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※ 本文為 smz.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-01-28 23:38:54
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作者 kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾風炭)
標題 Re: [EVE] 最大的兩聯盟反目開戰 + RvB 大亂鬥
時間 Mon Jan 28 14:54:09 2013

: 推 kaj1983:突然覺得鋼彈動畫的宇宙戰超級冷清的= =                   01/27 23:41
: 推 leion237:就是要戰起來才有趣啊!                                 01/27 23:51
: 推 Raptorjet:畢竟鋼彈要用手去畫  這交給伺服器跑就好                01/27 23:51


Deep Space Nine Battles (Long video, no crappy music !) - YouTube I compiled all my favorite battle scenes from Star Trek Deep Space Nine to create this video. Unfortunatly, footage from certain episodes could not be includ...


雖然稍微有點離題 不過看看老外的艦隊戰怎麼拍的XD

雖然延伸的有點遠 不過這個畢竟有遊戲 應該OK吧

Z Classics: Star Trek Online ( #STO ) - Epic Huge Fleet Battle commentary #STO - YouTube Here is commentary on my thoughts during my game play of this video Buy Star Trek Onine Here:  Original Video Here:

Star Trek Online gameplay - Battle for Starbase 24 - YouTube
Peace couldn't last between the klingons and the Federation. The Klingons decided they wanted war, and the Federation oblidged!



ψDeathDeath 這是我的鋼彈   這是我的意志               啊幹 有什麼武器可以用
┌────┐ 我最了解它!    我非去不可!     別死啊                     ......
┌─(0w0 )┐                ┌───┐┌────┐     ┌───┐┌────┐
┌─ V)  )┐  不准去     => ╞ (    ) │ (0wξ )│  => ╞ ("0w0) │ (-wξ )│
┌─ < │┐  你會死的!     │ (﹀Υ﹀Υ  ㄏへ )│     │ (﹀Υ﹀Υ  ㄏへ )│
┌───│┐ \(wQ  )        │| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|───┘     │| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|───┘

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