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作者 標題 [情報] Stephen Curry仍會想起去年總冠G7的失誤
時間 Tue May 30 09:48:28 2017
Stephen Curry Says He Thinks of Turnover in Game 7 of NBA Finals vs. Cavaliers | Bleacher Report
Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry said Monday he still thinks about a turnover in Game 7 of the NBA Finals last season, when he attempted a beh ...
Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry said Monday he still thinks about a turnover in Game 7 of the NBA Finals last season, when he attempted a beh ...
Warriors' Stephen Curry seeks turnaround performance from 2016 Finals - Golden State Warriors Blog- ESPN
That behind-the-back pass that precipitated the Warriors' Game 7 loss in 2016? Steph Curry is ready to move on. ...
That behind-the-back pass that precipitated the Warriors' Game 7 loss in 2016? Steph Curry is ready to move on. ...
Stephen Curry Says He Thinks of Turnover in Game 7 of NBA Finals vs. Cavaliers
“I know it wasn’t a good pass,” Curry told ESPN as he shook his head from
side to side. It’s a mishap he’s not proud of.
"Yeah, I still think about that [turnover]. [But] in thinking about that
game, it's funny because I know the concept of making the right play, making
a simple play, understanding that there are deciding moments in games and the
difference between winning a championship or not could be one of those plays.
[With that said,] I came out in preseason this year and threw a
behind-the-back pass because I have confidence that I can do it and it won't
change that."
But Curry has no regrets on how he defended Irving.
“You could tell that’s a shot he’s worked on,” Curry said. “I was right
there. Tried not to foul. I stayed in front and contested. He just made an
amazing shot. You have to give him credit. There’s nothing I’d do
differently on that play.”
"You obviously know how much that matters in the scheme of winning a
championship. So, for sure, I understand that when I'm out on the floor, and
especially in the playoffs, if I don't turn the ball over and we're going to
get a shot on every possession down in crunch-time situations, knowing that
the ball is going to be sure in my hands, that's the evolution of the game
that I have to try to master."
“That’s a misconception,” Curry interjected. “It’s one I haven’t talked
about much. I didn’t play well in the Finals last year, but for the most
part, the last two years, I’ve been pretty proud of the way I’ve played.
Just confident and aggressive, knowing that I was out there doing my job. And
I’m my biggest critic, so for me to say that, I feel pretty confident in
"Just having an opportunity to rise to the occasion, knowing this is when
things matter most. But I've been playing pretty solid all year. Whether
people notice it or not, want to talk about it or not or praise it or not, it
doesn't really matter. Now in the bright lights is when you got to continue
to do it, and that's what I'm trying to do. Hopefully for the next three
weeks I can sustain it."
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PBCzmKG (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1496108912.A.510.html
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