Block explorer and the most powerful API for the most popular blockchains that allows you to find, sort, and filter blockchain blocks, transactions, a ...
Block explorer and the most powerful API for the most popular blockchains that allows you to find, sort, and filter blockchain blocks, transactions, a ...
→ DarkerDuck: The internet of money should not cost 5 cents 其實我覺得這後面就是有金融財團既得利益者的壓力啦中本聰當初發明的無敵的Bitcoin就是要讓他無效化 所以現在才會搞成這樣的蠢幣進化論 這樣無用的BTC才能繼續當頭,畢竟其他的幣更好笑 ETH也漸漸放棄了L1 sharding擴容 改用一個有sharding名子,但和L1 sharding沒關係的 Danksharding取而代之,L2 rollup變成主角 而同樣也是往電子現金走的XMR,則被踢出交易所51F 04/02 22:59