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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-01-21 10:20:34
看板 C_Chat
作者 arrenwu (Colors Guardian)
標題 Re: [閒聊] Youtube考慮退出歐洲以應對新版權法案
時間 Mon Jan 21 10:05:08 2019

※ 引述《novel5566 (小說五六)》之銘言:
: 推 a1234555: 我怎麼看這篇文章說法是先動你的錢,然後再調解,調解不  01/21 09:03
: → a1234555: 成才是上法院                                          01/21 09:03
: 推 Vulpix: 從這篇文章看,問題是YT也並非讓司法來處理侵權,認定侵權  01/21 09:21
: → Vulpix: 是由B來做的。我的話,希望YT能想到辦法訴諸司法吧。       01/21 09:22
: → arrenwu: 我並不是很相信YT在這個檢舉機制上是完全放任且擺爛       01/21 09:31
我剛剛去看了一下 Youtube 官方在這方面的相關規矩

Submit a copyright takedown notice
Submit a copyright takedown notice - YouTube Help
If your copyright-protected work was posted on YouTube without authorisation, you may submit a copyright infringement notification. Make sure that you ...


但同時也會要你在遞交申請前考慮對方是不是符合 "fair use"

這部分YT有一個關於fair use 的詳細說明。


YouTube receives lots of takedown requests under copyright law asking us to
remove videos that copyright owners say are infringing. Sometimes those
requests target videos that seem like clear examples of fair use.

Courts have held that rightsholders must consider fair use before they send a
copyright takedown notice, so in many cases (though it’s a very small
percentage of copyright takedowns overall), we ask rightsholders to confirm
they’ve done this analysis.

In some very special cases, we’ve asked the video’s creator to join a new
effort that protects some of the very best examples of “fair use” on
YouTube from copyright takedown requests. Through this initiative, YouTube
indemnifies creators whose fair use videos have been subject to takedown
notices for up to $1 million of legal costs in the event the takedown results
in a lawsuit for copyright infringement.

簡單的說就是,這類侵權舉報超級多,而其中也有不少case是YT覺得 "fair use"


「Happy! Lucky! Smile! Yeah!」  ~Hello, Happy World!

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※ 編輯: arrenwu (, 01/21/2019 10:10:46

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