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作者 oasis404 (綠洲404)
標題 [討論] 尼爾蓋曼:為什麽要捍衛噁心的言論自由
時間 Wed Feb  7 22:50:07 2024








這是一篇非常好的文章,作者是Neil Gaiman,知名的奇幻作家,代表作為《美國眾神》系


簡單講一下,為什麼Neil Gaiman要寫這篇文。

2006年的時候,美國有一位鄉民Christopher Handley,他住愛荷華州,因為涉嫌從日本進
口「內容令人反感的卡通圖像」被捕(wiki是說有些是在COMIC LO上刊載的作品)

United States v. Handley - Wikipedia United States v. Handley,  564 F. Supp. 2d 996 (2008),  was a court case in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa involving obscenity charges stemming from the importation of manga featuring pornographic depictions of fictional minors.

而美國有專門替漫畫辯護的基金會(Comic Book Legal Defense Fund)就替這位鄉民辯護。(

Neil Gaiman也是這基金會的重要支持者,自然也跟基金會一樣,為這個案例說話,於是就






作者:Neil Gaiman


This is a bit long. Apologies. I'd meant to talk about other things, but I start
ed writing a reply this morning to the letter that follows and I got a bit carri
ed away.




I have questions about the Handley case. What makes lolicon something worth defe
nding? Yaoi, as I understand it, isn't necessarily child porn, but the lolicon s
tuff is all about sexualizing prepubescent girls, yes? And haven't there been lo
ts of credible psych studies saying that if you find a support community for a f
etish, belief or behavior, you're more likely to indulge in it? That's why socia
l movements are so important for oppressed or non-mainstream groups (meaning eve
rything from the fetish community to free-market libertarianism) -and why NAMBLA
 is so very, very scary (they are, essentially, a support group for baby-rapists

我對Handley一案有疑問。是什麽讓蘿莉控成為值得捍衛的東西?根據我的理解,Yaoi 不一
自由市場自由主義的一切)--也是為什麽 NAMBLA (註1)如此非常非常可怕(他們本質上就

(註1::North American Man/Boy Love Association,中文翻譯:北美男人男童戀愛協會

The question, for me, is even if we only save ONE child from rape or attempted r
ape, or even just lots of uncomfortable hugs from Creepy Uncle Dave, is that not
 worth leaving a couple naked bodies out of a comic? It is, after all, more than
 possible to imply and discuss these issues (ex. if someone loses their virginit
y at 14, and chooses to write a comic about it) without having a big ol' pic of
14 yr. old poon being penetrated as the graphic. I also think there's a world of
 difference between the Sandman story-which depicts child rape as the horrific t
hing it is (and, I believe, also ends with a horrific death for the pervert, doe
sn't it?) and depicting child rape as a sexy and titillating thing. I think ther
e is also a difference between acknowledging children's sexuality, and pornograp
hy about children that is created for adults. Where on this spectrum does someth
ing like lolicon fall? And, again, why do you, personally, think that it should
be defended?

裸體嗎?畢竟,暗示和討論這些問題(例如,如果有人在 14 歲時失去了貞操,並選擇以此
為題材創作漫畫),而不在漫畫中出現一張 14 歲大即被插入的大照片,是完全有可能的。
我還認為,"睡魔 "(註2)的故事把強奸兒童描繪成一件可怕的事情(我相信,故事的結局也
。像 "蘿莉控 "這樣的作品屬於哪一類?再說一遍,為什麽你個人認為應該為它辯護?

(註2:Sandman,本文作者Neil Gaiman所著漫畫書系列)

Thanks for reading my ramble, and for being accessible to us, and engaged in thi
ngs like CBLDF. Mostly, they are a fantastic org., but I'm really on the fence w
ith this case...


感謝您閱讀我的隨筆,感謝您與我們保持聯系,感謝您參與 CBLDF (註3)等活動。大多數情


(註3:Comic Book Legal Defense Fund,中文翻譯:漫畫法律辯護基金會,美國的一個非
營利組織,成立於 1986 年,旨在保護漫畫創作者、出版商和零售商的憲法第一修正案權利




Let me see if I can push you off the fence, a little, Jess. I'm afraid it's goin
g to be a long, and probably a bit rambly answer -- a credo, and how I arrived a
t that.

邊際 -- 一個信條,以及我是如何得出這個信條的。

If you accept -- and I do -- that freedom of speech is important, then you are g
oing to have to defen the indefensible. That means you are going to be defendin
g the right of people to read, or to write, or to say, what you don't say or lik
e or want said.


The Law is a huge blunt weapon that does not and will not make distinctions betw
een what you find acceptable and what you don't. This is how the Law is made.


People making art find out where the limits of free expression are by going beyo
nd them and getting into trouble.


LOST GIRLS, by Melinda Gebbie and Alan Moore is several hundred pages long. I po
sted the full-length review I did for Publishers Weekly here. Describing Lost Gi
rls, I said,

Melinda Gebbie和艾倫-摩爾(Alan Moore)合著的《Lost Girls》長達數百頁。我在《出
版商周刊》上發表了長篇評論。在描述《Lost Girls》時,我說:

The boundary between pornography and erotica is an ambiguous one, and it changes
 depending on where you're standing. For some, perhaps, it's a matter of whateve
r turns you on (my erotica, your pornography), for some the distinction occurs i
n class (i.e. erotica is pornography for rich people). Perhaps it's also somethi
ng to do with the means of distribution – internet pornography is unquestionabl
y porn, while an Edwardian publication, on creamy paper, bought by connoisseurs,
 part works bound into expensive volumes, must be erotica.
and I went on to say, of Lost Girls,
It's the kind of smut that would have no difficulty in demonstrating to an overz
ealous prosecutor that it has unquestionable artistic validity beyond its simple
 first amendment right to exist.
(Which is the kind of thing you put in a review suspecting that its real purpose
 may be, one day in the future, to persuade a prosecutor that the case is alread
y lost, and not to bother.)


我接著說,《Lost Girl》這種淫穢作品不難向過於熱心的檢察官證明,它除了擁有第一修




這裡打個岔,Neil Gaiman有提到erotica(情色)和pornography(色情),這兩個名詞,這兩



I was born the day of the conclusion of the Lady Chatterley trial in England, th
e day it was decided that Lady Chatterley's Lover, with its swearing, buggery an
d raw sex between the classes, was fit to be published and read in a cheap editi
on that poor people and servants could read. This was the same England in which,
some years earlier, the director of public prosecutions had threatened to prosec
ute Professor F R Leavis if he so much as referred to James Joyce's Ulysses in a
 lecture (the DPP was Archibald Bodkin, who also banned The Well of Loneliness)
, in which, when I was sixteen and listening to the Sex Pistols, the publisher o
f Gay News was sentenced to prison for the crime of Criminal Blasphemy, for publ
ishing an erotic poem featuring a fantasy about Jesus.

我出生在英國 "查泰萊夫人案 "審判結束的那一天,這一天,英國決定,《查泰萊夫人的情
西斯》,檢察長就會威脅要起訴他(檢察長是Archibald Bodkin,他還禁止過《孤獨之井》
);在英國,當我16歲還在聽 "性手槍 "樂隊的歌時,《同志新聞》(Gay News)的出版商就
因為發表了一首幻想耶穌的情色詩歌,以 "刑事褻瀆罪 "被判入獄。

When I was writing Sandman, about eighteen years ago, I had thought that the Mar
quis de Sade would make a fine character for my French Revolution story (I loved
 the fact that at the time he was a tubby, asthmatic imprisoned for his refusal
to sentence people to death) and realised I ought to read his books, rather than
commentaries on them, if I was going to put him in my story. I discovered that t
he works of DeSade were, at that time, considered obscene and not available in t
he UK, and that UK Customs had declared them un-importable. I bought them in a B
orders the next time I was in the US, and brought them through customs looking g
uilty. (You can now get De Sade in the UK. The arrival of internet porn in the U
K meant that the police stopped chasing things like that.)

在 Borders 買了這本書,然後心虛地把它帶過了海關。


現在你可以讀它了 淫穢vs.文學大辯論

以前窮人只能看賤書! 《查泰萊夫人的情人》問世後大大放寬出版尺度 成文學作品的辯護典範 - 今周刊
一九六○年十一月二日,英國倫敦法院要宣判《查泰萊夫人的情人》能否出版。 此案是以公共利益為文學作品辯護的典範,影響所及,推動全球大大放寬了出版尺度。 ...



The first time I got involved in fund-raising for comics freedom of speech was i
n late 1983 or early 1984 -- Knockabout Comics were having one of their frequent
 battles with UK Customs over what could and could not be imported into the UK.
Some comics contained rude words, sex, or the use of marijuana in them, and UK C
ustoms would seize any comics they objected to, and often other comics in the sa
me shipment, forcing Knockabout to fight long, expensive, court cases to get the
ir comics back. (I remember the outrage when, in 1996, Knockabout imported some
Robert Crumb books to accompany a major BBC TV documentary on Crumb, and UK Cust
oms confiscated the books, forcing yet another court case. I'm pretty sure that
it was over some autobiographical Crumb work which contained drawings of sexual
fantasies including characters who were under 18. As Tony Bennett, from Knockabo
ut said in a recent interview, "The other case was with HM Customs in 1996 over
Robert Crumb’s comics and explicit sexual imagery. We won this overwhelmingly a
s well and Customs were kind enough to write to me after the case setting out a
list of what sex acts might be shown in comics. I haven’t actually framed it bu
t it is a precious document.")

我第一次參與為漫畫言論自由籌款活動是在 1983 年底或 1984 年初 -- 當時,Knockabout
畫,迫使 Knockabout 不得不打漫長、昂貴的官司才能拿回他們的漫畫。(我還記得 1996年
,Knockabout為配合 BBC 有關Crumb的大型電視紀錄片而進口了一些Robert Crumb的書,結
自傳體作品中包含了性幻想圖畫,其中的人物還未滿 18 歲。正如《Knockabout》的Tony
 Bennett在最近的一次采訪中所說:"另一起案件是 1996 年與英國海關總署(HM Customs
)就Robert Crumb的漫畫和露骨的性描寫所打的官司。我們也以壓倒性的優勢贏得了這場官

The first time I ever came close actually to sending a publisher to prison for s
omething I had written was about 1986 or 1987, for Knockabout's Outrageous Tales
 From The Old Testament: I'd retold a story from the Book of Judges that contain
ed a rape and murder, and this was held to have contravened a Swedish law depict
ing images of violence against women. The case was only won when the defense poi
nted out that the words were from the King James version of the bible, and that
the images were a fair representation thereof...

(For those of you who are a bit shaky on your Book of Judges, here's an online B
ible version of the scene that caused the prosecution.

我第一次差點因為自己寫的東西把出版商送進監獄是在 1986 年或 1987 年,當時是為了出
版 Knockabout 的《舊約中的離奇故事》: 我重述了《士師記》中一個包含強奸和謀殺的


While they were enjoying themselves, some of the wicked men of the city surround
ed the house. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the ho
use, "Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him."


The owner of the house went outside and said to them, "No, my friends, don't be
so vile. Since this mnis my guest, don't do this disgraceful thing. Look, here
 is my virgin daughter, and his concubine. I will bring them out to you now, and
 you can use them and do to them whatever you wish. But to this man, don't do su
ch a disgraceful thing."



But the men would not listen to him. So the man took his concubine and sent her
outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at
dawn they let her go. At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her mas
ter was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight.



When her master got up in the morning and opened the door of the house and stepp
ed out to continue on his way, there lay his concubine, fallen in the doorway of
 the house, with her hands on the threshold. He said to her, "Get up; let's go."
 But there was no answer. Then the man put her on his donkey and set out for hom


When he reached home, he took a knife and cut up his concubine, limb by limb, in
to twelve parts and sent them into all the areas of Israel.)


來源:https://reurl.cc/zlQb57   中文和合本聖經線上版本

And in each case I've mentioned so far, you could rewrite Jess's letter above, e
xplaining that only perverts would want to read Lady Chatterley, or see images o
f women being abused, or read Lost Girls or the works of Robert Crumb, and menti
oning that if only one person was saved from a hug from a creepy uncle, or indee
d, being raped in the streets, that banning them or prosecuting those who write,
 draw, publish, sell or -- now -- own them, is worth it. Because that was the po
int of view of the people who were banning these works or stopping people readin
g them. They thought they were doing a good thing. They thought they were defend
ing other people from something they needed to be protected from.

讀查泰萊夫人,或看到婦女被虐待的畫面,或閱讀《Lost Girl》或Robert Crumb的作品,

I loved coming to the US in 1992, mostly because I loved the idea that freedom o
f speech was paramount. I still do. With all its faults, the US has Freedom of S
peech. The First Amendment states that you can't be arrested for saying things t
he government doesn't like. You can say what you like, write what you like, and
know that the remedy to someone saying or writing or showing something that offe
nds you is not to read it, or to speak out against it. I loved that I could read
 and make my own mind up about something.

我喜歡 1992 年來到美國,主要是因為我喜歡言論自由至上的理念。現在依然如此。盡管美

(It's worth noting that the UK, for example, has no such law, and that even the
European Court of Human Rights has ruled that interference with free speech was
"necessary in a democratic society" in order to guarantee the rights of others"t
o protection from gratuitous insults to their religious feelings.")

(值得注意的是,例如英國就沒有這樣的法律,甚至歐洲人權法院也裁定,為了保障他人 "
宗教感情免受無端侮辱 "的權利,對言論自由的干涉 "在民主社會中是必要的")。

So when Mike Diana was prosecuted -- and, in 1996, found guilty -- of obscenity
for the comics in his Zine "Boiled Angel", and sentenced to a host of things, in
cluding (if memory serves) a three year suspended prison sentence, a three thous
and dollar fine, not being allowed to be in the same room as anyone under eighte
en, over a thousand hours of community service, and was forbidden to draw anythi
ng else that anyone might consider obscene, with the local police ordered to mak
e 24 hour unannounced spot checks to make sure Mike wasn't secretly committing A
rt in the small hours of the morning... that was the point I decided that I knew
 what was Obscene, and it was prosecuting artists for having ideas and making li
nes on paper, and that I was henceforth going to do everything I could to suppor
t the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. Whether I liked or approved of what Mike Di
ana did was utterly irrelevant. (For the record, I didn't like the text parts of
 Boiled Angel, but did like the comics, which were personal and had a raw power
to them. And somewhere in the sprawling basement magazine collection I have Boil
ed Angel 7 and 8, which I read back then to find out what was being prosecuted,a
nd for owning which I could, I assume, now be arrested...)

因此,當Mike Diana因其雜誌《Boiled Angel》中的漫畫而被起訴--並於 1996 年被判有罪
不允許與任何十八歲以下的人共處一室、 一千多個小時的社區服務,並被禁止畫其他任何
人都可能認為是淫穢的東西,當地警察還被命令進行 24 小時的突擊抽查,以確保Mike沒有
在凌晨時分偷偷進行藝術活動。 從那時起,我就決定,我知道什麽是 "淫穢",那就是起訴
有想法並在紙上畫線的藝術家。至於我是否喜歡或贊成Mike Diana的所作所為,這完全無關
緊要。(順便說一句,我不喜歡《Boiled Angel》的文字部分,但喜歡它的漫畫,它很有個
性,有一種原始的力量。在地下室的某處,我收藏了《Boiled Angel》第 7 期和第 8 期,

In this case you obviously have read lolicon, and I haven't. I don't know whethe
r you're writing from personal experience here, and whether you have personally
been incited to rape children or give inappropriate hugs by reading it. (I assum
e you haven't. I assume that Chris Handley, with his huge manga collection, wasn
't either. I've read books that claimed that exposure to porn causes rape, but h
ave seen no statistical evidence that porn causes rape -- and indeed have seen c
laims that the declining number of US rapes may be due to the wider availability
 of porn. Honestly, I think it's a red herring in First Amendment matters, and I
'll leave it for other people to argue about.) Still, you seem to want lolicon b
anned, and people prosecuted for owning it, and I don't. You ask, What makes it
worth defending? and the only answer I can give is this: Freedom to write, freed
om to read, freedom to own material that you believe is worth defending means yo
u're going to have to stand up for stuff you don't believe is worth defending, e
ven stuff you find actively distasteful, because laws are big blunt instruments
that do not differentiate between what you like and what you don't, because pros
ecutors are humans and bear grudges and fight for re-election, because one perso
n's obscenity is another person's art.

你沒有)。我猜擁有大量漫畫收藏的Christopher S. Handley也沒有。我讀過一些聲稱接觸
這在第一修正案問題上是個 "障眼法"(red herring),我把它留給其他人去爭論吧)。不

Because if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for t
he stuff you do like, you've already lost


The CBLDF will defend your First Amendment right as an adult to make lines on pa
per, to draw, to write, to sell, to publish, and now, to own comics. And that's
what makes the kind of work you don't like, or don't read, or work that you do n
ot feel has artistic worth or redeeming features worth defending. It's because t
he same laws cover the stuff you like and the stuff you find icky, wherever your
 icky line happens to be: the law is a big blunt instrument that makes no fine d
istinctions, and because you only realise how wonderful absolute freedom of spee
ch is the day you lose it.

CBLDF(漫畫法律辯護基金會) 將捍衛你作為成年人在紙上劃線、繪畫、寫作、銷售、出版以

(And let it be understood that I think that child pornography, and the exploitat
ion of actual children for porn or for sex is utterly wrong and bad, because act
ual children are being directly harmed. And also that I think that prosecuting a
s "child pornographers" a 16 and 17 year old who were legally able to have sex,
because they took a sexual photograph of themselves and emailed it to themselvei
s utterly, insanely wrong, and a nice example of the law as blunt instrument.)

的,因為實際兒童正在受到直接傷害。此外,我還認為,以 "兒童色情製品製作者 "的罪名
起訴 16 歲和 17 歲的合法性行為者、因為他們拍攝了自己的性愛照片並通過電子郵件發送

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: oasis404 2024-02-07 22:50:07
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bmvYXv9 (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1707317409.A.E49.html
※ 編輯: oasis404 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 22:50:52
k44754: 好的,去跟兒福團體講1F 02/07 22:51
owo0204: 太長 誰看得完 有沒有三行重點2F 02/07 22:53
winiS: 先推再看,只要是個創作者八成不會反3F 02/07 22:53
breakblue: 推4F 02/07 22:53
lity3426: 雖然推 但是有些中文翻起來有點坳口(看不太懂)5F 02/07 22:54
blackone979: 他講的是三次元的吧6F 02/07 22:54
Pietro: 蓋曼大神!7F 02/07 22:55
Jerrybow: **部:哪來的路人,有比我們的專家厲害嗎8F 02/07 22:56
fh316: 簡單來說,尼爾蓋曼認為所有創作自由都該受法律保護9F 02/07 23:02
fh316: 即使這些創作物他可能不喜歡甚至厭惡
fh316: 因為法律的保護是無關個人好惡的;而你喜歡的創作也可能是
fh316: 別人厭惡的東西。
fh316: 我理解是這樣啦
Silver14Cat: 這翻譯需要調整一下,有夠難讀14F 02/07 23:05
jabari: 先去抓歐美最愛的東南亞幼幼團好嗎15F 02/07 23:06
Kapenza: 打聖經牌官司就贏了有夠諷刺......16F 02/07 23:06
Kapenza: 因為是聖經的內容就不暴力不猥褻了呢...
※ 編輯: oasis404 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 23:08:37
oasis404: 不好意思,我翻譯的很爛,如果有鄉民願意給翻譯上的建18F 02/07 23:09
oasis404: 議,我會很感謝
oasis404: 簡單來說,尼爾蓋曼認為法律是一個大鈍器,不會管你喜
SunnyBrian: 推21F 02/07 23:10
oasis404: 歡什麼不喜歡什麼22F 02/07 23:10
melzard: 事實上就是惹不起教徒而已23F 02/07 23:10
oasis404: 你認為可以接受的東西,法律不一定會照你喜歡的走24F 02/07 23:10
oasis404: 所以到最後限縮言論是不管你喜歡或討厭的東西都遭殃
melzard: 不然如果沒宗教牌護身大概是會敗訴的26F 02/07 23:11
NEKOWORKi: Yaoi不是男同嗎  怎麼扯到蘿莉27F 02/07 23:11
oasis404: 如果你想要保護你喜歡的東西,你只能連你討厭的東西一28F 02/07 23:11
oasis404: 起保護,因為法律就是一個粗糙的工具
Lizus: 太長30F 02/07 23:12
Lizus: 就有一好沒二好啦
melzard: 你就把你23:10這段當懶人包放最前面就好了32F 02/07 23:13
melzard: 不然內容偏長很多人懶得看到底
oasis404: 因為蓋曼大神就是作家啊,然後他的讀者寫信給他,所以34F 02/07 23:13
oasis404: 他也預設讀者會看完全文
bladesinger: TLDR 法律是個大鈍器,今天你同意它抓走你看不順眼的36F 02/07 23:14
bladesinger: 東西,明天它抓走你就不要哀 結束
octopus4406: 蓋曼大神必推!!38F 02/07 23:16
winiS: 簡單來說,尼爾蓋曼自已就因為重述聖經中的淫行被起訴過,39F 02/07 23:17
winiS: 直到律師幫他證稱這是聖經內容,以此為誘因,他成立基金會
winiS: 來保障只是在紙上畫/書寫東西的權利,因為做為檢查官也會
winiS: 有私心
Qorqios: 當然啊  頭腦了不起43F 02/07 23:17
※ 編輯: oasis404 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 23:18:15
winiS: 最後那段有點翻錯,被起訴的內容是16、17歲的小屁孩自拍來44F 02/07 23:20
winiS: 約炮,結果被win了,這案例尼爾也覺得很奇怪
※ 編輯: oasis404 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 23:21:06
winiS: 並以此當做另一個反證46F 02/07 23:21
oasis404: 好的,感謝大大的提醒47F 02/07 23:21
cloud0607: 今天法律懲罰羅莉控 哪天就可能會懲罰寶可夢48F 02/07 23:21
Hazelburn: 謝謝分享49F 02/07 23:21
babipalapo: 推50F 02/07 23:23
※ 編輯: oasis404 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 23:24:36
oasis404: 我覺得這文雖然有些例子大家可能不熟悉,但是核心觀點51F 02/07 23:25
oasis404: 我覺得跟現在iwin議題是通用的
winiS: 事情也沒有melzerd說的這麼簡單,裡面另外有Robert Crumb53F 02/07 23:26
winiS: 的案例,不是只有寫聖經才無敵,比較意外的是英國到95年還
winiS: 很保守,所以尼爾92年跑去美國寫書
oasis404: 所以丟出翻譯來拋磚引玉,相信這可以解答某些人的疑惑56F 02/07 23:26
oasis404: :為什麼我們要為一些大家覺得噁心的創作辯護
shiyobu: 我喜歡你在翻譯上的用字與造詞 但建議文法上需要再為初58F 02/07 23:26
shiyobu: 次閱讀的人設身處地一點 但還是強調一下我覺得你翻這些
shiyobu: 很厲害
oasis404: 而這個也是尼爾蓋曼的讀者的疑問61F 02/07 23:26
oidkk: 推62F 02/07 23:27
oasis404: 謝謝,我英文其實並沒有很流利63F 02/07 23:27
oasis404: 如果有英文翻譯大神願意幫忙,我會很感謝
CaterpillarK: 推 感謝翻譯65F 02/07 23:28
Kapenza: 建議一下前面引用讀者來信那邊標明一下(Jess之前那幾段,66F 02/07 23:28
curance: 寫得很好耶67F 02/07 23:28
oasis404: 好的68F 02/07 23:29
Kapenza: 原文網址是用粗體所以比較不容易混淆)因為這封讀者信也是69F 02/07 23:29
Kapenza: 寫得落落長
※ 編輯: oasis404 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 23:31:05
bluejark: 言論自由就是要建立在你會先同意你不喜歡的言論上71F 02/07 23:31
oasis404: 好的,我把讀者來信上色看看72F 02/07 23:31
CATALYST0001: 法律是個大鈍器 我喜歡這句73F 02/07 23:32
taohjca: 不過現實似乎有人看了聖經去性侵小男童的 誰就不說了74F 02/07 23:32
WayThuz: 推75F 02/07 23:34
bluejark: 但是人們通常只會等到跟自己有關時才會講言論自由76F 02/07 23:35
necrophagist: 推 不過看到裡面有案例是引用聖經場景來辯駁而勝訴77F 02/07 23:35
necrophagist: 我就笑了xd
abadjoke: 言論自由就是我會臭幹你講這什麼屁話79F 02/07 23:36
abadjoke: 但是我不會支持你講了這種話就該被抓去關或被罰款的事
※ 編輯: oasis404 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 23:37:05
hami831904: 優文,言論自由就是包含自己不愛與喜愛的東西81F 02/07 23:37
oasis404: 那個聖經場景我看了也覺得WTF82F 02/07 23:37
oasis404: 不過那個聖經場景的段落也證明了法律就是個大鈍器
GaoLinHua: 可惜這裡不是美國84F 02/07 23:38
oasis404: 有些時候甚至連引用聖經都會在言論自由的國家出事85F 02/07 23:38
mayolane: 我還以為前半段是尼爾的看法,差點以為他精神分裂86F 02/07 23:38
※ 編輯: oasis404 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 23:40:13
winiS: 我覺得文中另外兩個案例比較有趣,動物農莊集中營版與虐殺87F 02/07 23:40
winiS: 天使的漫畫後來翻盤,只是我的英文也沒多好,有興趣的去找
winiS: 來看吧
oasis404: 好的,我有空去翻另外兩個案例90F 02/07 23:42
mjonask: 推91F 02/07 23:46
※ 編輯: oasis404 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 23:47:59
※ 編輯: oasis404 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 23:49:51
cpu885: 感謝翻譯92F 02/07 23:50
j022015: 蓋哥救救93F 02/07 23:50
nisioisin: 多一些這種觀點很有幫助  感謝翻譯分享94F 02/07 23:51
※ 編輯: oasis404 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 23:51:54
kimicino: 推 蓋曼大神95F 02/07 23:58
jojozp06: 謝謝分享,讓我更了解尼爾96F 02/07 23:59
ztO: 原PO翻譯辛苦了,但說白了還是馬丁.尼莫拉那句「起初他們..」97F 02/08 00:00
ztO: https://reurl.cc/j368QM
parax: 英國真的挺保守的,可能是新教裡最保守的那一掛了99F 02/08 00:00
astinky: 推! 裡頭有提到英國跟歐洲對於言論自由的邊界和美國是100F 02/08 00:01
astinky: 不一樣的,了解是什麼原因導致了這樣的差別可能對說服其
astinky: 他人支持創作自由也有幫助
Shalone: 這文章不錯,原文的意思更好103F 02/08 00:02
Lupin97: 優文必推104F 02/08 00:05
a22122212: 確實105F 02/08 00:06
hayato1085: 優文推106F 02/08 00:09
bnn: 問題是政府要實行中國共產黨的法律 沒在參考美國啦107F 02/08 00:15
NosenceJohn: 推啦 有料108F 02/08 00:18
raye68od: 這篇文109F 02/08 00:19
raye68od: 是拿來說服大眾的,不是拿來說服政府用的
onelife: 推這篇111F 02/08 00:20
ORIHASHI: 推112F 02/08 00:23
derlin12345: 推 應該把衛福部和其他人都抓來讀這篇113F 02/08 00:26
friesman1270: 有點長,先推114F 02/08 00:29
LannisterImp: 推的根本沒有人看完內文115F 02/08 00:30
oasis404: 沒關係啦,願意看懶人包也算有幫助116F 02/08 00:32
oasis404: 至少可以在別人問你為什麼要支持蘿漫的創作自由的時候
oasis404: 提出一些比較有說服力的答案
winiS: 噓文那個連推文都沒看吧,都寫了簡略版了還沒人看完119F 02/08 00:34
oasis404: 蓋曼大神的思考深度畢竟還是贏我們這些普通人120F 02/08 00:34
oasis404: 而且他身為創作者比較多跟審查打交道的經驗
JSCasino: 噓推的人是怎樣122F 02/08 00:36
jack8587: 我看完了,所以?噓的人自己腦容量無法看完全文就預設123F 02/08 00:42
jack8587: 其他人也看不完喔,笑死人了
YaKiSaBa: 噓推的發表一下你的看法啊 你的噓只有一個字 空125F 02/08 00:43
Seventhsky: 自己看不完 不要預設別人也看不完好嗎 笑死126F 02/08 00:46
Gief: 我只看了懶人包 說得很好127F 02/08 00:49
imdai: 感謝翻譯!128F 02/08 00:51
inte629l: 推翻譯129F 02/08 00:56
SmoleIce: 看完了,強130F 02/08 00:56
kenzk: 推,有蓋曼的好幾本小說,很喜歡他的思維131F 02/08 01:00
usoko: 其實值得注意的是歐洲很多民主國家 認為在保障他人的宗教132F 02/08 01:05
usoko: 情感上 言論自由是得以被干涉的
usoko: 不是所有民主國家都像美國一樣有憲法第一修正案
Hyouri: 那說是自由實際跟施捨好像差不多135F 02/08 01:08
kayaOAO: 謝謝您的翻譯136F 02/08 01:16
jeff666: 看完推137F 02/08 01:31
bollseven: 起初他們抓捕共產黨員138F 02/08 01:37
bollseven: ……最後他們來抓我時,已經沒有人能為我說話了
lunaX19: 推140F 02/08 02:00
ZXEVA: 推141F 02/08 02:02
ccufcc: 推142F 02/08 02:18

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