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※ 本文為 pIopbxBIj9RB 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-19 08:07:10
看板 Gossiping
作者 gecer (gecer)
標題 Re: [問卦] 有沒有正妹會強姦男生的八卦
時間 Sun Aug 18 19:18:41 2013

Canadian Man Sexually Assaulted By Four Women, Showing Rape Goes Both Ways
A man was sexually assaulted by 4 women, and the consequences of his coming forward to report the incident shows just how far we have to come when it comes to the sexual assault of men. ...

Canadian Man Sexually Assaulted By Four Women, Showing Rape Goes Both Ways

A 19-year-old man has come forward and reported his own sexual assault that
took place March 30 in Toronto. The report singles out four women as the
assailants, highlighting not only the brutality of the assault, but the
bravery of the victim to come forward in a world where sexual assault against
men is rarely reported.

一位加拿大19歲男子自白曾經被4位女性於多倫多強暴 而且強暴過程非常殘忍 但是這位男

子還是勇敢的自白 ....其餘請點內文

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QBey:Is it good to drink1F 08/18 19:19
tyrande:喔喔 這我以前就看過了2F 08/18 19:19
Dayton119:夢想3F 08/18 19:19
e1q3z9c7:your english is very good4F 08/18 19:20
a741085:中間文法有點怪怪的  不過還可以啦~5F 08/18 19:20
mindming:沒翻譯。掰掰6F 08/18 19:20
r0ck123:this is a book7F 08/18 19:20
ams9:英文好了不起哦 X8F 08/18 19:20
guhong:you的英文強9F 08/18 19:21
cloud72426:沒縮網址 沒翻譯 你來亂的?10F 08/18 19:22
zh9070:不明覺厲...11F 08/18 19:25
a98765s:bye~~~~~~~~~12F 08/18 19:26
man790810:我19歲的時候在幹嘛嗚嗚13F 08/18 19:27
※ 編輯: gecer           來自:      (08/18 19:31)
mindming:板規第六條  你要被劣退了14F 08/18 19:28
yoseii:裡面也沒有什麼內容呀 ... 看不出來哪裡殘忍15F 08/18 19:42
bestlove5566:有剁懶叫嗎?16F 08/18 21:47
Honor1984:如果女的有愛滋病 才比較勁爆17F 08/19 06:52

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