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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-27 03:04:38
看板 LoL
作者 hailiebaby (貓梨)
標題 Re: [閒聊] 美版的新登入畫面
時間 Sat Oct 27 00:43:50 2012




用來嚇孩子的故事. 但我知道的更多, 我去過那裡.

當我第一次踏足在那片土地上. 我立刻知道那地方有些不對勁.

我全身都起雞皮疙瘩. 在我肚子的最深處 我感覺到一股可怕的變異.



我逛到島的更深處 我看到死亡包圍著我.

鬼樹, 鬼花, 鬼草恐怖的光暉把我吞沒.

那是多麼的安靜 多麼的美麗阿!

我伸出我的手 一片妖葉在風中飄揚,


那時我終於明白. 死亡就在那一邊,


然後我聽到那首歌: 蜘蛛之歌.


我懷抱他. 我跟他講他沒有什麼好怕的.


※ 引述《cat0405 (<ゝω・) 油洗!☆ )))》之銘言:
: 在 Reddit 上找到了 Elise 所說的這整段故事:http://0rz.tw/VcEeE
Stay on the new login screen for a while! : leagueoflegends
Elise tells a story! Edit: Alright guys, here's the full scoop: >The Shadow Isles... they say they don't exist. Mythical islands haunted by ghosts a... ...
: The Shadow Isles... they say they don't exist. Mythical islands haunted by
: ghosts and specters; tales to frighten children. But I know better. I have
: been there. When I first set foot there, I immediately knew something was
: wrong with that place. My skin crawled and in the pit of my stomach, I felt a
: terrible revulsion. Life didn't belong there. But I also knew - somehow deep
: inside I knew - that the islands... welcomed me. They wanted me. As I
: wandered deeper I saw death all around me. Ghostly trees, grass and flowers
: engulfed me in their horrifying radiance. It was so quiet and so beautiful. I
: passed my hand through a spectral leaf fluttering in the wind, but there was
: no wind. That was when I understood that death was another world... and I was
: at it's door. Then I heard the song: the spider's song. My companion cried
: out in terror and fell to his knees. I embraced him. I told him he had
: nothing to fear. He was going to a better place. I will take them all... to a
: better place.
: 嗯,我在資料夾翻不到這段故事的聲音檔案,就自己錄下來了。
: 但是 MediaFire 好像丟搞中,只好之後再連同影片一同上傳。
: 我一直有在錄登入畫面跟備份 BGM,
: 所以有興趣的可以到下面這個 Youtube 播放清單看,
: 每個影片說明中都附有該登入畫面的 BGM 載點。
: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLACFDBB2A951CC215
: ※ 引述《iriself (小費)》之銘言:
: : Elise的登入畫面
: : 一般人應該都是很快地打入密碼進入遊戲大廳
: : 這次更新有個小小的彩蛋   開啟程式等大約35秒左右
: : Elise會開始一段有關Shadow isles 跟有關她自己的獨白
: : 整體感覺做的非常的棒XD
: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89IH3OLnfPQ
League of Legends Elise Login Screen - YouTube
hey guys, this is the new login screen of the halloween patch ! after waiting a while elise starts to tell you soething about the shadow isles ;)


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
lovefish26  :好快1F 10/27 00:45
oscarss07   :推翻譯2F 10/27 00:45
gekisen     :人外好棒 <33F 10/27 00:52
linceass    :溫馨4F 10/27 00:53
ilris       :<35F 10/27 00:54
hailiebaby  :<3<3<36F 10/27 00:55
brovet      :我沒看第一行我還以為是幻想文7F 10/27 00:58
silverowl   :別管什麼更好的地方了,我帶你升天吧!8F 10/27 01:00
AriaYang    :魔法少女艾莉絲:已經沒什麼好怕的了 <39F 10/27 01:00
WannaCry    :在我肚子的最深處 我感覺到一股可怕的便意?10F 10/27 01:08
MB10        :Elise姊姊,帶我去更好的地方吧>///////<11F 10/27 01:09
Solosea     :原來那裡也是鬼島12F 10/27 01:23
ccode       :所以這是紀念S2冠軍!?13F 10/27 01:26
peter0726   :原來在LoL世界地圖裡面有台灣 難怪台服OP14F 10/27 01:37
Rancoon     :推 WannaCry            XDDDDDDDDDDDDD15F 10/27 01:45
hailiebaby  :在我肚子的最深處 我感覺到一股可怕的便意?16F 10/27 01:49
nemesisred  :一起到天國去吧17F 10/27 01:56
sillymon    :原來是個鬼島18F 10/27 02:49
imwind      :搞不好那裡有個青銅巨門19F 10/27 03:01

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