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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-10-29 22:25:14
看板 MobileComm
作者 kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾風炭)
標題 Re: [情報] HTC Sense 7 截圖洩漏
時間 Wed Oct 29 15:45:17 2014



I don't think this is true...:) http://bit.ly/1wGbV8m  来自 @YouMobile
Exclusive Screenshots of the HTC Sense 7 with Material Design on Android 5.0 Lollipop More Screenshots from HTC Sense 7 UI has been leaked, we got two screenshots via an Anonymous Tip. The source claims that HTC is working on developing the Sense 7 UI with Material Design on ...


Very early Sense 7 build...okay, so where is the watermark(HTC Confidential,
S/N, Logged in e-mail address)? @YouMobile

And I guess this screenshot(Sense 7 3.x build) is taken on the HTC M8, but
3.x this build number is already used by EYE experience update...

1, Android 5.0 update for M8 will be released with Sense 6.
2, They haven't started porting Sense 7 software to M8 yet.

Screenshot is made from Sense 6 with EYE Experience + Skin + Change font +
modded build.prop:)

If you want to post fake HTC Sense 7 screenshot, don't forget to change build
number LOL

換句話說:你以為的Sense 7  其實只是個修改build.prop出來的唬爛照片XDDDDDDD

upleaks表示:Sense 7還在做 M8也根本還沒開始移植 M8的棒棒糖會是綁Sense 6

順帶一提upleaks說了個辨識你的HTC大更新幾次的方法 真假就...看WW大要不要證實XD

No, build number of that screenshot is 3.x, it means the device already got
major-update three times.

Usually they use 0.x build number for internal dev software, so it's not from


             ˍˍ▃ˍˍ ●    好人不應該受制於正妹
              ↙◣    而是正妹應該要考慮好人
             // \\
  aokman          █◣ˍ_                          囧 for  囧rz 囧怪客

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1414568721.A.4F3.html
https       : i dont care1F 10/29 15:47
comicduo    : 召喚~~~~2F 10/29 15:59
WrathWizard : 改build.prop可以fake那個沒錯 XD3F 10/29 16:20
WrathWizard : 然後內部開發用的那兩個版號會遮起來不給看 XD
WrathWizard : 剩下的 ... 你們想一下Android L升級時程和過去
WrathWizard : 上半年旗艦發表時程比一下就知道了
WrathWizard : 然後那是對的啊 視為不同案子的大更新ROM版號第一碼
WrathWizard : 一般就是第幾次 (Sense or Android or both升級)
coon182     : 二樓召喚成功9F 10/29 16:35
hangzer     : WW有求必應啊XD10F 10/29 16:38
z83420123   : XDDDDDDDDDDDDD11F 10/29 16:51
kira925     : 召喚成功&流言證實XD12F 10/29 16:58
cloudatlas  : 釣出WW大惹(///▽///)13F 10/29 17:24
j26381579   : 是看哪裡?14F 10/29 19:17
kay0814     : 假設m7要看哪15F 10/29 20:34
newtyper    : \WW大/ \WW大/ \WW大/16F 10/29 21:39
AAPL        : XD17F 10/29 22:03

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