作者 Boonen (Tommeke)
標題 [情報] Stages Cycling 下課了?
時間 Wed Apr 24 21:56:01 2024

Stages Cycling ceases operations and lays off entire staff, report suggests | Cyclingnews
Supplier orders cancelled, products out of stock at esteemed power meter and indoor cycling brand ...


腿組式功率計大牌 Stages 把所有員工都炒了,並且停止營運
 - 不再下單給相關供應商
 - 官網全部品項顯示缺貨,並且停止出貨


不曉得它的競爭對手, 4iiii狀況如何...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Boonen 2024-04-24 21:56:01
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cAGzrHa (bicycle)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/bicycle/M.1713966965.A.464.html
ckai1983: 還好沒買這個牌子1F 04/24 21:57
LeoWu: 說真的,Stages是功率計平價化的大推手。2F 04/24 22:28
Muilie: 敬禮!3F 04/24 22:30
z030060374: 感謝他跟4iiii4F 04/24 23:31
fashsboy: 當初還記得在捷安特的攤位試過…5F 04/24 23:40
atlaswhz: 本來G還要對stage投資2000萬鎂,收購股份,結果破局不曉得giant power pro是不是stage的貼牌6F 04/25 00:51
fhill12: https://reurl.cc/AjRDAQ
看起來人都到giant了8F 04/25 13:16
Stages Cycling executives join Giant after suit and apparent shutdown | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News
BOULDER, Colo. (BRAIN) — At least four former Stages Cycling executives have joined Giant Manufacturing as the power meter and smart bike brand has ap ...

atlaswhz: stage還欠了G4.5億款項就倒了,難怪今天G股價跌10F 04/25 14:31
Mrlegend: 很好用欸11F 04/25 14:36
heibow: 欠4.5億是美元還台幣啊? 美元的話就痛了 btw 破產應該要清算資產然後優先處理債務12F 04/25 15:07
uranusjr: 台幣14F 04/25 15:46

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