隱藏 ✕
※ 本文為 ROGANJACK 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-30 16:52:19
作者 GloriaChen (Gloria)
標題 Re: [情報] 少女時代五週年party後記(翻譯)(補充幾則)
時間 Sun Jul 29 12:25:41 2012


TY: “It was sad that Sunny couldnt be here but fanmeetings with fans are
always fun. Next fanmeet, i hope that all our members are healthy. And I
think we should have our next fanmeet during winter so its not hot like today”


Yoong was going to close the window but people tried to pass gifts to her so
she tried to open the windows again then open the whole windows to accept
gifts . After that many people stuffed gifts to their cars lol



Taeyeon is worry if there are no more SONEs one day.She said in the interview
before that they received too much love and she scare this love will be gone
and she is still worry until now.


Tiffany said “I will exersise hard with Yuri!” And Yuri was like “
Promise!” So Tiffany and Yuri pinkie-swear lol


Sooyoong was like “Look forward to Next album~”


The Boys, Paparazzi, Gee, Complete - Girls sang 4 songs for today’s event.
It was extremely hot today but girls were even more hot!

今天表演了四首:The Boys Paparazzi Gee Complete

Tiffany says, she feels happy when she reads Sonesfan letters.
It gives power and love to  her.


Sooyoung picked a questionarie and that was like “When do you feel
preciousness of members?” And she was like “These days. I shoot drama
without my members these days…
Sometime members come to my shooting place with some gift”


After performing “PAPARAZZI”, girls were too much tired bcuz it’s the
most difficult and hard dancing. But Sones are screming BoomBoomBoom!


Tae, Soo, Yul and Hyo continue decorate their cake while shinyoung is not

paying attention although it’s closing time.


Tiffany says: She’s well-informed in financial investment matters for the
future. She said she wants to have a good big house and nice car~


Taeyeon said she wished to hold every SONEs in her arms and she really

thanked them for coming. She was worried that everything including SONEs who
are so caring will disappear one day.Taeyeon:
“I really love you so much! Really!”



Yuri cheated by starting early and Taeyeon kept on cheating by adding more
things on her cake when the time was over.



I think this is during the'ugly face/photo’ contest segment.
Before revealing Yoona’s one, Kwon Yuri said
"Yoona this picture is interesting.”
In the end when it was revealed, fans were like ah~ its not humiliating at all.
Taeyeon said it’s because Yoona is a female actress
and then Yuri panicked and said 口口口口(韓文無法顯示)
(In that case, what am I!”)
(YulTi’s one was really humiliating)



Jessica was slow as usual and made a really simple cake haha. Yuri was really
ambitious and added a lot of things on the cake.


Funny unseen pics of SNSD members were shown and Sooyoung kept on
appearing with the others. Yuri & Tiffany’s picture was the most hilarious.
Their mouths were distorted because it’s taken with photo booth. Sunny wasn’
t present but they showed a really handsome pic of her in her short blonde
hair. Sooyoung’s was also really funny - it’s her attacking some spaghetti
hungrily with a tee on her head. She explained it saying she was too hungry
when she was taking off her tee and just didn’t bother to finish taking it
off cr: woonieyoongie





There was a gift-giving session in which audience were picked by drawing
lots to have a chance to receive presents from SNSD members. The present were
9 bottles of GIRL perfume and 4 Baby-G watches. Fangirls were hugged by them
and fanboys were given a handshake except Tiffany who hugged a fanboy really
tightly! cr: woonieyoungie


During the last song Complete, we flew pink paper planes as a special event.
It was really nice and Sooyoung Yoona were obviously touched. One of them
picked up a plane and on it wrote why don’t we wear formal suits and dresses
for the next fanmeeting and Yuri said it was a good idea they should give it
a try~ cr: woonieyoongie



During the Q&A session a fan wrote whether they could perform the Minion
Song in concert and tiffany sort of promised us cr: woonieyoongie

在Q&A時間時飯問少時可不可以在演唱會上表演Minion Song,帕尼好像答應了

(Minion Song請參考↓)

Despicable Me 2 | Minions Banana Song (2013) SNSD TTS - YouTube  - - Einfach unverbesserlich - Darsteller / cast: Al Pacino , Jason Segel , Steve Carell , Miranda Cosgrove , Genre: an...




Seo Tif Tae - Minions Banana Song @ Sweet Sorrow radio May 7, 2012 GIRLS' GENERATION Live - YouTube  snsd tts twinkle sweet sorrow radio live taeyeon tiffany seohyun taetiseo kimtaeyeon hwangmiyoung seojoohyun taenyhyun sonyuhshid...


cr:Soshi95 Blogger

(個別來源:Real_Chichinhu, DC_Seeoticon, SYLoveTY,
teamtiffanynet,dorkyuri woonieyoongie)

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◆ From:
nash3833: 帕尼阿~~~~~1F 07/29 12:30
※ 編輯: GloriaChen      來自:       (07/29 12:37)
starbox0703:秀英XDDDDDDDDD2F 07/29 12:38
mowchi:第一則TY不是太妍嗎 怎麼變帕妮了w?3F 07/29 12:45
GloriaChen:感謝,已更正4F 07/29 12:50
mowchi:然後banana song的連結記得)前面要空格 免得打不開5F 07/29 12:53
※ 編輯: GloriaChen      來自:       (07/29 13:01)
CSONE:傻太妍><sone會一直愛著妳們的!!直到永遠!!!權呆好搞笑XDDD6F 07/29 13:02
halousa:正式服裝應該是指像是變裝趴那樣指定穿著吧!謝謝翻譯7F 07/29 14:13
ki01277:我好想要抱抱~~~~~~~~~~8F 07/29 17:36
ppw0828tw:傻太妍~~~我們會永遠愛你們的!!!9F 07/29 19:23
cgfu3:太妍啊~~~~~怎麼會這樣想呢>"< 我們一定會一直愛你們的!!!!!10F 07/29 22:10
savenckugo:傻太妍啊~~我們會一直一直愛著你的11F 07/29 23:02
doggy2009:傻太妍啊~ 我們一定會一直喜歡少時不會變心!!!!!!!!!!12F 07/30 15:50

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