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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-22 09:30:08
看板 Stock
作者 Severine (賽非茵)
標題 [新聞] 鮑威爾說Fed將採取必要措施解決通膨問題
時間 Tue Mar 22 03:05:02 2022


Powell says 'inflation is much too high' and the Fed will take 'necessary
steps' to address.



發布時間:MON, MAR 21 202212:30 PM EDT



‧Fed Chairman Jerome Powell vowed tough action on inflation, which he said
  jeopardizes the recovery.


‧Powell said the Fed will continue to hike rates until inflation comes
  under control, and could get even more aggressive than last week’s increase,
  which was the first in more than three years.


‧He noted those rate rises could go from the traditional 25 basis point
  moves to more aggressive 50 basis point increases if necessary.


Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Monday vowed tough action on
inflation, which he said jeopardizes an otherwise strong economic recovery.


“The labor market is very strong, and inflation is much too high,” the
central bank leader said in prepared remarks for the National Association for
Business Economics.

(National Association for Business Economics)準備的講話中表示.

The speech comes less than a week after the Fed raised interest rates for the
first time in more than three years in an attempt to battle inflation that is
running at its highest level in 40 years.


Reiterating a position the Federal Open Market Committee made Wednesday in
its post-meeting statement, Powell said interest rate hikes would continue
until inflation is under control. He said the increases could be even higher
if necessary than the quarter-percentage point move approved at the meeting.


“We will take the necessary steps to ensure a return to price stability,”
 he said. “In particular, if we conclude that it is appropriate to move more
aggressively by raising the federal funds rate by more than 25 basis points
at a meeting or meetings, we will do so. And if we determine that we need to
tighten beyond common measures of neutral and into a more restrictive stance,
we will do that as well.”


A basis point is equal to 0.01%. FOMC officials indicated that 25 basis point
increases are likely at each of their remaining six meetings this year.
However, markets are pricing in about a 50-50 chance the next hike, at the
May meeting, could be 50 basis points.

一個基點等於0.01% .聯邦公開市場委員會(FOMC)官員表示,今年餘下的6次會議中,每次都

Stocks slipped to their lows of the session after Powell’s remarks while
Treasury yields rose.


Widely underestimated inflation"

The sudden policy tightening comes with inflation as measured by the consumer
price index running at 7.9% on a 12-month basis. A gauge that the Fed prefers
still has prices up 5.2%, well above the central bank’s 2% target.

突襲式的緊縮政策,起因於12個月7.9% 的通貨膨脹.美聯儲參考的指標顯示,房價仍然上
漲了5.2% ,遠高於美聯儲2% 的目標.

As he has before, Powell ascribed much of the pressures coming from Covid
pandemic-specific factors, in particular escalated demand for goods over
services that supply could not meet. He conceded that Fed officials and many
economists “widely underestimated” how long those pressures would last.


While those aggravating factors have persisted, the Fed and Congress provided
more than $10 trillion in fiscal and monetary stimulus since the pandemic’s
start. Powell said he continues to believe that inflation will drift back to
the Fed’s target, but it’s time for the historically easy policies to end.


“It continues to seem likely that hoped-for supply-side healing will come
over time as the world ultimately settles into some new normal, but the
timing and scope of that relief are highly uncertain,” said Powell, whose
official title now is chairman pro tempore as he awaits Senate confirmation
for a second term. “In the meantime, as we set policy, we will be looking to
actual progress on these issues and not assuming significant near-term
supply-side relief.”


Powell also addressed the Russian invasion of Ukraine, saying it is adding to
supply chain and inflation pressures. Under normal circumstances, the Fed
generally would look through those types of events and not alter policy.
However, with the outcome unclear, he said policymakers have to be wary of
the situation.


“In normal times, when employment and inflation are close to our objectives,
monetary policy would look through a brief burst of inflation associated with
commodity price shocks,” he said. “However, the risk is rising that an
extended period of high inflation could push longer-term expectations
uncomfortably higher, which underscores the need for the Committee to move
expeditiously as I have described.”

他表示: “在正常時期,當就業和通膨接近我們的目標時,貨幣政策將審視與大宗商品價格

心得/評論:                             ※必需填寫滿30字,無意義者板規處分

比起上一篇的逐字稿 這篇是CNBC整理的.

奇怪這不是之前就溝通過的嗎 XD

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jjjjjjs     : 好的 baba 快跌1F 03/22 03:06
Severine    : 你心經抄不夠喔 整天心懸BABA2F 03/22 03:08
jjjjjjs     : 哥 有一個夢想 空到baba 下市3F 03/22 03:11
hijacker    : 不如5月直接升到2%好了4F 03/22 03:26
wendellchen : 算了啦 鴕鳥鮑 通膨肯定沒救了5F 03/22 03:35
wendellchen : 笑他不敢
walkwall    : 這樣股市還不躺平?7F 03/22 03:36
jyan97      : 他還有說短期通膨消不掉,勞動力市場難以解決,等8F 03/22 03:41
jyan97      : 於是這兩年很可能會持續高通膨
jyan97      : 升息也沒用
jyan97      : 要有心理準備企業獲利會有不少修正
laba5566    : 要快速解決通膨很容易ㄌ 只是他不敢而已 繼續party12F 03/22 03:55
guilty13    : 跟老川金主妥協 opec增產 一下就解決通膨壓力了13F 03/22 03:57
guilty13    : 第一項  等於不用選舉了 必輸
guilty13    : 第二項  你要端出什麼東西去換人加增產?
ymlin0331   : 之前不要大放水不就沒事了?16F 03/22 04:18
swanc       : 用升息強迫還不出利息的人出來當勞工。先無限QE讓你17F 03/22 05:21
swanc       : 爽 再用升息逼你上班www
kkchen      : 利空出盡了?19F 03/22 05:22
thbygn98    : 就三不五時提醒一下,投資人畢竟健忘20F 03/22 05:26
ptta        : 他話一說完,美股就跌了快1%,不過最後有拉回來21F 03/22 05:34
ru8bj6      : 操咧,你說這個垃圾沒炒股我還真不信22F 03/22 05:37
joice76x    : 以FED的調性 這是在跟市場溝通 5月就是升兩碼了23F 03/22 05:41
lynos       : 鮑威爾和華爾街走太近了24F 03/22 05:43
lynos       : 炒股心態沒有放下,不會大幅升息
lynos       : 但是通膨會更加嚴重
lynos       : 通膨率會看到15%
playoneLa   : 什麼15趴,我看到150趴28F 03/22 06:07
lynos       : 油價,農產品,還會再噴29F 03/22 06:08
iamhappyQ   : 老鮑這種溝通只會增加市場不安和投機心態30F 03/22 06:11
lynos       : 炒股的,不會醒31F 03/22 06:13
lynos       : 玉米,黃豆,又要創新高了
lynos       : 4月通膨若再噴出,大家皮要繃緊
AGODC       : 放水放到爽不是?早知如此何必當初34F 03/22 06:27
royli       : 老鮑別在演了,鴿本35F 03/22 06:30
allenmusic  : 很會演 一堆人這次qe行情 提早退出勞動市場了36F 03/22 06:43
cir78918    : 6丁跟baba槓上了,不是6丁死就是baba亡37F 03/22 06:46
agoodjob    : 希望一次升兩碼至少三四次38F 03/22 06:48
laechan     : 翻譯:我他媽空單快被嘎爆了39F 03/22 06:54
ck326       : 所以我就說,一堆人在那邊什麼已反應40F 03/22 06:59
ck326       : 可以其實大部分的時候真的發生了都還會在反應XDDD
pttano      : powell:好的,先升一碼嚇嚇你42F 03/22 07:03
AustinRivers: 好了啦 要做啊43F 03/22 07:03
JuiFu617    : 希望一次升10碼至少三四次44F 03/22 07:05
paul10404   : 解決通膨你的利率調到比通膨率高就好了,一直在放話45F 03/22 07:13
k798976869  : 不就升息 結果升那麼少46F 03/22 07:14
killerking05: 不敢升息,那就快速縮表阿..47F 03/22 07:15
jasontzymann: 升一碼而已一直放話?48F 03/22 07:25
mcucte      : 慢吞吞,再玩一會兒,一直吹大泡沫,真智障49F 03/22 07:27
mcucte      : 敗登黨大輸
chris2246   : 就只會放話51F 03/22 07:28
r30385      : 美國臭鮑52F 03/22 07:28
dslite      : 反正 美股不會跌53F 03/22 07:32
king22649   : 只會放話54F 03/22 07:33
AllenAline  : 幹話王55F 03/22 07:33
rohank      : 好了啦~吹了一年多只升一碼,還敢嗆聲?56F 03/22 07:34
p155239     : 講那麼多 還不快點升息57F 03/22 07:35
otom        : 笑你不敢58F 03/22 07:40
Shigeru777  : CPI要8%了 結果利率還在0%水準59F 03/22 07:42
TheGame     : 嘉偉救我60F 03/22 07:45
kducky      : 趕快增產頁岩油就好啦61F 03/22 07:51
a200ea200e  : 說半天結果上周也只加一碼 搞笑嗎?62F 03/22 07:58
angel1980   : 下次升2碼的機率高?63F 03/22 07:59
Dirgo       : 下次也是五月了,現在沒你的事惹.64F 03/22 08:08
toshiba5566 : 美聯儲就是廢物,光說不練65F 03/22 08:10
WalkinCloud : 笑屎人的臭鲍66F 03/22 08:18
puyo        : 期中選舉到了 他能升嗎?67F 03/22 08:21
walkwall    : 以往升息股市會漲  是因為FED感受到景氣復甦才敢升68F 03/22 08:21
walkwall    : 現在是直接告訴你  升息是因為通膨預期  這樣還不膨
walkwall    : 就沒天理了
happyking   : 成長性通膨 或 停滯性通膨 亦或混合71F 03/22 08:26
p8331407    : 沒關係兩碼房價噴更兇72F 03/22 08:30
Infinair    : 來看看今年美國房市會不會崩崩,科科73F 03/22 08:32
evilhorn    : 沒真的漲都屁話74F 03/22 08:39
everyy      : 但尾盤又整個拉起來,感覺市場還是認為老鮑近期不會75F 03/22 08:39
everyy      : 那麼激進?而且上禮拜話講的那麼好聽現在又講成這
everyy      : 樣,是不是又想要炒股了
andy79323   : 通膨只是... 讓米股再次偉大78F 03/22 08:44
mopigou     : 三個月前不是說還好,專家79F 03/22 08:58
leon771170  : 崩崩泥溝爽歪歪80F 03/22 08:58
harry801030 : 這群垃圾真的沒在操盤?81F 03/22 09:02
z7956234    : https://i.imgur.com/GzvPROe.jpg82F 03/22 09:11
vanprasth   : 通膨8%升一碼 完全不顧一般民眾的生活83F 03/22 09:14

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