作者 HBK21 ()
標題 [新聞] Nadal 名列卡達公開賽參賽名單
時間 Sat Jan 27 14:01:32 2024

原文網址: https://bit.ly/4bgHEnp
Rafael Nadal among Doha entry list | ATP Tour | Tennis
The Qatar ExxonMobil Open announced on Instagram that Rafael Nadal is among the entry list for the ATP 250, which runs from 19-24 February. ...

來源: ATP官網


Rafael Nadal among Doha entry list
January 23, 2024

Rafael Nadal reached the Brisbane quarter-finals to start this season.

The Qatar ExxonMobil Open announced on Instagram that Rafael Nadal is among the
entry list for the ATP 250, which runs from 19-24 February.

"Doha, get ready for the return of El Matador," the tournament wrote in a post.
"Thrilled to see Rafael Nadal back in action at the Qatar ExxonMobil Open 2024.

Nadal, who did not compete in 2023 after the Australian Open due to injury, made
 a comeback this month in Brisbane, where he reached the quarter-finals. The Spa
niard later revealed on X that he suffered a micro tear in a muscle that forced
him to withdraw from the season's first major.

A 92-time tour-level titlist, Nadal has not played in Doha since 2016. He lifted
 the trophy in Qatar's capital city in 2014.




卡達公開賽在Instagram上宣布,Nadal將參加這項ATP 250級別的賽事,比賽時間為2月19日


牙選手後來在 X 上透露道,他的肌肉受到輕微的撕裂傷,被迫退出了本賽季的第一個大滿


(2016年決賽是囧vs豆,6-1, 6-2。250分等級的比賽居然看得到豆囧對決)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: HBK21 2024-01-27 14:01:32
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bj9m-7y (Tennis)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1706335294.A.1FC.html
dudu5566: 只要主辦方給的出場費夠多 沒什麼組合看不到的1F 01/27 14:04
livewater: 中東國家有錢啊,出場費給好給滿2F 01/27 14:07
HBK21: 1F說的是,21年費爸復出就選在這,而且費納喬莫4人在3F 01/27 14:09
APSACO: 杜哈杜拜不是以高額出場費聞名嗎4F 01/27 14:09
HBK21: 這總共拿了8次冠軍5F 01/27 14:09
APSACO: 而且獎金可能還有減稅  超肥的6F 01/27 14:10
LADKUO56: 卡達這場球速印象中很快 豆是要打陽光雙賽嗎
不然還跑去打硬地7F 01/27 14:10
HBK21: 里約也是在同樣的時間舉辦的,而且是紅土...9F 01/27 14:15
malisse74: 這麼快就能復出 是件好事10F 01/27 14:17
jazonleeb: 里約太遠  卡達近又有錢 適應比賽強度調整用的吧11F 01/27 14:25
gitans: 當時多哈站在澳網前開打
澳網前的ATP熱身賽只有250等級多哈已經是獎金最高的比賽了的一站所以可以看到囧納對決算合理12F 01/27 14:35
HBK21: 原來如此,謝樓上解釋15F 01/27 14:44
HanKWanG1994: ER是什麼16F 01/27 15:20
alex2426chen: 他現在只剩下50分  排名648  還是要加減賺分數17F 01/27 15:24
HBK21: ER: entry ranking18F 01/27 15:46
leviva: Nadal硬地不算弱, 美網4冠1亞,澳網2冠4亞19F 01/27 16:12
icedog122: 要不要紅土在出來啊 這樣打打傷傷的 也是很不好20F 01/27 16:25
IRika: 他應該用杜哈 當做測試恢復程度
不行可能就跳過陽光雙賽21F 01/28 13:39

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