※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-27 04:35:38
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [爆卦] 烏克蘭抗議直播
時間 Mon Jan 27 01:49:26 2014
Battle for Ukraine: Activists take control of energy ministry in Kiev as protests continue - YouTube About 100 Ukrainian anti-government protesters tried to seize the main energy ministry building in central Kiev as demonstrators stormed local councils in se...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :晚了 哥 要 睡啦 伊湄 晚安1F 01/27 01:49
→ :有正妹嗎2F 01/27 01:49
→ :有前世界拳王3F 01/27 01:51
→ :烏克蘭人抗議很猛 先發制人 打掛警察單位的供電4F 01/27 01:56
→ :已知掌握首都民生設施 給水廠、天然氣公司有順便嗎...5F 01/27 01:59
→ :亞努科維奇想籠絡下回總統選舉的反對黨側大黑馬 這招會
→ :有效嗎...
→ :亞努科維奇想籠絡下回總統選舉的反對黨側大黑馬 這招會
→ :有效嗎...
BBC News - Ukraine unrest: Protesters storm regional offices
Protesters in Ukraine seize several regional government offices after talks between the opposition and President Viktor Yanukovych stalled. ...
→ :還有佔領政府單位,當然也設了路障@_@9F 01/27 02:07
推 :謝提供新聞連結 連理論比較親俄的東烏克蘭都有鄉民起事10F 01/27 02:17
Violent Protests Spread Beyond Kiev - YouTube
25 January 2014 Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has offered an opposition leader the post of prime minister in an attempt to resolve the country's deep...
25 January 2014 Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has offered an opposition leader the post of prime minister in an attempt to resolve the country's deep...

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