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※ 本文為 memy 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-03-14 14:35:58
看板 LoL
作者 Anzar (是一隻安薩)
標題 Re: [閒聊] 今天是圖片分享
時間 Wed Mar 14 14:09:25 2012


 路徑是 \GarenaLoLTW\GameData\Apps\LoLTW\Air\assets\images\champions
 在 \GarenaLoLTW\GameData\Apps\LoLTW\Game\DATA\Characters





http://ppt.cc/0un~  現在就是使用這張取代原本圖片
League of Legends: Orianna by *Erina on deviantART
Durhur OTL I am addicted to this game, and more importantly, addicted to Orianna. Probably the funnest champion to play. Anyways, this started off as a ... ...

http://ppt.cc/qER0 剛出的刺客,很有質感


http://ppt.cc/,BaH 印象中這個作者是台灣人,當然要幫推
Ahri by ~LasterKing on deviantART
League of legends fanart, Ahri. ...

Ahri by ~naturaljuice on deviantART
A character of the game ----" League of Legends " I love her. ...


http://ppt.cc/A96~ 超可愛的,我一定要換這張
Browsing deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...


http://ppt.cc/2oX~ 使用中,與奧莉安娜同一作者,期待他的新作品
Succubus Morgana by *Erina on deviantART
Hi, lol I actually had this 90% finished for the looonnngest time. I just finally got around drawing the hand while taking a break from commissions. Her... ...


http://ppt.cc/g5yi 捲捲毛~~
League of Legends---Leona by ~TEnmoom on deviantART
software : Photoshop about 25hours Leona is the first female tank, HA! ...


http://ppt.cc/gNw2 畫工非常精緻,職業水準
Miss Fortune by ~achibner on deviantART
Hey look! I finished something that I can post! This is supposed to be an interpretation of Miss Fortune, a champion from the game League of Legends. I ... ...


Janna - The Storm's Fury by ~Shiraw on deviantART
here we go x3 just a little, yeah "warm up" before i'll start my art folder^^ nahhh the outlines aren't drawn by me, a good friend sent it to me and sai... ...

http://ppt.cc/i5q_ 秘書!
Browsing deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...


Browsing deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...

http://ppt.cc/0TaO 克勞德
+Riven Cloud+ by *Orenji-kun on deviantART
Riven from league of legends in Cloud's SOLDIER 1st class outfit just thought they shared some interesting traits... finished this in Livestream : ) Riv... ...

http://ppt.cc/WS_N 這張的刀子好像有點莫名的怪異
riven the exile from LoL by ~bonnifairy on deviantART
riven the exile from league of legends (you can download the game from [link] it is free) happy face runes ! 11th jan - i'm not personally happy with th... ...


http://ppt.cc/3YDd 這張很棒,我要改這個人像圖
Shyvana by ~kancent on deviantART
I always turn my random anatomy sketches into a league character for some reason.. Dem freakishly long bayonetta esque legs Shyvana ult bar at half or s... ...


http://ppt.cc/rH~Y 很精緻的人像畫
battle mistress doodle by ~yumedust on deviantART
Fanart I did of Leage of Legend's Sivir last year (before I was working with Riot) Photoshop CS3, cintiq ...


http://ppt.cc/6QQ2 目前看到最棒的凱特琳
Browsing deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...

http://ppt.cc/HJNK 其實我只想要知道這張是不是**了
Caitlyn The Sheriff of Piltove by ~YunsamaTH on deviantART
Caitlyn The Sheriff of Piltover,champion for game League of Legends. If possible I would like to draw all of female charater ...

http://ppt.cc/RX,q Q版,但是眼神有點見鬼
LoL - Caitlyn by ~tenzeru-chan on deviantART
Another LoL chibi ^^ I hope you guys like it, this is Caitlyn 'The Sheriff of Piltover' and one of my fav characters~ Next one will be Sona, MF and Akal... ...

http://ppt.cc/u46G 你可能覺得伊瑞的圖比較多一點點..
League of Legends : Irelia by ~Philiera on deviantART
This artwork for Anna Nemenshaya. League of Legends character Irelia by Phila 2012 ...

http://ppt.cc/~RHF 日式風格
Irelia by *urusai-baka on deviantART
Hi guys! This is Irelia from the game League of Legends. She is my favorite character to play. I spent soo long on this picture. Hope you guys like it! ... ...

http://ppt.cc/HiRB 這一張跟上一張我看不懂誰才是原作,所以都放
Just my Irelia Wallpaper by ~AliceInChaos on deviantART
I asked some friends to make me a Irelia wallpaper and they resized some of Irelia Splash arts, so I decided to make one myself. Oh, should I put a typo... ...

http://ppt.cc/_1Bd 這個一直讓我想到吉良吉影

http://ppt.cc/tq1E 非常希望有人能作這組skin
Blade Goddess Irelia by *Erina on deviantART
Yeahh, something I did because people wanted me to try making an Irelia skin, but after I got 50% finished did Riot release Winged Hussar Xin Zhao D8. W... ...

http://ppt.cc/rQkO 女僕伊瑞,可以搭配之前介紹的女僕skin服用
Irelia, the First Rozen Maiden by ~k3lp0 on deviantART
Wikipedia misled me into watching the series (It's kind of crap.... except for the OVA, it's so touching) But I slowly got to realize that Suigintou is ... ...

http://ppt.cc/iCb3 沒大圖太可惜了,只能用來當簽名檔使用

http://ppt.cc/O9NM 推薦這張,準備改來當預設圖
Irelia The Will of The Blades by ~andrislolita on deviantART
kinda hook up with this game big time.... she is my favourite character so far League of Legeds, Riot Games ...

Female Xerath by ~Penett on deviantART
hmm....should I check mature content? ...


Female shaco by ~Penett on deviantART
Shaco.... actually, shaco is not a girl ...

If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave
this world knowing the same, then everything that happens
in between can be dealt with.
                                         - Michael Jackson


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◆ From:
※ 編輯: Anzar           來自:       (03/14 14:10)
linceass    :(右鍵中...1F 03/14 14:11
Blitzcrank  :還真的都是女角...2F 03/14 14:14
linceass    :Ire那張的大圖我記得小鳥臉有分享3F 03/14 14:14
memy        :http://disp.cc/b/381-3jqF#!381-3jH24F 03/14 14:14
Re: [閒聊] 今天是圖片分享 - LoL板 - Disp BBS
 這兩週不能打電動,所以沒事都在找圖想把所有的圖片都換掉 這些圖可以放在champion目錄下面取代png小圖跟jpg大圖 路徑是 \GarenaLoLTW\GameData\Apps\LoLTW\Air\assets\images\champions 記得要先備份原檔案以防萬一 高興的話也 ... ...
potionx     :開燈沒東西 O@O http://i.imgur.com/DRu9s.jpg5F 03/14 14:15
vn801244    :關燈沒東西   這不是安薩6F 03/14 14:15
minoru      :阿姆姆畫個綾波零就好了(誤)7F 03/14 14:17
linceass    :http://i.imgur.com/IeTA5.jpg 大圖8F 03/14 14:19
Anzar       :大圖的原網址在哪邊可否給我?我想寫信給作者9F 03/14 14:20
donkey5566  :這不是安薩 被盜帳號了10F 03/14 14:20
Anzar       :為什麼我這樣就要被噓啊!!!!!11F 03/14 14:22
venvendoggy :不是女僕伊瑞  是薔薇少女水銀燈12F 03/14 14:27
chigo520    :水銀燈SKIN是哪一篇 看到突然想買伊瑞了XD13F 03/14 14:28
fearimba    :應該是主席沒錯14F 03/14 14:29
potionx     :你可以把我的推改成囧!15F 03/14 14:30

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