作者 maxisam (偽.強者)
標題 Re: [新聞] 花旗:人工智慧股暴跌才剛開始
時間 Fri Aug  2 02:25:27 2024

pls act as a fund or stock expert, recently stock market is shaking like crazy
 because AI boom reminds people about dot com boom in 90's and people this AI
will have the same track as dot com. How do you think?


The current AI boom does bear some similarities to the dot-com boom of the lat
e 1990s. Both periods are characterized by rapid technological advancement, hi
gh investor enthusiasm, and a surge in stock prices for companies related to t
he trending technology. However, there are key differences that could influenc
e the trajectory of the AI boom:
1. **Maturity of Technology**: During the dot-com boom, many internet companie
s were in their infancy, with unproven business models and uncertain revenue s
treams. In contrast, AI technology today is more mature, with demonstrated app
lications in various industries and significant investments from established t
ech giants.
2. **Market Dynamics**: The dot-com boom was fueled by speculative investments
 in companies with little to no earnings. Today's AI companies often have subs
tantial revenues and more concrete business models. This does not eliminate th
e risk of overvaluation but suggests a stronger foundation for growth.
3. **Regulation and Oversight**: The regulatory environment has evolved since
the 1990s, with more stringent oversight and requirements for financial transp
arency. This can help mitigate some of the speculative excesses seen during th
e dot-com era.
4. **Economic Environment**: The macroeconomic conditions today are different.
 The dot-com boom occurred during a period of economic expansion and low inter
est rates. While current economic conditions are more complex, central banks a
nd governments are better equipped with tools to manage economic fluctuations.
5. **Investor Awareness**: Investors today are more aware of the risks associa
ted with speculative bubbles. The lessons learned from the dot-com crash may h
elp temper some of the irrational exuberance seen in the past.
### Potential Risks
- **Overvaluation**: Some AI companies might be overvalued based on future pot
ential rather than current performance, leading to volatility.
- **Market Corrections**: High valuations can lead to sharp market corrections
 if earnings do not meet expectations.
- **Technological Hurdles**: AI technology still faces significant technical a
nd ethical challenges, which could impact its adoption and profitability.
### Potential Benefits
- **Productivity Gains**: AI has the potential to drive significant productivi
ty gains across various sectors, leading to long-term economic growth.
- **Innovation**: Continued innovation in AI could lead to the development of
new products and services, creating new markets and opportunities.
### Investment Strategy
- **Diversification**: To manage risk, diversify your portfolio across differe
nt sectors and asset classes.
- **Due Diligence**: Conduct thorough research on AI companies, focusing on th
eir financial health, business models, and growth prospects.
- **Long-term Perspective**: Consider long-term investments in companies with
strong fundamentals and sustainable business models.
While the AI boom shares some characteristics with the dot-com era, it is esse
ntial to approach investments with a balanced perspective, acknowledging both
the potential and the risks involved.

翻譯by Open AI

當前的人工智慧(AI)熱潮確實與1990年代的網絡泡沫(dot-com boom)有相似之處。這

1. **技術的成熟度**:在網絡泡沫期間,許多互聯網公司還處於初期階段,商業模式未

2. **市場動態**:網絡泡沫由投機性投資推動,許多公司幾乎沒有收益。今天的AI公司

3. **監管與監督**:自1990年代以來,監管環境已經發展,有了更嚴格的監管和財務透
4. **經濟環境**:目前的宏觀經濟條件與1990年代不同。網絡泡沫發生在經濟擴張和低

5. **投資者意識**:今天的投資者更了解投機泡沫的風險。從網絡泡沫崩潰中學到的教
### 潛在風險
- **高估值**:某些AI公司可能基於未來潛力而非當前表現被高估,導致波動。
- **市場修正**:如果收益未達預期,高估值可能導致市場修正。
- **技術障礙**:AI技術仍面臨顯著的技術和道德挑戰,這可能影響其採用和盈利能力。
### 潛在收益
- **生產力提升**:AI有潛力在各個行業中推動顯著的生產力提升,從而帶來長期經濟增
- **創新**:AI領域的持續創新可能會導致新產品和服務的開發,創造新市場和機會。
### 投資策略
- **多元化**:為了管理風險,將投資組合分散到不同的行業和資產類別。
- **盡職調查**:對AI公司進行全面研究,重點關注其財務健康狀況、商業模式和增長前
- **長期視角**:考慮對具有強大基本面和可持續商業模式的公司進行長期投資。

我要是說這篇從小摩XXX分析師寫的 大概也不會有人覺得有問題
更別說這個翻譯了 書商還需要請翻譯嗎?
Sent from MeowPtt on my Pixel 8 Pro

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: maxisam 2024-08-02 02:25:27
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cgzCPu4 (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1722536729.A.E04.html
※ 同主題文章:
Re: [新聞] 花旗:人工智慧股暴跌才剛開始
08-02 02:25 maxisam
※ 編輯: maxisam ( 臺灣), 08/02/2024 02:27:14
pkro12345: 隨便質疑其中一條他就會道歉說你是對的了1F 08/02 02:33
maxisam: 那不是重點吧 重點是 你是老闆 你還需要養10個分析師 還是砍半?你要養10個翻譯 還是養三個就好?
另外 我質疑他了 他沒有道歉喔 直接給我進一步分析 提供正反兩面
你的想法就是反應一般沒有常接觸AI的人 但是第一波是產業老闆的接受度 這點跟dot com就不同2F 08/02 02:37
wayne121212: 一樓的印象停在3.5時代吧8F 08/02 02:52
aegis43210: 你講的這應用,更多人失業,並不是高產值應用,消費者要的是像電子商務購物那種殺手級應用
你看物流創造多少商機和工作機會9F 08/02 02:55
maxisam: 我不明白你對於高產值的定義 MS一個qt成長7B 基本靠AI而這才剛開始
更進一步 這不是僅僅取代翻譯 分析師 連速度都有巨大的差異 這可以改變多少產業速度 進化多少生產能力?12F 08/02 03:12
aegis43210: 是呀,生產力是上昇了,但有值2000億美元嗎?還是不17F 08/02 03:30
Merrill: 又瘋了一個19F 08/02 03:42
JoeyChen: 這openAI去哪抄的 很厲害捏20F 08/02 03:48
lltools: 暴跌?   台灣大媽都要解定存買上去了你沒看到?21F 08/02 03:58
afflic: 聽君一席話
有什麼兩樣22F 08/02 04:55
ggirls: 會道歉是以前,現在尤其微軟的超級兇,很不客氣。28F 08/02 04:59
ert0700: 真心不懂,像這種寫文章的工作快到底能作啥?怎麼看都是讓人沒工作罷了,經濟要好去哪?29F 08/02 05:38
speculator: https://i.imgur.com/syJsSuw.jpeg 目前看來就正在進行市占率的競爭
戰爭時軍火商能不賺錢嗎31F 08/02 06:05
fywei: 每次人類進步都有人在幻想人類沒工作的事 zzz
是你不想做而已 zzz34F 08/02 06:35
afflic: 再差也能用愛發電36F 08/02 06:36
tinoooii: 我覺得Google 的也學壞了,兇巴巴38F 08/02 06:38
nakinight: 第一個就不對了39F 08/02 07:58
ck326: 有人很急,一直壯膽,笑死40F 08/02 08:02
zerro7: 說生產力不夠會不會太早下定論 這些設備只能用1年?2000億設備買下來如果幾年內回本後面就是賺的41F 08/02 08:08
simo520: 跟元宇宙87%像。各公司都在吹自己有Ai43F 08/02 08:21
aegis43210: 是呀,但你會因此每年都花2000億美元買設備嗎?44F 08/02 08:26
ll1117: AI已經學會說謊,人類完了45F 08/02 09:17

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