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看板 Gossiping
作者 ckgegg (一人空一口 Q_Q)
標題 Re: [問卦] 有沒有正妹會強姦男生的八卦
時間 Sun Aug 18 19:42:02 2013

鍵盤魯蛇流簡單翻譯一下~~ 都是魯蛇惹 只能翻個大概而已 不要鞭偶 QAQ

※ 引述《gecer (gecer)》之銘言:
: http://www.policymic.com/articles/33593/canadian-man-sexually-assaulted-by-fou
Canadian Man Sexually Assaulted By Four Women, Showing Rape Goes Both Ways
A man was sexually assaulted by 4 women, and the consequences of his coming forward to report the incident shows just how far we have to come when it comes to the sexual assault of men. ...
: r-women-showing-rape-goes-both-ways

: Canadian Man Sexually Assaulted By Four Women, Showing Rape Goes Both Ways
: A 19-year-old man has come forward and reported his own sexual assault that
: took place March 30 in Toronto. The report singles out four women as the
: assailants, highlighting not only the brutality of the assault, but the
: bravery of the victim to come forward in a world where sexual assault against
: men is rarely reported.


: Allegedly, the victim was alone the night of the assault until he met the
: women at a nightclub. They offered him a ride home, drove a few blocks away
: to a parking lot, and sexually assaulted the man. When they were finished,
: they drove him a few blocks further and let him out of the car.
: While it took the victim a week to report the assault, the stigma he faces as
: a male victim could have prevented him from doing so altogether. According to
: a 2003 report, 8% of all adult sexual assault victims in Canada were men, but
: the number is probably much higher.


: "Other men will say for example, 'Oh, he’s so lucky,' like that was actually
: a positive thing when it wasn't," said Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis
: Centres coordinator Nicole Pietsch. "I think that that just feeds into the
: myth that sexual violence is something the victim wants."

某OOXX協會的OOXX指出 : "幹,超爽der~~" 這是一般大眾對於男性遭受性侵時常出現的

: Rape culture persists across the gender spectrum and presents in the same
: manner. Victim-blaming runs rampant, as it did in the Steubenville case. But
: take a look at a few Twitter posts, and you may see something a little
: different arises when the victim is male (trigger warning)

後面沒啥重要就不翻惹,簡單說來就是。 "如果早知道男性也會被性侵...."

:╭──╮ ╮    ╭ ╭──╮╭──╮╭──╮╭──╮:
:│       │  ╭╯ │      │      │      │      :
:│       ├─╮   │  ─╮├──  │  ─╮│  ─╮:
:│       │  ╰╮ │    ││      │    ││    │:
:╰──╯ ╯    ╰ ╰──╯╰──╯╰──╯╰──╯:      Edited by ckgegg

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※ 編輯: ckgegg          來自:      (08/18 19:44)
bybe:靠 也要看怎樣吧1F 08/18 19:43
QBey:四個大小威廉絲2F 08/18 19:44
v1020304:杰哥 不要阿杰哥3F 08/18 19:44
yoseii:裡面好像提到四個 190 ~ 200 磅的女人,除此之外沒有其他4F 08/18 19:44
newstyle:黃嘉千老公夏克立曾在某個節目說他年輕在加拿大會被女生6F 08/18 19:45
y77:是3月吧8F 08/18 19:50
多謝 看錯了(掩面)
※ 編輯: ckgegg          來自:      (08/18 19:51)
cloud72426:要看被誰 如果被dream girl kobe會有人報案嗎9F 08/18 19:56
discoveryray:如果早知道淑惠阿姨也會...10F 08/18 19:57

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