

Re: [心情] 愛聽老歌 - 看板 WomenTalk - 批踢踢實業坊
※ 引述《doremii (mii)》之銘言: : 我很愛聽老歌 : 最近在聽 周華健 朋友 : 孟庭葦 你看你看月亮的臉
※ 引述《doremii (mii)》之銘言: : 我很愛聽老歌 : 最近在聽 周華健 朋友 : 孟庭葦 你看你看月亮的臉
The Cars - Drive (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) - YouTube
Check out our killer New Wave playlist on Spotify! - - - - Watch the official video for The Cars - "Drive". Release in 1984, it is th...
Check out our killer New Wave playlist on Spotify! - - - - Watch the official video for The Cars - "Drive". Release in 1984, it is th...

お使いのブラウザは、サポートが終了します。アップグレードしてください。 - YouTube 動画を作成し、友だちや家族、世界中の人たちと共有 ...
→ : 4ASJBXu8tNo12F 10/04 07:39
Night Ranger - Sister Christian - YouTube
Music video by Night Ranger performing Sister Christian. (C) 2004 Geffen Records
Music video by Night Ranger performing Sister Christian. (C) 2004 Geffen Records

推 : Guns N' Roses15F 10/04 07:45
Blondie - Heart Of Glass - YouTube
Official video of Blondie performing Heart Of Glass from the album Parallel Lines. Buy It Here: Like Blondie on Facebook:
Official video of Blondie performing Heart Of Glass from the album Parallel Lines. Buy It Here: Like Blondie on Facebook:

Styx - Mr. Roboto - YouTube
AUDIOSWAPED because YouTube blocked this Video... sorry! Video by Styx - Mr. Roboto Songtext: Domo arigato Mr. Roboto mata ah-oo hima de domo ariagto Mr. Rob...
AUDIOSWAPED because YouTube blocked this Video... sorry! Video by Styx - Mr. Roboto Songtext: Domo arigato Mr. Roboto mata ah-oo hima de domo ariagto Mr. Rob...

推 : f大好厲害23F 10/04 08:09
Coldplay - The Scientist - YouTube
Coldplay's new album Ghost Stories, is out now! Download it at or get the CD at ~ Follow Co...
Coldplay's new album Ghost Stories, is out now! Download it at or get the CD at ~ Follow Co...

→ : Coldplay-The Scientist27F 10/04 08:26
推 : Lost stars28F 10/04 08:36
推 : It Might Be You (By Stephen Bishop)29F 10/04 08:39
→ : (Music Video) from 1982 Movie Tootsie
→ : https://youtu.be/cJO22cegxBs
→ : (Music Video) from 1982 Movie Tootsie
→ : https://youtu.be/cJO22cegxBs
Stephen Bishop - It Might Be You (Music Video) from Tootsie 1982 - YouTube This is my all time favourite love song. Unfortunately there ain't any official music video for this song therefore i decide to make one for it.

推 : ONE OK ROCK - Wherever you are32F 10/04 08:50
→ : 樓上推了我最想推的XD33F 10/04 08:51
→ : sekai no owari-SOS
→ : 先知瑪莉-CHEER
→ : Pay Money to My Pain - Out of My Hands
→ : sekai no owari-SOS
→ : 先知瑪莉-CHEER
→ : Pay Money to My Pain - Out of My Hands
推 : 覺得Bon Jovi destination everywhere整張都超好聽!!!其37F 10/04 08:59
→ : 他專輯對我來說都太吵了
→ : 他專輯對我來說都太吵了
Spandau Ballet - True - YouTube
Music video by Spandau Ballet performing TRUE. Taken from the album 'True' Buy the greatest hits from Spandau Ballet on iTunes here:
Music video by Spandau Ballet performing TRUE. Taken from the album 'True' Buy the greatest hits from Spandau Ballet on iTunes here:

推 : hinder -without you45F 10/04 09:11
推 : 我也好愛這首歌46F 10/04 09:12
STAYCOOL|Leave It All to December|A Take Away Show - YouTube STAYCOOL 第二張錄音室專輯【Uraban Canyon】6/26起開始預購,7/7台灣日本同步發行。 Urban Canyon城市峽谷 STAYCOOL 新專輯巡迴 / w丁丁與西西首張專輯預購暖身 7/27 19:00 @台中 TADA 7/28 19:00 @高雄 駁二The Wall 8/02 19...

→ : 中文的 TRASH-籠中鳥49F 10/04 09:15
推 : 你可以聽聽老團搖滾麥克的歌 應該很符合你的需求50F 10/04 09:16
推 : Limb Bizkit-Behind blue eyes
推 : Limb Bizkit-Behind blue eyes
推 : Green Day- 21Gun52F 10/04 09:26
Punk Goes 90s Vol. 2 - Hands Like Houses "Torn" - YouTube
PURCHASE THIS COVER & PUNK GOES 90S VOL. 2 ON ITUNES: Hands Like Houses' cover of "Torn" originally performed by Natalie Imbruglia,...
PURCHASE THIS COVER & PUNK GOES 90S VOL. 2 ON ITUNES: Hands Like Houses' cover of "Torn" originally performed by Natalie Imbruglia,...

→ : 要問這種問題 去西洋音樂版就有答案了 既然都聽了coldplay54F 10/04 09:35
Juice Newton - Angel Of The Morning - YouTube
Official video of Juice Newton performing Angel Of The Morning from the album Angel Of The Morning. Buy It Here: Official Website: ...
Official video of Juice Newton performing Angel Of The Morning from the album Angel Of The Morning. Buy It Here: Official Website: ...

→ : 的歌 也順便把他們其他歌聽一聽吧 好聽的不會只有fix you57F 10/04 09:36
推 : the fray, one republic58F 10/04 09:43
推 : Close To You ( i'll do anything to keep me)59F 10/04 09:52
→ : By Trix
→ : https://youtu.be/yDnZuBgr3VM
→ : By Trix
→ : https://youtu.be/yDnZuBgr3VM
trix - close to you ( i'll do anything to keep me)/ with lyrics - YouTube to those who love this song.. hope you enjoy and could bring back the good memories of the past

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作者 sunrise1206 的最新發文:
- 大家午安 很久沒在ptt發廢文了 今天真的心情很差才又跑來發文 請不要噓我,我現在很玻璃心嗚嗚 正文開始 三年前生了一場病,直到現在都還無法擺脫後遺症 這個後遺症從外觀上看不出來 但真的對我日常生活影 …205F 58推 3噓
- 安安 大家午安 小妹之前有在這個版發過爸爸阻止我填志願的文,之後思考良久,還是趁著半夜四下無人 送出志願 今天分發出來難掩喜悅,但爸爸知道我即將去桃園唸書非常暴怒,他認為我已經答應他了 ,還揚言:「我 …441F 205推 5噓
- 最近指考成績放榜 有幸自己讀沒去重考班平均還能進步十來分但還是無緣台政嗚嗚 指考成績出來我爸就急著問我要填什麼志願 我告訴他我想去南部讀書(中字備大學) 結果他突然暴走,說不准我離開台北 不然他一毛錢 …709F 290推 41噓
- 安安大家晚安 台北今天下大雨,好冷嗚嗚 最近一直很懶,就躺在床上看書 下午的時候我姐看電視,電視開的很大聲 然後突然聽到一句:「it is too bad ……」 雖然只有這麼一句…… 不過這嗓音實在 …128F 112推 1噓
- 安安 剛剛考完學測,在台北的寒風中追著公車, 好不容易回到家,打開冰箱打算來補吃個午餐…… (因為太冷懶的走出考場買吃的,考最後一科肚子一直叫哈哈哈xD) 突然看到~有哈根達斯欸欸欸 家裡冰箱很少出現 …185F 132推 2噓