※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-09 10:43:09
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] JR 因偷解鞋帶事件被罰 $5萬
時間 Thu Jan 9 03:08:40 2014
J.R. Smith of New York Knicks fined $50K for 'recurring instances of unsportsmanlike conduct' - ESPN New York
The NBA has fined J.R. Smith $50,000 for recurring instances of unsportsmanlike conduct following his shoelace stunts in the Knicks' last two games, the league announced Wednesday. ...
GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- The NBA has fined J.R. Smith $50,000 for "recurring
instances of unsportsmanlike conduct" following his shoelace stunts in the
New York Knicks' past two games, the league announced Wednesday.
Smith untied Dallas Mavericks forward Shawn Marion's shoelaces during the
second quarter of the Knicks' 92-80 win Sunday.
Smith was then seen Tuesday attempting to repeat the action when he reached
at Detroit Pistons big man Greg Monroe's shoes while lined up at the free
throw lane. That's why the league took action.
"I've never seen it done in an NBA game, put it that way, in all the years
I've been around," Knicks coach Mike Woodson said before Tuesday's game.
Smith had been in trouble with the league already this season.
He was suspended the first five games without pay for violating the NBA's
anti-drug policy in the offseason. And in November, Smith was fined $25,000
for sending what the NBA deemed a "hostile" tweet to Detroit's Brandon
Jennings after Jennings questioned the credentials of Smith's brother, Chris,
a former Knicks guard.
Smith is shooting just 34.8 percent from the field and is averaging 11.5
points after undergoing a knee procedure during the offseason.
He signed a three-year, $18 million contract with the Knicks in July.
解鞋哥被NBA罰了五萬美金,不過不單是因為小牛那場解了 Marion 的鞋帶
原來聯盟注意到後,1/7 便警告他: 這次不處罰你,下次別再搞這玩意了
他隔天一有機會,馬上又試著偷解 Monroe的鞋帶,不過被 Monroe 聰明閃過
http://youtu.be/-albPeVPCHA (6秒處)
就和 Howard 來了場解鞋大戰:
偷解 Howard: http://youtu.be/BS7Go3B5q_U
被 Howard 解回來: http://youtu.be/AENAHckxKU0
Dwight Howard goes for JR's Shoes - YouTube
Dwight Howard tries to retaliate against JR Smith, who pulled the stunt back in the third quarter. January 3rd, 2014. 3:32 remaining in the 4th Quarter, game...
Dwight Howard tries to retaliate against JR Smith, who pulled the stunt back in the third quarter. January 3rd, 2014. 3:32 remaining in the 4th Quarter, game...

究竟~~~ 這五萬罰金 能不能阻止我們解鞋哥繼續犯案呢? 讓我們繼續看下去!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :爽拉1F 01/09 03:09
推 :比罵裁判嚴重,給推2F 01/09 03:09
※ RobertLucas:轉錄至看板 Knicks 01/09 03:10→ :意外罰得相當重? 白目過頭當食此果3F 01/09 03:11
推 :罰的跟Hit me一樣多耶4F 01/09 03:12
推 :哀...這智商...5F 01/09 03:13
推 :這兩個人同等級阿6F 01/09 03:22
推 :快變成小丑了....7F 01/09 03:24
推 :強烈建議nba選秀制度要多加一項 測智商!8F 01/09 03:24
推 :哈哈哈原來比賽還有這麼多細節我都沒注意到9F 01/09 03:25
推 :鞋帶界的競爭是非常激烈的10F 01/09 03:36
推 :解個鞋帶150萬台幣 一台車沒了11F 01/09 03:41
推 :U CCCCCCCCCCC U a hahahahahaha12F 01/09 03:55
推 :該罰的還是要來啊13F 01/09 03:55
推 :都警告過了 還在那邊說我會繼續幹下去 白目沒藥醫啊14F 01/09 03:59
推 :dh看了裁判一眼XD15F 01/09 04:12
推 :卍解16F 01/09 04:12
推 :這樣看DH還真厲害 現學現賣 XDD17F 01/09 04:13
推 :解回來太蠢18F 01/09 04:13
推 :JR: 學我?你好幼稚~ XDD19F 01/09 04:17
→ :他這樣作的目的到底是= = 還是他根本沒想過....20F 01/09 04:31
推 :覺得DH解回去那邊莫名的有喜感啊21F 01/09 04:35
噓 :有點像停紅燈把別人摩托車熄火的fu22F 01/09 04:35
推 :阿泰不出來說句話嗎XD23F 01/09 04:36
推 :感覺這季他很愛搶版面
推 :感覺這季他很愛搶版面
推 :慈世平快介紹醫生給丁尺 搞笑至少不會被罰!25F 01/09 04:56
推 :超好笑26F 01/09 05:00
推 :伍森:Beno不應該讓Jr去搶籃板害他被罰27F 01/09 05:29
推 :爽啦XDDDDDD28F 01/09 05:30
→ :uccu uccu29F 01/09 06:10
推 :DH 跟 JR根本同一等級哈哈30F 01/09 06:23
推 :可是草莓獸1年薪水=JR 4年31F 01/09 06:46
噓 :爽32F 01/09 06:52
推 :沒有最中二 只有更中二33F 01/09 06:57
推 :解鞋帶是哪招XDDDDDDDDDDD34F 01/09 07:06
推 :拜託剪進shaqtin a fool XDDDD35F 01/09 07:15
推 :武僧:是Marion和Monroe的錯 他們不該穿有鞋帶的鞋子36F 01/09 07:18
噓 :JR:等等剪鞋帶好了 (拿剪刀)37F 01/09 07:28
推 :死好XDDDD38F 01/09 07:39
噓 :這是一種性癖好40F 01/09 07:46
噓 :低能兒41F 01/09 07:47
推 :JR:下次把左右腳鞋帶綁在一起好了42F 01/09 07:50
推 :好歡樂的遊戲43F 01/09 07:58
推 :聯盟可以搞三振條款啊,第一次警告,第二次罰款44F 01/09 08:05
推 :Howard沒有百倍奉還XDDD45F 01/09 08:06
→ :第三次就可以禁賽或是罰更重的金額46F 01/09 08:06
噓 :五萬對他來說很多嗎?47F 01/09 08:22
推 :類似那種竊盜癖嗎48F 01/09 08:22
推 :不愧是草莓獸, 有仇必報 XD49F 01/09 08:32
→ :他這季怎那麼愛解鞋帶 是有啥療癒功能嗎? = =50F 01/09 08:33
→ :DH幹得好XDDDDDDDDDDDdd51F 01/09 08:36
推 :dh12幹的好阿52F 01/09 08:38
推 :這舉動太好笑了哈哈53F 01/09 08:39
噓 :他去年不是最佳第六人? 今年是怎麼了?54F 01/09 08:41
推 :DH應該要加倍奉還 2隻腳的鞋帶都解55F 01/09 08:45
→ :解鞋帶可以分散對手注意力啊~ 下次站在他旁邊的都會
→ :解鞋帶可以分散對手注意力啊~ 下次站在他旁邊的都會
推 :加倍奉還不是應該脫它褲子嗎57F 01/09 08:48
→ :去防他解鞋帶 降低了搶籃板的專注 跟櫻木拉衣服很像58F 01/09 08:48
推 :我錢多我最秋59F 01/09 08:53
噓 :根本小題大作,這也要罰60F 01/09 08:57
→ :拜託解我鞋帶>.061F 01/09 08:58
推 :正義62F 01/09 09:05
→ :他可以去解劉謙有一雙會自動綁起來的鞋帶63F 01/09 09:12
推 :DH瞬間白了XDD 太好笑64F 01/09 09:20
推 :穿tmac4看他怎麼解65F 01/09 09:23
推 :下次帶兩個頭帶 罰球時幫對手套頭帶66F 01/09 09:35
推 :幹 快笑死 XDDDDDD67F 01/09 09:39
推 :他下次對熱火拉LBJ的頭帶看看,看會不會被打死68F 01/09 09:44
推 :每場罰個5萬 到季末還可以回收個兩百萬 給尼克分成69F 01/09 09:45
→ :彌補一下吧
→ :彌補一下吧
推 :世平的焦點都被他搶走了71F 01/09 10:03
推 :我一秒能解鞋帶 ; 我就鞋帶打死結72F 01/09 10:05
推 :DH看裁判那超好笑73F 01/09 10:07
推 :請問一下 如果罰款不繳會不會怎麼樣?74F 01/09 10:09
推 :Dwight看裁判的樣子好可愛!!75F 01/09 10:12
推 :XDD 就像是中二生互鬧~76F 01/09 10:15
推 :曹眉壽真的超可愛的77F 01/09 10:15
噓 :這危險動作 應該連續開罰才對78F 01/09 10:22
推 :他是有磕藥嗎80F 01/09 10:28
推 :DH XDDDD81F 01/09 10:32
推 :兩個智障.........82F 01/09 10:40
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 363
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