作者 w790818 (科怪)
標題 [閒聊] HBO Max和華納兄弟正在談哈利波特劇集
時間 Tue Apr  4 12:32:59 2023


Harry Potter TV Series Is in Talks at HBO Max and Warner Bros.

Harry Potter TV Series Is in Talks at HBO Max and Warner Bros. - IGN
HBO Max and Warner Bros. are officially in talks on a TV adaptation of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books, a source close to the situation tells IGN. ...


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※ 作者: w790818 2023-04-04 12:32:59
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1680582781.A.449.html
bamama56: 想像一個不能插手只能收錢的作品1F 04/04 12:36
tilwemeet: 反正不來台灣就是不來台灣啦幹2F 04/04 12:36
theskyofblue: HBO Max的劇台灣都會有其他平台播 是還好
不是catchplay就是prime吧3F 04/04 12:37
klaynaruto: 誰會變跨性別5F 04/04 12:46
widec: 來插賭,妙麗變黑人!7F 04/04 12:50
spfy: JK:鈔票多到能燒壁爐了8F 04/04 12:52

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