作者 peter6666712 (fellatrix)
標題 [閒聊] 阿斯巴甜會致癌?
時間 Fri Jul 14 11:05:43 2023

What to know about aspartame: What is it, health risks and products that contain it | CNN
The artificial sweetener aspartame is under scrutiny for potential health risks, including cancer. What is aspartame and its health risks, if any? ...


The decision, published in The Lancet Oncology, placed aspartame in the same cat
egory as red meat and extremely hot drinks over 149 degrees Fahrenheit — meanin
g the science was not as conclusive as it is for benzene, asbestos, diesel engin
e fuel, tobacco and outdoor air pollution, all known carcinogens.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: peter6666712 2023-07-14 11:05:43
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aiBkAp- (Marginalman)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Marginalman/M.1689303946.A.CFE.html
a1234555: 都不要吃,修仙1F 07/14 11:06
mofass: 跟紅肉一樣?那是有差膩2F 07/14 11:06
THEKYLE: 致癌風險和手機輻射一樣,手機可以丟了3F 07/14 11:07
peter6666712: 我要去山上養雞當野人了4F 07/14 11:08
seiko2023: 這個就是勒索可樂商要給錢的
不給錢就一直戳你們會致癌5F 07/14 11:08
yulis: 就IARC分類的2級致癌物 可能導致癌症
還沒確切證據把他跟苯石綿柴油引擎廢氣歸在1級 確定會致癌反正代糖就是爛 狗都不吃7F 07/14 11:11

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