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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-11-26 20:06:53
看板 Gossiping
作者 righthandcat (小右貓)
標題 Re: [新聞] 台女遊泰被欺負…提早7小時抵達等入住 
時間 Sun Nov 26 14:18:09 2017








結果他們就跳針是他們的權利,吵到很多入住的房客= =












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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Q6boa30 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1511677092.A.0C0.html
wuyiulin: 噗1F 11/26 14:18
wuyiulin: 這種人被嗆剛好而已
MissFaye: 遊走地球。那還是滾回火星吧3F 11/26 14:20
MissFaye: #覺醒的力量

幹XD 還有這個:
imsphzzz: 三寶奧客啊5F 11/26 14:21
※ 編輯: righthandcat (, 11/26/2017 14:23:36
imsphzzz: 怎麼不鬧大飯店,想看她被轟出來6F 11/26 14:22
MissFaye: #請分享一個人如何秀下限7F 11/26 14:22
MissFaye: #她的#好多
ShitHappens: 泰國不知道欠她多少?9F 11/26 14:22
QQ890829: 這樣宣傳 她的粉絲會不會暴增R  看了一下照片覺得..10F 11/26 14:24
serrier: 不會去馬路坐啊?想省錢?那當初不會在機場休息啊11F 11/26 14:25
amos30627: hashtag現在被一堆白癡給亂用12F 11/26 14:25
uranus0125: #想佔大家便宜13F 11/26 14:27
darkcake: #洋男友很佛心 #拜託別放生14F 11/26 14:27
sionxp: 根本 奧客15F 11/26 14:30
love12548: #想吃早餐沒有位置#被台灣人佔用早餐位置16F 11/26 14:31
scarofwind: 台女 呵呵17F 11/26 14:32
behideyou24: 棒19F 11/26 14:42
behideyou24: 呵呵
light20735: 不要臉21F 11/26 14:44
leon099: #真心想凹人22F 11/26 14:46
sinscanim: …炒新聞啦 靠犧牲台灣人的觀光形象來吵粉絲專頁啊23F 11/26 14:46
junnn: 台灣奧到國際知名 這幾年國民經濟早就萎縮不到行 窮山惡水24F 11/26 14:59
zxcvbnmnbvcx: 台女真棒25F 11/26 15:05
kirino825481: CCR水準...ㄏㄏ不意外26F 11/26 15:10
NaaL: 這是11/2的,所以德國駐泰大使館怎麼說呀~ #好奇28F 11/26 15:20
ajan007: 真是優質29F 11/26 15:38
orfan: hasgtag真的好笑XD30F 11/26 15:40
gp03dan: #include31F 11/26 16:17
MJdavid: 有點像泰國人耶32F 11/26 16:36
susanna026: 覺得 不會是靠這套 用一顆星 來討錢?33F 11/26 16:38
apple00: 這男的吧?34F 11/26 17:05

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1079 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b leon999su 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2017-11-26 21:03:51 (台灣)
  11-26 21:03 TW
第二:妳們5:30左右就要check in(旅官貴訂住房時間下午1點到隔日中午12點)人家通融讓妳們在旅館大廳休息1小時並讓妳們使用wifi
公平一些。老闆的解釋如下: Hello
I am sunny the owner of home hug hostel in Bangkok my staff just told me about the video and the story which the lady write on her page and I read it all. Thank you so much for understanding our point view and show to other people. I am running 3 hostels in Bangkok from last 3 years and from my over all experience I have never seen lady like this. First thing is that they book the wrong room but still when they arrive to hostel my staff told them the he will fix it for them no problem in that. Second thing is that they came around 5:30 am for check in then my staff told them that they take a little rest use the toilet use WiFi for 1 hr. But after that they have to leave because we have to serve the breakfast to our costumer and it's a small hostel we not have enough space specially when we are full of 40 guest's. That time they not say anything and when it's 7 am my staff told them that they have to leave now for few hours but can leave the luggage in hostel lobby and back at 10 am when the breakfast time is finish that time she start arguing with staff that they not leave. 30 min. My staff try to solve the problem but when he cannot handle he called me so I went to hostel with my broken leg and you can see the video also that I am holding stick while I have an accident last week. When I go there firstly I try to explain them also softly that you cannot stay here till 10 am but she is so loud and aggressive that some of my guests are also wake up and come down. After 20 min. I call the tourist police so they can handle the position if I want I can call local police which cannot speak English but I call the tourist police so they can explain and understand both. When the police also arrive she is loud with the police also that they get angry and told them that go to the local police station till that point also I want finish this all and I offer them that I will refund all our money which you paid to hostel world also plus I offer then that I give you taxi money also which is 600 baht total please go and find some other place but she say she want 2000 baht. Then police also understand that she want extra money that's why she make drama. Then we'll go to the local police station and I spend 4 hrs. There with my broken leg and holding the stick. Do you think I am so stupid that make this all for only 600 baht ? While I am running 3 hostels . Local police also try to explain her that their is no crime and we cannot make any report if you want to file the complaint you can do it we stamp it then you go to the lawyer and make case on hostel. And if you see the police report which I share also they write that want almost 500000 baht from. In police station also she start making video of police while talking with them so the police also get angry on her and at the end police told her that you can to you embassy we cannot help you for this.
So this is the full story which happen. I am happy to see what you write so other people can read also. I don't know why she angry when I say that she is Chinese in police station also she shout on police officer that she not Chinese.
She say she have 7000 point on Google and when I see on Google almost ever review she give to hostel and hotel she write very bad. So this mean very one in wrong only she is right. She is trying to get extra money from everyone while travelling around.
Anyways thanks once again. God bless you always.
2樓 時間: 2017-11-27 07:42:47 (台灣)
  11-27 07:42 TW
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