※ 本文為 resaga 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-07-05 11:02:26
看板 PublicIssue
作者 標題 Re: [情報] 諾富特飯店事件CNN製作人有回覆了!!
時間 Sat Jul 5 10:20:20 2014
CNN iReport 裡最新一則的留言大意是:
1. 蘋果日報不正派、以報導扭曲的事實出名
2. 入住飯店的當事人違法、犯規
3. 入住飯店的當事人形跡可疑、當時可能正在房內安裝、製造炸彈
There is no media in Taiwan that is fact checked. appledaily is notorious for
writing biased reports and their credibility is no better than gossip
2 people checked in two rooms. at midnight 5 more people entered the hotel
and stayed in the room. there are video footage that these people were using
stairwells reserved for fire escape. the hotel tried to contact the room by
phone and there was no answer. they went to the door and ask the guests to
identify themselves and register as per hotel policy and the guests refused
to open the door or comply.
1. 7 people tried to stay in one room. these are cheapskates. they not broke
the law 'defrauding the innkeeper' and they exceed maximum occupancy allowed
for the room.
2. an foreign government official is staying in the hotel. these people acted
suspiciously, broke the law, and refused hotel's request to comply with hotel
policies. Imagine Obama staying at the hotel. i'm sure the FBI would have
done the same thing. these people could be been building a bomb inside their
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicIssue/M.1404526823.A.EEA.html
※ 同主題文章:
06-29 21:45 ■ Re: [情報] 諾富特飯店事件CNN製作人有回覆了!!
● 07-05 10:20 ■ Re: [情報] 諾富特飯店事件CNN製作人有回覆了!!
07-05 13:05 ■ Re: [情報] 諾富特飯店事件CNN製作人有回覆了!!
→ :這不是誰都可以上去寫的嗎?1F 07/05 10:22
→ :製造炸彈哩 哪來放棄治療的白癡....2F 07/05 10:23
→ :CNN有他們自己的判斷能力3F 07/05 10:25
→ :若有炸彈,怎麼沒看到有人穿防爆衣?4F 07/05 10:36
→ :若有炸彈,國安局是不能在入住前就先控制?
→ :若有2個假設不成立,恐怕飯店人員有線民?
→ :若有炸彈,國安局是不能在入住前就先控制?
→ :若有2個假設不成立,恐怕飯店人員有線民?
推 :這個留言超沒說服力7F 07/05 10:47
→ :黨國花錢請人在各種埸合抹8F 07/05 11:01
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1489
作者 mself 的最新發文:
- 7F 4推
- 18F 9推
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- CNN iReport 裡最新一則的留言大意是: 1. 蘋果日報不正派、以報導扭曲的事實出名 2. 入住飯店的當事人違法、犯規 3. 入住飯店的當事人形跡可疑、當時可能正在房內安裝、製造炸彈 留言者 …8F 1推
- "this belongs on CNN" 仍然可以按,剛才我才按了這個選項。 我按了之後,按鈕也是變成不能按。 也許是這個每人都只能按一次的設計,讓原 po 有所誤解。 這則 i …5F 4推
1樓 時間: 2014-07-05 13:48:15 (台灣)
07-05 13:48 TW