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作者 標題 [筆記] note #廢棄物處理 #環境 #綠色技術 #news temp
時間 2015-05-25 Mon. 09:04:51
Scotland considers cash for bottles/cans scheme to drive recycling - Waste Management World
To help drive recycling rates, Scotland could follow the likes of Germany, Norway and Sweden and introduce a case deposit scheme that would give consumers money back for empty drinks containers... ...
Work starts on RDF/gasification municipal waste to energy development in Wales - Waste Management World
Phase 1 of the Enviroparks Wales gasification waste to energy facility in Hirwaun, South Wales has been kicked off by Welsh government minister for economy, science and transport, Edwina Hart... ...
Anaerobic Digestion plant to process 45,000 tpa of food waste into 2.1 MW in Herts, UK - Waste Management World
Food waste from supermarket ASDA and other commercial sources will be treated using anaerobic digestion to generate 2.1 MW of electricity in Hertfordshire, UK... ...
Ferrybridge 68 MW Multifuel 1 waste to energy plant fires both boiler lines - Waste Management World
Commissioning of the 68 MW waste to energy plant at Ferrybridge is progressing, with both boiler lines having undergone a first fire using municipal solid waste (MSW)... ...
Challenging European markets blamed for waste management firm Shanks’ £18.2m loss - Waste Management World
Market pressure in Belgium and the Netherlands has been blamed for waste management firm Shanks’ financial loss in 2015... ...
Steel recycling reaches 75% across Europe in 2013 - Waste Management World
Steel recycling has achieved its best performance across Europe, says packaging association APEAL... ...
80,000 tpa refuse derived fuel (RDF) to power UK cement works - Waste Management World
Around 80,000 tonnes of refuse derived fuel will be used to power a cement works in Derbyshire and help a construction materials provider reach a goal to power 50% of its operations by waste... ...
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8.8 MW biomass waste to energy plant set for the Philippines - Waste Management World
Biowaste will be processed to generate 8.8 MW of electricity using GE ...
Challenging European markets blamed for waste management firm Shanks’ £18.2m loss - Waste Management World
Market pressure in Belgium and the Netherlands has been blamed for waste management firm Shanks’ financial loss in 2015... ...
Food waste to biogas project in Michigan closes - Waste Management World
A food waste plant in Michigan that processes 100,000 tonnes per year of biowaste into 3 MW has been reportedly closed... ...
Work starts on RDF/gasification municipal waste to energy development in Wales - Waste Management World
Phase 1 of the Enviroparks Wales gasification waste to energy facility in Hirwaun, South Wales has been kicked off by Welsh government minister for economy, science and transport, Edwina Hart... ...
Scotland considers cash for bottles/cans scheme to drive recycling - Waste Management World
To help drive recycling rates, Scotland could follow the likes of Germany, Norway and Sweden and introduce a case deposit scheme that would give consumers money back for empty drinks containers... ...
Recycling facility to co-digest organics and biosolids in Haines City - Waste Management World
Ground has been broken on an organics recycling facility that initiates the second phase of Haines City’s plan to turn organic waste into compost for its residents and surrounding communities for lawns, athletic fields, golf courses and agriculture... ...
Anaerobic Digestion plant to process 45,000 tpa of food waste into 2.1 MW in Herts, UK - Waste Management World
Food waste from supermarket ASDA and other commercial sources will be treated using anaerobic digestion to generate 2.1 MW of electricity in Hertfordshire, UK... ...
$550m e-waste recycling facility set for Hong Kong EcoPark - Waste Management World
Following a Bill being reviewed in Hong Kong to help recover electrical goods, the government has awarded a DBO contract for a e-waste recycling plant in the Tuen Mun EcoPark... ...
Ferrybridge 68 MW Multifuel 1 waste to energy plant fires both boiler lines - Waste Management World
Commissioning of the 68 MW waste to energy plant at Ferrybridge is progressing, with both boiler lines having undergone a first fire using municipal solid waste (MSW)... ...
Steel recycling reaches 75% across Europe in 2013 - Waste Management World
Steel recycling has achieved its best performance across Europe, says packaging association APEAL... ...
Raccoon-proof organic waste bins to be delivered to City of Toronto - Waste Management World
Rehrig Pacific Company has designed a 100-liter organic waste bin to help the City of Toronto collect organic waste and keep out raccoons... ...
80,000 tpa refuse derived fuel (RDF) to power UK cement works - Waste Management World
Around 80,000 tonnes of refuse derived fuel will be used to power a cement works in Derbyshire and help a construction materials provider reach a goal to power 50% of its operations by waste... ...
Landfill site in California to be converted into solar energy farm - Waste Management World
A closed landfill site in California will be converted into a solar farm as part of a broader renewable energy programme to generate 31 megawatts of electricity... ...
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Waste Management World is devoted entirely to presenting articles of interest to the industry. Information on the latest waste management industry... ...
Waste Management World is devoted entirely to presenting articles of interest to the industry. Information on the latest waste management industry... ...
※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2015-05-25 09:04:51
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2015-05-25 10:16:04
List of waste types 廢棄物種類
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-03 01:58:09 (台灣)
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