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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-06 00:01:33
看板 Gossiping
作者 Smu41220 ()
標題 Re: [新聞] 認同西餐妹 台灣女網友:跟外國人做愛比
時間 Tue Feb  5 16:47:10 2013

其實台灣有這種破Pu根本不意外 連阿斗仔都有中肯的建言

看板 Gossiping
作者 fur (英國研究真有趣)
標題 Re: [閒聊] 台灣女生看看吧..
時間 Wed Aug 15 13:53:55 2012


As an Adult Business Teacher, i listen to a lot of answers to topic questions
in my class. when the topic gets around to love and relationships you always
hear TW Girls saying the same exact shit:

" i want a guy who is tall, understands me, is responsible, etc"


The problem with this is they never really define what responsible is. From
my experience, what they mean by responsible is "safe". They want some
castrated man with spiked hair who never takes chances, never moves in a
direction that might make them feel unsafe, never walks the path less chosen.
They want a guy who is just bent to their wishes for "their dreams" ie, the
house, the car, the baby, the whole nine yards.


Nothing is wrong with those things, except that they have become the "Price
For Admission" so to speak, rather than the result of two people's love and
efforts for one another. They constantly take shortcuts.


These Women always talk about how they want someone who understands them. By
this, i take it to mean they want an extension of their spoiling family or
old boyfriends (Plan B... but still wait around) who will put up with their
temper tantrums, immaturity, and stupidity. These women are basically in the
market for either daddy or their older brother, someone who is used to their



Expecting someone to understand you is the height of immaturity. We should
seek more to understand others than to be understood. The world owes us
nothing, but we live in it, and should learn to adapt to it, not the other
way around.


i find TW women to be utterly selfish, insecure, and self centered. As I have
seen with many couples and unfortunate friends, when they age it's even more
nonstop bitching and moaning. The focus just becomes on more money, more
eating, more competition to show off to family and friends. You can forget
about an exciting sex life. Lately i look at them with a mild disgust,
despite some of their physical beauty.


No pussy is worth being constantly drained by these emotional vampires.
Funny, with the many new girls I meet here, I aways say to myself "this one
is different". LOL! Nope, same shit with a different package. Same movie
played over and over.


Oh Well, at least have a little fun, play their game, complement them on how
brilliant it is to wear glasses without lenses, expect to pay for lots of
dinners out. And most important....Yes, indeed, know when to say next. Their
stock will drop in value quick and is a short sale. HK Girls are a way better




是真正的不公平。                             ~~出自《古龍論軍公教與鄉民》

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◆ From:
ctx705f:我被水桶了 有勇者要轉嗎1F 02/05 16:49
id:港女是真小人吧,台PU...2F 02/05 16:49
chester71:買雞排吃剛好3F 02/05 16:49
positMIT:早就看過了 個案啦各案4F 02/05 16:49
bestlove5566:快搶個好位子先~~5F 02/05 16:49
e1q3z9c7:這是整體台灣人格的問題6F 02/05 16:50
Brad255:推....7F 02/05 16:51
zxcxxx:xx就是矯情8F 02/05 16:51
MotleyCrue:樓下雞排店沒開,戰不起來 :(9F 02/05 16:51
v7q4:簡單說就是 洋屌 > $ > 高帥10F 02/05 16:51
BBBroflovski:樓下轉CCR11F 02/05 16:51
demitri:什麼鍋配什麼蓋 大概找上這男的的台女也都...12F 02/05 16:51
jeff82:怎麼辦忍不住按113F 02/05 16:51
MotleyCrue:高富帥終究不敵高加索啦14F 02/05 16:51
evadx:你應該po去香港 某小島超越她們了15F 02/05 16:51
Allen0315:    經典戰文~16F 02/05 16:51
GPR70:徵勇者轉CCR版17F 02/05 16:51
MiuLove:就是公主病18F 02/05 16:53
Brad255:MotleyCrue:高富帥終究不敵高加索啦  XDDD19F 02/05 16:54
darkbrigher:等女權分子來反駁這篇XDDD20F 02/05 16:54
seemoon2000:靠 我還以為來到NBA板 怎麼會有外電翻譯.....21F 02/05 16:54
shadeel:小心被隔板水桶22F 02/05 16:55
sx4152:未免也太中肯了吧~~~~23F 02/05 16:55
Brad255:女朋友優先挑沒交過外國男朋友的...24F 02/05 16:55
evadx:   快po去高登25F 02/05 16:56
archon:有得挑,隨你挑,盡量挑~ ^^"26F 02/05 16:56
bestguy:幹他媽的實在太中肯 前女友就是這種爛屄27F 02/05 16:57
Xaymaca:所以我不知道你們在攔什麼....  就自由選擇就好啦28F 02/05 16:57
bestguy:張無忌 越漂亮的女人越不能信啊29F 02/05 16:57
sx4152:補推30F 02/05 16:58
ogcman:洋人把台女說得這麼難聽 台女依然要送上門 哀...31F 02/05 16:58
Brad255:其實還是有清流...只是就我所知 ccr裡面少有32F 02/05 16:58
Brad255:真正好的台灣女生  還是很多
pchunter:妓女好歹會要求過夜費用  CCR比X女還不如34F 02/05 16:59
Xaymaca:有可能這篇是港人寫的   女人跟女人間的隔空戰爭35F 02/05 16:59
smilemiz:摘要:外國人來臺上廁所,臺灣男人幫忙清理36F 02/05 16:59
seemoon2000:真愛板瞧不起X女喔 昨天還有文章鄙視X女37F 02/05 16:59
Brad255:我們要敵視的是那些哈洋屌ccr 不是所有台灣女生38F 02/05 16:59
destroyfire:某版會說,誰叫你要挑CCR當女友,物以類聚39F 02/05 17:00
chester71:不如乾脆說這篇是宅宅寫的好了40F 02/05 17:00
Xaymaca:為什麼要敵視比你選擇更多的人??41F 02/05 17:01
lisy1991516:ㄆㄆ42F 02/05 17:01
zukidelko:男人愛喝茶 女人愛洋屌 各取所需啦43F 02/05 17:01
Imhuang:紅背景那段字好酸XD44F 02/05 17:03
iamchyun:屆轉CCR45F 02/05 17:04
iamchyun:轉錄至看板 CCRomance                                   02/05 17:04
chester71:推勇者!46F 02/05 17:05
seemoon2000:勇者!!47F 02/05 17:05
mycity:當你遇到你沒錢沒房沒車的時候就說要嫁給你 請珍惜48F 02/05 17:05
mrwrong:轉得好!!!!49F 02/05 17:05
sr0:敵視的是自己pu不知恥就算了還洗別人腦鼓吹大家當pu50F 02/05 17:06
wtula:勇者!!51F 02/05 17:07
seemoon2000:靠 CCR那篇文章是發生甚麼事了阿52F 02/05 17:07
chester71:結果轉過去 內容全砍是怎樣?53F 02/05 17:09
armygame:ㄐㄒㄈ 哈哈哈54F 02/05 17:09
DPPIsBitch:轉了還刪內文55F 02/05 17:10
Hekate:颇ㄏ56F 02/05 17:16
roderickyueh:顆顆57F 02/05 17:18
apple810:再徵勇者轉ccr!!58F 02/05 17:25
sam7207:神勇者~59F 02/05 17:30
pig726:ㄈㄈ尺 PUPU:無視60F 02/05 18:12
assassinzero:轉錄至看板 CCRomance                               02/05 18:14
nomurasai:所以??61F 02/05 18:15
kersihi:勇者62F 02/05 18:18
ispy03532003:幹 中肯到爆63F 02/05 18:25
ex951753:活生生血淋淋的自願慰安婦 ;]64F 02/05 18:28
rainy1:勇者!65F 02/05 18:29
DALUGI:CCR: 什麼!? 大聲點聽不見~66F 02/05 18:36
AAPL:勇者!67F 02/05 18:40
pharrell:中肯68F 02/05 18:59
t10028603:是否願意被隔空水桶?(Y/y)69F 02/05 19:09
DennyCrane:港女愛財,但本身也懂得賺、懂得理,不像台女只會花。70F 02/05 19:18
superbabaya:勇者71F 02/05 19:20
dragonsoul:噓72F 02/05 19:29
HSNUmad:勇者...73F 02/05 19:50
metalhead:很中肯阿,不過不會改變甚麼~  耶74F 02/05 19:58
serendipity:沒變得更好女生幹麼結婚!! 但是高等白人說的給推75F 02/05 20:36
bossin0420:現實生活..76F 02/05 20:42
kungfutofu:小心 你知道得太多了77F 02/05 20:42
alor7408:中肯推!!78F 02/05 20:49
jimcheer:他哪有講到ㄐㄒㄈ79F 02/05 21:05
a41519022:哪有講到ㄐㄒㄈ?80F 02/05 21:24
oligoisgood:撿現成 真他媽忠肯81F 02/05 21:42
phageT4:誰不想撿現成走捷徑? 這麼勤勞你自己寫一個PCMAN上PTT吧82F 02/05 21:55
pppeeeppp:不過能跟老外談戀愛或上床 也不錯阿~83F 02/05 22:37
pppeeeppp:台男 如果有機會跟美國 日本 烏克蘭 正咩談戀愛或上床
pppeeeppp:不會想嚐試看看嗎?? 別傻了~
y86hl3:推!!86F 02/05 22:43
devilsabre:87F 02/05 22:57

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